The Mansion

Two Worlds Apart

"How much longer?" Nichkhun grumbled. They had been on the car for 5 hours. It was a long and boring trip. And his stomach was rumbling. He had not had a good meal since the time he left his house. The plane food wasn't that delicious after all.

"Be patient," his father was getting a little annoyed as that question was asked for about a millionth time. Finally, after was seemed like an eternity, they reached. The mansion was far away from the city, sitting on the edge of a cliff. Quite stable. His father used to say. It had been there for about a few thousand years, passed down by generations and generations.

Now it was for rent, for the modern generation did not want to live in this ramshackle and gigantic mansion. They preferred the city, not somewhere where birds do not lay eggs. It was in the middle of nowhere. The paint was peeling off, the windows were flying open and close whenever there was wind, and the eerie vines that grew around it, almost like suffocating the mansion, was giving it a creepy aura. Nichkhun did not like it.

A big brass doorknob was hung there, in between two windows that had red velvet curtains that were now dusty and moth-eaten. An adventure! Won't it be interesting? His father said when he told them they were going to live in this old house, when they were in Thailand.

The house seemed to be mocking them, chuckling evilly about their foolishness coming to this house.

Of course, not wanting to be a coward, Nichkhun gathered all the courage he had left in his body and opened the front door. The corridors and dark rooms did not seem inviting enough. He felt around for a light switch and flicked it. The lights flickered and the room brightened up. They were using hanging lights, not the modern LED type. Although it was bright, it did not make Nichkhun feel any better.

Nachjaree rushed in, admiring the design of the house. She liked eerie places, the darker the better. She won't feel that lonely if she could find a spirit to talk to. Nichkhun did not like to talk to her as she would talk about nothing except for ghosts and creepy stuff, and he did not not feel comfortable talking about those. "Ghosts?" Nichkhun scoffed. "Where on Earth are those things? Why don't you show me one?" he chuckled. He would usually say.

Nachjaree began talking again. She must have found a ghost friend. "Cherleen! Stop talking and help us unpack!" Nichkhun yelled. Although Nachjaree was Thai, she could communicate to any spirit no matter what language they speak. She muttered something in Thai and waved, before skipping away to help them. Nichkhun sometimes wondered if she really had a loose screw.


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Chapter 4: huhu..poor vic...she must haunted her ex-fiance right..haha
Chapter 3: Haha..I think that she was being kidnapped by someone...haha
vicqian #3
Chapter 3: Interesting. Someone kill Vic or what? If Vic is ghost then how they will together? Update soon •⌣•
heartkhun26 #4
Chapter 3: is vic a ghost? :D
Chapter 2: vic ghost in this story???
Chapter 1: is really short but I'm anticipated to read more...keep working..fighting:)
hi there..u write about fantasy story...i'm really excited to read it..mind to read my story The One That I's my first fantasy story..:)