Summer Vacation Starts

Avoiding Pretty Boy's Heart [editing]

Chapter 08: Summer Vacation Starts

"Are you really going with pretty boy?" Youngjae asked. Jaein nodded her head as she continued packing her clothes.

"Don't worry oppa, Minah is going with me and Jin has a noona who will also be there," Jaein said placing more clothes into her luggage.

"You better not wonder around and get lost or I will get myself a ticket and fly there to drag you back home," Youngjae said placing his hands on his hips.

"Arrasso umma~" she said.

"And stop being so mean to pretty boy," he added. Jaein stopped and looked at him. She laughed and continued packing.

"And you’re going near the beach, remember to be cautious of what you eat," Youngjae said putting his hands on his hips. "No shrimp!"

"Arrraaaa~~" Jaein said and pushed him out of her room. She changed into some casual clothes and made Youngjae carry her luggage downstairs. Jaein waited and soon Jimin arrived. He grabbed her luggage and placed it at the back of Jin's car. She got in first and sat next to Jungkook because Minah and V were already next to each other lost in deep conversations.

"Take care of her," Youngjae told Jimin. He smiled and nodded.

"She has like a adventurous animal in her," Youngjae noted. "So always watch her. And if anything happens to Jaein. I'm coming for you first. That should be all- oh no, and don’t let her eat anything involving with shrimp. She’s allergic to it. closes up and it gets hard for her to breath. She has her inhaler with her in case that happens. So please as her brother, take care of her. Other than that have fun~"

"A-ah deh Youngjae hyung," Jimin bowed and entered the car sitting next to Jaein. Jaein had hid this from many people, but she found out she had fallen for pretty boy after all. She didn't know why and when, but she just ended up falling for him. She kept it quiet of course and well tried to avoid looking at him as much as possible. She would always tell herself that she doesn't like him. But then ends up always thinking about him. It was a couple of hours on the long drive to the beach resort, but they finally reached it. Jin stepped out first being greeted by his father's workers.

"Hello Seok Jin," they all bowed.

"Where's my father?" he asked.

"He's in his office," one replied.

"Please take my friend's luggage to their rooms," Jin said. They nodded and grabbed all the luggage.

"JIN!" a girl attacked him and messed with his hair.

"AISH! NOONA!" Jin yelled and pushed her off.

"Is that how you treat me?!" she yelled and hit his head.

"Ahji noona is really hyper today~" Jungkook said. She greeted them all and looked at Jaein and Minah.

"Oh so which two of you finally got the courage to ask girls out?" Ahji asked. BTS all stared at Jimin and V.

"Jimin? V?" Ahji widened her eyes.

"Ahni! We're not dating! We're just friends!" the four all protested.

"Sure~~~" Ahji rolled her eyes and walked up to Jaein and Minah putting her hand out. "I'm Kim Ahji, Jin's older sister."

"Ah, i'm Yoo Jaein," Jaein smiled and shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you Ahji.”

“I’m Baek Minah,” Minah smiled and shook her hand.

They entered the hotel and the workers showed them their room. Ahji, Jaein, and Minah shared one room, while Jin, Suga, and Rap Monster shared one and J-Hope, V, Jimin, and Jungkook shared another.

"So how did you two meet BTS?" Ahji asked. “Well the two guys to more specific.”

"Ah, it was during PE," Jaein started first. "I accidently hit Jimin's face with the volleyball."

Ahji laughed and looked at Jaein. "Really?"

Jaein nodded her head.

"I always wanted to hit someone in the face with a ball other than Jin," she said and sat down on Jaein's bed. "So do you like Jimin?"

"Ahni, we're just friends," Jaein replied trying not to sound so nervous.

“She’s lying~~” Minah whispered.

“I am not!” Jaein said and threw the pillow at Minah. She caught it and laughed.

“Well, does he like you?"

"Does following me throughout school count?" Jaein asked.

"He follows you around school?!" Ahji widened her eyes. "I never knew Jimin was like that~"

"Well he is," Jaein replied.

"You must be very special to him then for him to follow you~~" Ahji smiled and looked at Minah. “It’s your turn! How did you meet V?”

“I met him through Jaein,” she replied with a smile.

“Of course you’re going to deny this also, but do you like V?”

“I do,” Minah said. Ahji widened her eyes.

“Then why are you two not dating yet?” Ahji asked along with Jaein.

“Well, ah I want him to confess to me,” Minah said. "It could be a one-side love for me.”

“Psh, one-sided?” Jaein asked. “Girl have you seen the way you two look like when you guys are both in convos?”

Minah blushed and hid her face with the pillow.

Ahji and Jaein laughed at her cuteness.

“UNNIES!!” Minah whined and lay down on her bed.

"We should head out, i'll tour you two around the resort~" Ahji offered.

"Deh~" the two girls nodded in return and they left their room. They headed to the lobby and noticed that BTS was already there.

"What took you two so long?" Jin asked.

"We were just getting to know each other more," Ahji replied. "Anyways, i'm taking Jaein and Minah on a tour~ you guys can go ahead and do whatever you idiots want."

Ahji dragged Jaein and Minah away out of the hotel. The place was beautiful. Ahji explained to them every part and bits of the resort. They passed by some workers and they bowed at Ahji.

"Are you hungry?" Ahji asked. Jaein shrugged, "Not as much.”

“Well I kind of skipped breakfast this morning,” Minah rubbed her stomach.

They entered a restaurant and the workers greeted Ahji.

"Um, can i get 3 plates of the special for today?" Ahji asked. The worker nodded and left as they took a seat. After a couple of minutes they came back with multiple plates, and at last, the main dish.

"Woah, this is the special?" Minah asked. Ahji nodded her head. Jaein decided to eat the side dishes first, and then head off to the main dish. While Minah just devoured everything.

"This is really good!" Jaein smiled. "What is it?"

"Steak with shrimp sauce," Ahji replied. Jaein paused.

"S-shrimp?" she asked. Ahji nodded her head and whispered, "Shrimp is our special ingredient here in the restaurant."

She didn't want to spit it out in front of Ahji and Minah. Jaein didn't want Ahji to think badly of her. So she did her best and swallowed it down. She quickly grabbed a cup of water and drank it down coughing on the way.

"Oh my! Are you okay?" Ahji asked. Jaein nodded her head. She was lucky she didn't eat a lot yet, or she would've suffered a worst pain. She then slowly swallowed down the water just to calm a bit. She still had little coughs though and it was getting quite difficult for her to breathe. They finished and exited the restaurant, and continued the tour. Jaein was still coughing.

“Ah, can we go back to the hotel?” Jaein asked. She felt her face was really hot and sweat was forming on her forehead.

“Are you okay Jaein?” Minah asked.

“You guys can continue the tour, I just forgot something from the hotel,” Jaein said walking back towards the hotel.

“Jaein! The hotel is far from here!” Ahji yelled. Jaein ignored her and continued. She couldn’t run, because that would cause to close up more. So she kept a constant walking pace. After what seemed like forever she made it to the hotel. Her breathing was now more difficult. Sweat was rolling down her face already. She went to the elevator and pressed the button for the floor their room was at, on the 13th floor. She couldn’t stand anymore and decided to bend down. The elevator door finally opened. She slowly stood up.

“Jaein?” she looked up and couldn’t say his name due to the need of more air.

iapple's noteu
i didn't know what to write XD
so leave some feedbacks :)
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14 streak #1
Chapter 52: Really enjoyed reading this story~~~ love the characters
kimgaeun96 #2
Chapter 51: Jesus authornim~ Too much Jimin's sweetness to handle. I like this fanfic of your cause of the twist between Jimin, Jaein and his crush. Thumbs up to you authornim and hwaiting~
Chapter 52: Why are all your stories so sweet hahah loved it
jiminismybabes #4
I loved this 1 authornim fighting
Chapter 52: I finished the story!!! I really enjoyed reading it though some parts were predictable but that what makes it fun!
Number2elf #6
Chapter 51: I enjoyed reading this story a lot! It was really creative and fun and happy :):)
Number2elf #7
Chapter 49: LOL i can't evenn tell if this is all planned, it's just like the beginning!
Number2elf #8
Chapter 24: In response to the photo ~"I'm a whale"~
Number2elf #9
Chapter 17: Haha theyre so mean to kookie :[ but sugas imitation was hillarious. I like watching jj's interactions.
Number2elf #10
Chapter 16: I don't know why but this chapter made me lol so much