Takamina... Will You Come Today?

The Last Of You

Sakura No Ki Ni Narou - AKB48


Oh her trip to the bus station, Atsuko's stomach suddenly grumbled. She groaned and quickly went to the nearest cafe.

"A latte please... Um, I'll have the large one." Atsuko said to the man at the counter.

After receiving her latte, she paid for the drink and proceeded to the station...




Yuko was preparing her outfit for the reunion. It's been years since she met most of the girls, and she can't wait to tell them all about her baby. She picked out a loose black floral patterned dress and leggings under it. She used a wool cardigan over it, so it won't be to keep her warm if the temperature drops.

I wonder who's coming today! Yuko thought, excitedly.

As soon as she finished, she tried to call Minami. It didn't get through though, for Minami has cut all ties with the girls since the last day of high school. Even Atsuko doesn't know Minami's whereabouts now.

I shouldn't be hoping for miracles.. She said with an exasperated sigh.

She carefully gathered her hair into a bun and pinned it so it won't fall. Then, she grabbed her handbag, put on her socks and winter boots, and walked to the bus station.




Atsuko soon arrived at the bus station. She rode one of the bus and sat near the door. She could see the view from her window clearly.

Sakura trees are blooming and decorating the streets.

Kids were playing around in the fields...

And soon the bus passed a high school.

She smiled at how happy the students look like and leaned on the window. One of the students, looked her way and they made eye contact for a moment before the girl smiled and went back to chatting with her group of friends. It's fascinating how that girl looks a lot like her back in her high school days... She smiled at the thought and drifted off to sleep.




"Have you ever heard of time slip?"

"No, what is it?"

"It's when the main character goes back in time..."

"Like time travel?"

"Something like that... But, time slip... You don't know when it'll ever happen to you..."




Atsuko woke up with a start. That dream was awfully familiar to her. It was the last thing Minami told her before she vanished, leaving only her letter and the last wave from outside of the bus.

The letter! She thought.

Atsuko quickly shoved her hand inside her bag and tried to find the letter. It was in between one of the pages in her journal. She took out the journal, including the letter. With a serious expression she put her journal on top of her lap and opened the letter, re-reading it for who knows the how manieth time. Her expression softened at the sight of the familiar pink ink and handwritng her friend has. She traced the letter slowly with her hand before she starts reading it again.


Acchan, gomen...

I'd have to leave you today.

In fact I'd have to leave you right now.

I'm sorry that I didn't tell you anything and just left.


I have to go somewhere...

I'll meet you again one day when we're adults.

We've been through graduation after all..

I'll miss you.

Gomen. For doing this to you.

And arigatou... For everything that you've done for me.

Your ever loving best friend,

Takahasi Minami


Tears start to roll down her cheek as she read the letter.

I wonder if you'll come today... She thought for the second time that day.

After wiping her tears, she folded the letter and returned it to her bag. The journal fell from her lap, and when she bent down, she realized hoe quite it has been ever since she woke up. She looked around her was surprised when she found out she was the only one on the bus. The young lovers by the other door vanished. So did the old grandmother sitting in front, next to the driver. She looked across to find that a mother and her child has disappeared. Confused, she was about to get ot of the bus but then she heard voices from the farthest seat at the back.

There wasn't anybody there before! She thought as she turned to see who those voices belonged to.

It was 2 high school girls.

That looked just like her 10 years ago.

With Minami.


Author's Note: Although I love AKB and Japan, I don't really live there so if there's something that's a bit weird or not supposed to be there, please forgive me... I'll do a research first next time ^^ By the way, it's a quite short chap, gomen~

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RainCool #1
Chapter 5: I wonder what events would Atsuko discover during time slipping.
algaiaknight #2
Chapter 4: Okkkkk...you need to update this....am curious what actually happen to Takamina..and why Acchan is the only one experience the time slip...keep up the good work & can't wait for the next chapter =)
NezuCenter #3
Chapter 4: oohh hmmm I can..not wait for your next update!
RainCool #4
Chapter 3: What's going to happen? Is Minami's father forcing her to do something that would require her to separate from Acchan?
RainCool #5
Chapter 2: I love this, pls update the next chapter. I've always wondered where did Minami go for 10 years without contacting Acchan (as in the PV). What will take place when Acchan's time slipped? I want to know.
Fast update please ㅠㅠㅣ
Chapter 2: that was great~ a bit confused on what's going on but meh~ I'll catch on~~ it's ok, I don't bother to study what Japan is like because all you need is a bit of background knowledge unless you're going something overly detailed like Ehime prefecture... etc... or the myths~
Chapter 1: interesting... looking foward to what will come next~~ I won't subscribe until the later chapters though, sorry, just a thing with me~ hooray for the 1-3rd gen members~~