Kris- EXO M (Part 1)

Random One Shots/Scenarios

Sitting in the club all by herself was starting to feel like a natural thing to Bomi ever since she had become newly single. She sat on the stool and half listened to the bartender ramble aimlessly about his life as she occasionally took a sip of her drink.  Starting to get extremely bored with the conversations turn she stopped listening and decided it was best if she just head home for the night. 

Bomi took a quick glance at the clock and noticed that it was 1:40 am in the morning. As she gathered her things and wished the bartender a good night she looked around the club. The atmosphere was like any other day; loud music, people dancing and having a good time, and the heavy smell of alcohol that seemed to come along with it. Bomi didn't really seem to fit into that picture though, seeing as she wasn't  having a good time and only came out to the club to drown her life's sorrows in drinks. 
Bomi stumbled out of the of the club doors. Once outside she weren't really sure on what to do seeing as she blew all her money needed for the night on meaningless drinks. 
Bomi groaned as she once again looked through her empty purse for the third time of the night. "How am I going to get home?" she muttered in defeat as she sat down on the streets curb.
A strong hand reached down and rested on her shoulder. "Hey I think I can help" said a familiar voice, too familiar for her liking. She immediately froze up under his touch. Without needing to turn around Bomi knew that the person offering her help was her ex-boyfriend, Kris.
Feeling mixed emotions of both worry, anger and of slight, very slight relief she turned around slightly. "I don't need your help" she said coldly as she brushed his hand away.
He sighed. He didn't believe her for one second. "Listen Bomi I can give you a ride home" he said gently as he offered his hand to help her up. Bomi ignored him. He rolled his eyes at her stubbornness. "C'mon just let me help you" he pleaded.
She glanced back at him. As her eyes caught his she could see the sadness in his eyes. Drawing in a shaky breath she came to the conclusion that she may as well give in seeing as he was genuinely trying to help. Besides she wasn't  even close to being over him.
"Fine" Bomi said with a hint of bitterness and reluctancy in her tone of voice. 
Kris once again extended his hand to her to help Bomi up. Shooting him an annoyed look, she  got up by herself with only a slight moment of unbalancedness. 
They then both made there way down the street to where his car was parked. When Bomi first caught sight of it, a wave of sadness washed over her as she remembered that it was the place that her and Kris had shared their first kiss together. 
Having a sideways glance at Bomi, Kris noticed she had a change in attitude. Frowning he tried to think of a good conversation starter to hopefully pick up her mood. 
Unsure of what to say Kris choose to remain silent. "She probably doesn't even want to talk to me anyway" he thought miserably. 
Bomi and Kris both got into the car in silence. She fiddled with the hem of her designer dress anxiously as she looked out the window as the car pulled out and drove in the direction of her house. 
Bomi could hear her heart pounding fast and feel the blood pounding through her veins. Bomi would have preferred being on the cold stone street than being in the car with they guy that she only ever cared about enough to actually break her heart. Feeling completely vulnerable and helpless she just wanted to shrink so that she matched how you felt, small. Bomi desperately wished that the ride would end soon.
"Is his heart beating as quickly as mine?" Bomi thought as her eyes flicked quickly over to him and then back out side the window.
Luckily Bomi's house was only five minutes away so the ride didn't take to long. She felt a rush of relief when she saw her house. 
Once the car pulled up into the drive way Bomi didn't waste a second to get out. She flung the seatbelt off of her shoulder once she unbuckled it and pushed the car door open. Bomi got out and muttered a "thank you." As she tried to make her way up to the door of her house, though she kept stumbling and tripping. 
Kris sat in the car and watched with his faced filled with complete worry for Bomi as she clumsily made her way to the door. "I can't just leave her hear all by herself. She is so drunk that she could actually hurt herself seriously... I could never let that happen" he though. Quickly deciding to help Bomi as she was way too drunk for her own safety, Kris got out the car and caught up to Bomi.
As he approached Bomi he could see that she was digging through her purse looking for the house keys. He grabbed the purse out of her hands and had no trouble at all with finding the keys. He let out a sigh as he opened the door to the house with Bomi nagging and protesting right behind him. 
He opened the door and lead Bomi into the house. It looked very different, but yet very similar to how it looked while they had been dating. Everything seemed to be the same, with the exception of all the photographs of them together that used to be hung up had now disappeared. 
Kris led her over to her couch and sat her down. "Stay here for a second Bomi I will be back soon with some water for you" he said as he moved into the kitchen.
Kris soon came back from the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand. He placed it down onto the coffee table in front of Bomi. "I don't need any more help from you" she said grumpily as she folded her arms and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Listen Bomi you are super drunk. I don't want you to get hurt, so no matter if you like it or not I'm going to stay to help you out" he said in a serious tone.
Bomi bit the inside of her cheek. She was unsure if that the fact that he still cared enough to worry about her made her feel happy and relieved or even more hurt over the break up. Though either way it seemed as though he was determined to stay so she wasn't going to bother with any further unnecessary arguing.  
She reached out carefully and grabbed the glass to take a sip of water. Kris facial expression lightened slightly. He was certainly feeling glad that she had decided to become more co-operative. 
The next thing Bomi knew she was being led to her bedroom. Kris made her lye down. "Now Bomi please try and get some sleep" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, as he was unsure of what he should do.
Bomi did as she were told and tried to make herself comfortable. With a nod of his head Kris turned around to head out of the bedroom. Before he got out the door Bomi hesitated then called out "Goodnight." 
Her sudden change in attitude caused him to pause in his tracks. He turned his head towards Bomi with a slight smile on his lips. "Goodnight Bomi" he replied. Without another word he continued his way out into the lounge room.
Once he was gone all that was left for Bomi to do was to sit and think. The memory of the break up between the Kris and her replayed in her mind. All of it had built up; The anger, the jealousy, the neglected feelings and finally she just couldn't take the fact that he never seemed to have any time for her. The day that they broke up was probably the worst day ever for her.
Bomi sighed and rolled over onto her side. She then closed her eyes and allowed sleep to finally take over her. 
Meanwhile Kris had sat down on the couch and tried to figure out what had happened. He grabbed the TV remote next to him and turned the TV. As he was flicking through the channels, only paying half attention to what was on the screen he let out a yawn. He pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time.
It was already 2:35 am. "I should be heading back to the dorm, the others will be worrying" he sleepily muttered. But he had other things to do first. Kris got up off of the couch and headed back to the bedroom to check up on Bomi.
He walked into the room as quietly as he could so he would disturb her. He mad his way over to where she was sleeping. A sad smile formed on his lips as he watched Bomi sleep peacefully. He bent over so he could get a better look at her face. "Ah I'm so sorry Bomi for what happened to us, I honestly never meant for it to happen" he confessed. Kris then bent down and laid what might be the last kiss that he and Bomi may ever share again on her forehead.  "I love you" he whispered as he stood back up and left the bedroom.
He then made his way to the front door of the house. He slowly opened the door than turned around to look inside the house for the last time. With a deep sigh he left the house and headed to the car. Refusing to let his emotions and feelings take over him he kept a solemn face. 
"How could I of let her get away?" he asked himself as he drove out the drive way and back to the dorm. 
Okkie Dokkie second request is finished! I hope that you liked it!
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Chapter 20: Ohmygod this is so asdfghjkl♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ssulove10 #2
Chapter 20: WOW~ I am pregnant... and the father is JUNGKOOK
oh how i wish it will become true.. LAWD JISUS PLEASE!!~~
LennyV #3
Chapter 7: N's name is Hakyeon~ hehe
I love this story! I hope it is longer ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: Ughe chen's story .....
ugh i cant .
Chapter 12: This is like a fairy tale wt a charming handsome prince! :D
Chapter 20: Are you still open for requests? If yes can I request one?
1.bangtan sonyeondan's jimin
2.Jimin X Yeonsung
3.they meet at the park, because Bae Yeonsung's best friend park raejoon who is going out with jin, invited her to the park, jimin and yeonsung meet there, fall in love and happily ever after xD
Lovely0303 #7
Chapter 24: But, can I have another request Unnie?!?!?
Please make my dreams come true! >.<
- Bts's V
Lovely0303 #8
Chapter 23: So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much Unnie!!!! :) :) :) :) :)