Ch. 2 1st day at The Ace Plaza Part 2

Step by Step

He ran out of the club room and straight into the elevator where he set me down.  The others were running towards us.  The door was slowly closing and Kris yelled top floor before it completely shut on them.

“What the hell man?!”  I looked at him in disbelief.

“What?”  He asked nonchalantly.

“Do you normally carry a woman away like that?!”

“Tsk.  Consider yourself lucky it happened.”  He pulled out a flask from his jacket and took a drink.

“Seriously, you just carry alcohol with you?”

“Hey.  You have no idea how stressful it is to be me Weird 627.”

“Aw, it must be hard being tall and handsome.”  I said sarcastically.

He gave me a side look and mumbled, “You have no idea.” He then took another drink.

“Alright I’m done.  Get me off this elevator.”  I moved toward the panel to try to get it to stop.  Kris moved his body to block it from me.  “Really?”  I asked and he just nodded.  I started trying to shove him out of my way.  “Move Kris!”

“No!”  he yelled right before he too another drink.

I then tried pushing the buttons behind his back, but he kept shoving me back.  If someone was watching it would look like we were all over each other.

“Molester!  This woman is molesting me!”  He yelled pointing down on me.

“No I’m not!  Now get out of the way, you smell like whiskey!”

“Help!  She’s touching me when I clearly said no!”

“I’m going to punch you in that beautiful face of yours!”

“Help!  Now she’s threatening me so she can molest me more!”

“That’s it I’m ing you up!”  Just then the door opened.  I made a move to run out, but Kris lifted me back on his shoulders again.  He casually strolled down the hall.

“PUT ME DOWN!”  Then the elevator next to ours opened with the others in it.  “HEEEEELP!”

Xiumin pointed towards us, “There they are!”

“Kris put her down!”  Lay yelled as they ran towards us.

“No!”  Kris took off running with me slumped on his shoulder.  He kept running down the hall and I lifted myself up a little watching the others try to catch up.  Tao began catching up and I reached my hand to him as he reached for it.  We almost reached until Kris made an unexpected turn down a different hall.  Tao fell forward and the others ran around or jumped over him.  We ran pass a man opening his door to yell at us for being too loud, and I just yelled sorry.  Then he stopped in front of a room and quickly put a code in and the door opened.  He ran in a huge freaking room and opened two glass doors and tossed me down.  I landed on a bed big enough to fit 10 people.  I looked up at Kris who was coolly leaning on the glass door frame opening the top to his flask.

“Why are we here?!”


“Waiting?”  I asked in disbelief.  Then I heard the room door opened.  Now insert the slow opera music as Kris turns his back to me taking another drink, then stretches his arms out to his side as he closes his eyes and tilts his head back.  Next thing I know he’s tackled down with Tao and Chen holding on to each of his legs.  Chen is biting on the leg he’s holding.  Lay and Xiumin each have an arm and Luhan is sitting with his legs crossed on Kris’s chest waving his finger in his face.

“Kris!  Kidnapping a woman is unacceptable!  You can’t just go around doing things like that!  Look at her she’s dramatized!”  Luhan pointed to me and everyone looked at me.  I probably looked like a hot mess.  My once high ponytail now fell loosely down my back, and my dress was falling off my shoulder.

“Doesn’t she always look like a hot mess?”  Kris asked.

“That’s it.”  I got up to grab a pillow.  “Here I got this.”  I made a move to suffocate him, but Luhan quickly pulled me away.

“Why did you have to drag her here?”  Luhan asked.

“Because you guys wanted to hang with her instead of me!”  He whined as he crossed his arms still on the floor.

“You got to be kidding me.” Xiumin said standing up along with the others.

“All of this really…” Tao mumbled.

“Cry baby.”  Chen said as Lay shook his head.

“Well.  We’re here.  Now what?”  Luhan asked.

Kris sat up crossing his legs.  “Let’s drink and play games!”

Next thing I know we are taking more shots and Xiumin popped open a bottle of champagne in the bar area in the room.  Apparently we are in the Emperor’s Suite.  Chen some music and it started playing Spica Tonight.  We ran around the room singing and drinking.

“HEY HEY HEY HEY! T-T-T-TURN IT UP!”  We  shouted.

Then the song switched and the boys started freaking out, as I sat down laughing at them still holding my drink.  They all got together and started singing “SHE’S A MA-MA-MA-MA-MACHINE!”  After that song a new one played and they sang even louder “NA EUREUREONG EUREUREONG EUREUREONG DAE!”

After our screaming/singing we began playing Band Hero.  Lay the lead guitarist, Xiumin the bass, Chen the singer, and I’m the drummer.  We started with Finger Eleven Paralyzer and Luhan magically found a tambourine to play with, and Tao was doing Wushu in the background.  I never played as the drummer before so I .  It doesn’t help that I’m intoxicated too, so Kris began helping me play by guiding my hands.  After we played more songs we switched to Just Dance.  Lay is freaking amazing.

“Boo!  No one likes talented people!”  Kris yelled.

“Alright Lay!  I challenge you to a one on one battle against THE DANCING MA-CHEN!”  It didn’t end to well.  Well, not for Chen but beautifully for Lay.

“I want to battle 627!”  Lay pointed at me.  The others agreed and cheered chanting ‘627’.  I sluggishly got up and took a remote.  Lay chose the song and our scores were neck to neck.  The others were screaming and shouting in the background.

“OH MAN SHE’S CATCHING UP!  ONLY 50 POINTS AWAY!”  Chen shouted.  Then right before the song ended my remote slipped, and went flying across the room and went through a window shattering it.  We all went over to the window covering our mouths.  Then Kris slowly pulled the curtain covering it, going shhhhh with a finger to his lips.

“LET’S JUMP ON THE BED!”  Tao suggested.  We all cheered and ran toward the bed.  We all took our shoes off.  I was about to jump on but then I remembered I’m wearing a dress.

“What’s wrong 627?”  Lay asked sweetly.

“I’m in a dress.  I can’t jump on a bed in a dress.”

“How about you sit on the bed and we jump around you?!”  Luhan asked.

“Okay!”  See.  If I wasn’t clearly intoxicated I would have known that that was a horrible idea, since I was I climbed on the bed with my knees together and set a pillow on my lap.  They began jumping around and then the innocent game of jumping around on the bed became an all-out pillow war.  Tao began whipping his pillow around like a nunchuk.  Xiumin and Chen both whacked him in the face, and he fell backwards.  Kris began pelting Luhan on the head, then Lay jumped on Kris’s back latching on.  Lay started swinging the pillow over their heads yelling, and Luhan started swinging at Kris’s stomach.  Then Chen and Xiumin started helping Luhan beat Kris up.  I held on to Kris’s legs so he couldn’t move and then Tao jumped up and tackled all of us off the bed.  We landed with a loud THUMP and everything out.

I woke the next morning on the floor with the worst headache ever.  Slowly I got up and notice that Kris’s black blazer was draped over me.  He was passed out on a fancy cushioned chair.  Then I noticed the rest of them passed out on the bed sprawled out everywhere.  I couldn’t help but chuckle how adorable they all looked.  Quietly I grabbed my shoes and draped Kris’s blazer on him.  Then I quietly left and made my way back to my room, to get ready for the seminar.  It’s going to be one hell of a day



Sooo yay I updated lol anyways I hope you guys enjoy it and comments are welcomed ^_^

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shea_shariff #2
Chapter 3: nice : ) great job. its funni. i was loling away heheh.