Meeting Panda

The day my eyes saw colors



I was about to make a huge mistake, the thought wavers in my mind before I catch it supplely flowing out of my mouth, "Yumi, lo-…. Ah…," I scratch my head and amend, "We're above Korea,"

She nods and a smile spreads on her face and I feel this sense of easiness drapes over me. My cell phone rings and I fish for it in my pocket, "Hello?"

My manager greets me back in Korean and I clear my thoart, he continues in a monotonic tone "I'm sorry for your loss,"

I knit my eyebrows and voice my thoughts, "How do you know?"

"You're all over the news, man. Some journalists followed you home and brought back news," his tone is dissatisfied. "I understand you'll be landing in quarter of an hour?"

Rolling my sleeve up and glancing at my watch, I nod and then say yes. He sighs and explains, "A black suited man will be waiting for you as soon as you land. All the passengers will be lifted by an airport bus, you will be pretending to look for something as they file out; I've already informed the pilot who educated his crew about you. Anyway, you'll be taken in a minivan and soon, you'll arrive at the gates. Now in order to avoid your fans, you'll have to mingle with the rest of the passengers," he stops then complains, "Why do you have to be so tall?"

I chuckle yet he continues: "Some will recognize you, I'm sure. So wear a frown or a really pained expression and just wave with your hand, fans are easily heartbroken,"

Snorting then itching the space between my eyebrows, I shoot a glance at Yumi, "There's only one thing wrong with your plan," I don't wait for him to retort, "My sister's with me,"

I can picture his face, fuming with sweat; he doesn't expect something like that to happen but neither did I. Yumi looks up in my direction and then shifts her gaze earthwards. He repeats his explanation but with a sterner octave, signaling his unmistakable disapproval, "Does she looks like you?" he asks after he finished.


"Then, do as best as you can to manifest the sibling picture," he says.

"Ah, why do I need to fake it? She's really my sister," I'm confused.

"I don't know, fans get ideas," then he hangs up, not giving me the space to debate the matter.

As expected, we land after fifteen minutes, Yumi's knees are tucked under her chin and she's reciting prayers, I can't help but laugh at her. During our flight, air turbulence would shake the aircraft and she would do the same thing.

Disembarking, I do as I am told. The black suited man is right in front of us, where the plane has landed and he takes us straight into the minivan and drives us to the arrivals' gates. From behind the windows of the sliding door, I see the cluster of fans. Some are even wearing black clothes in consolation and the black suited man hands me a newspaper. Yumi's hands are both glued to the window pane in the car as she hears the multiplying screams, her eyes bulging in surprise and mine as well as I read the news that blared from the paper, "Taecyeon's mysterious getaway proves to be a sad and tragic endeavor to reach his dying mother,"

I glare at the paper and crumble it in my hands, "Can't they understand privacy?" I ask rhetorically.

Yumi turns her head in my direction, quickly understanding the situation and points out, "You are a celebrity, aren't you?"

I look at her, my mouth ajar as my nostrils widen but I don't say anything. She is right, I can't possibly expect anything less. We reach the door and we step out of the van. So much for me trying to hide myself, girls are squealing and screaming and I enter I'm-not-in-the-mood mode and wave air out of my face. Yumi's cane touches the floor and she extends her hand for me to take it. I do and we both enter the building.

"Taecyeon! Welcome back! We're sorry for your loss," a group of fans shouts and I smile meekly, my sister gets squashed up against my arm and almost trip, but I hold her firmly and she continues to walk.

I notice them eyeing her, some are building speculations, others put on a pity face and the rest are busy gazing at me, if I may say and don't even notice Yumi's existence. Cameras are all over the place and my eyes hurt from the constant flashes that scream at my face like lightning. We manage to squeeze through the mess, entirely thanks for Nanba and Kanda who managed to protect me and Yumi both and we are guided to a white van that I'm obviously familiar with.

The car parks at 2PM's dorm, I find that our luggage are already installed in the van's trunk, the two Japanese bodyguards help Yumi and I take out our stuff, all the while chatting with my sister in Japanese. I'm no Japanese expert but I find myself catching a few words and understand them, which is kind of a relief; not feeling left out.

"Yumi, this is where we're going to live for a while," I introduce the dorm.

She nods and asks, "How many steps are we away from the door?"

"Ah… how about you count?" I reply, knowing that my strides are longer than hers.

Yumi is very short, when she stands up, she reaches my elbow, her head is barely above it and I take her hand and guide her to the door. She flinches sometimes from my sudden contact but relaxes soon after. The end of her cane is ahead of us, her eyes squint as she focuses on the distance from the car to the door. We start to move and to my expectations, she's taking long strides while I'm walking, counting each one she takes, she says to herself when I pull her to a stop, "Eight strides,"

I shift my gaze from the door to her then turn my body towards her, I smile as she waits for me to open the door, her weight is thrown on the balls of her feet as her fists clench, her cane is wavering due to her shaking, "Listen, I forgot to tell you this,"

She looks up from the floor and fixes her gray eyes on my right, thinking I'm standing in that direction. A little irritated, I press my fingers on her cheeks, pulling her chin up to face me properly. She looks tired still, the black hue underneath her eyes remains and the pink rims encircle them. Her nose and lips are a bit swollen from the previous crying but her expression becomes wondrous, leaving all sad indicators behind, her eyebrows elevate at my press, her eyes widen and they move in various directions and her lips slightly pursing as she waits for me to explain what I'm doing.

"Stop moving your eyes. Focus them on one point," I order and she complies. "Now move them a bit to the right," she does and I grin, "You're now looking at me,"

My hand disabling her muscles and creating creases in her lips as they are pushed from the sides together, she says awkwardly, "Ah, Taec, even if I'm looking at you, I can't really see you," implying with that how stupid my action is.

"Whatever," I dismiss nonetheless, keeping my dignity allocated. I inhale a chunk of cold air and say "I live with five guys," I stare at her, waiting for her reaction. I play a few scenarios in my mind as I wait for her to answer but she disbands all of the possible subsequent events by laughing almost mockingly, "You do realize you're a 2PM member, don't you?"

Again, my little sister makes me feel like a complete idiot and I scratch my ear, swallowing strenuously, "Right, right,"

I notice she's still standing on her toes and slowly, she tows my hand away from her face and almost knocks herself down,  she places her hand on the back of her neck and caresses it, "Taec, you're really tall," she grumbles. "What's wrong with you? Are the rest of the members erts or something?"

My mouth inflates suddenly with air and laughter escapes me, "No! It's just, they're all guys,"

She nods knowingly and nearly bows, "I'll cope. You said it was for a while, didn't you?"


"Then, let's do our best,"

We ring the doorbell and wait. It's nine am in the morning and I suspect if the guys have already left for their work or not, we linger for about five minutes then I hear someone's voice. I vaguely deduct it's Junsu and I hear him say, "He said that Taecyeon will be back today but I don't know when," he stops and then the key is turned in the hole and he continues, "Yeah, he said that yesterday,"

The door opens and we stand in front of Junsu who's eyes bulge then flicker from me to Yumi and back to me, "Holy…! Taecyeon's back!" he shouts on the phone and hangs up. He grins widely but then realizes something as his expression changes as well. Suddenly anxious and not knowing what to do, he gives me a light hug and says wholeheartedly, "I'm sorry for your loss,"

Understanding the bizarre change of his attitude, I hug him back and shake my head, smiling at him gratefully. He nervously throws a glance at Yumi and I clear my throat, "Ah … this my sister, Yumi,"

Yumi looks up at the sound of her name and Junsu greets her in Korean. She doesn't reply and tugs at my sleeve. Junsu's face is perplexed and I press my lips together, "She doesn't speak Korean and um, she's .. blind,"

"Ah! I thought she was shy," Junsu explains as he smiles, "Hello," he says in English, jocundly.

A stream of fresh, cold relief washes over me as I see the expression painted on Junsu's face. He doesn't think she's weird or anything, even when I mentioned she's blind. He doesn't have a concerned expression nor an annoyed one but a welcoming smile spreads on his face even though he knows she can't see it. I blow air out and grin widely, pleased by Junsu's reaction. Yet I know that not all the members will have the same feature or same feelings about my sister, I can't guarantee that all of them will accept her that quickly.  

Yumi's face glows with a relieved smile, "Hello," then she turns her head in my direction, "Which one is he?"

"Junsu," I reply, not knowing if she knows who's who.

He looks at her, his face embracing a smile still. She purses her lips as she thinks of something then blurts, "Panda!" her index fingers go up in the air as she slightly dandles.

Junsu bursts in laughter and so do I, pointing at Junsu's face. She laughs as well but her cheeks turn pink and she covers and shakes her head, "I'm sorry,"

"Are you serious she's your sister? You guys don't look alike," Junsu says after giving Yumi a good scrutiny.

I itch the back of my head and mumble, "Yeah, she's just adopted. She's actually Japanese, originally,"

"I thought so, she's way cuter than you," he compliments as his eyes rest on Yumi for a while as she burns holes in the ground.  

"Hey, stop with the staring," my tone is serious and cautioning but I know Junsu likes older women, still…

Junsu puts his hands in the air as if in surrender and then suddenly directs a light blow on his head, "Come on in, come on in, I'm sorry,"

I start prompting Yumi to enter but she whispers, "How far away is he?"

Junsu doesn't seem to hear so I count and guess, "About three of your strides,"

She bobs her head and cautiously expands her stick on the floor and walks in. I'm at her side, listening to her count the steps, her hand is on the wall as she walks, "This is the living room," I tell her.

"Living room," she memorizes and I haul her to the kitchen counter and inform her about it. Junsu stares at me and chuckles as he sees my struggling expression, I seriously have no idea whether what I'm doing is right or wrong but she seems to go along with it so I continue, grabbing her hand and guiding her to the bathroom. She nods as she repeats the steps to me and asks if she's correct or not. I answer with a mumble and then walk her to our rooms.

"This is going to be …," I stop and blow air between slightly parted lips, I really don't want to say "our room" because that would be just outlandish so I awkwardly say, "Your room and mine,"

She nods, not really paying attention to my arduous work in trying to produce weird-free sentences. Nodding back, I open the door but she abruptly says, "Wait," then holds the doorknob. Slowly, she caresses it then moves her hand to the keyhole and brushes her fingers on it carefully then she says, "It's scratched," her lower lip is elevated to pump with her upper one and her dimples show as she does that. I simply nod at her and open the door.

"The room is slightly small  but you'll fit," I tell her as I as silently as possible kick clothes away from the floor.

The bunk bed is situated against the left wall and my closet is adjacent to it where next to them is my desk and on the other side near the bunk bed's back and ladder are my drawers and cabinets. Yumi puts her hand on the bed and her eyebrows twitch as she thinks of something and I quickly answer her thoughts, "You'll take the lower bed and I'll take the upper one. That'd be easier for you, right?"

"I don't want to trouble you," she says regrettably.

"It's fine," waving her sentence dismissively.

She turns to me and bows. My mind is boggling, my head keeps swooshing back and forth and my eyes widen to the point my irises were just islands in white seas, "What are you doing?!"

"Thank you for taking me in," she says wholeheartedly, the wooden floor her gaze is directed at is slowly shimmering with her falling tears. "I'll do my best, I promise,"    



I'm really sorry if this chapter . I'm not good with Comedy, I'm not a funny person -bah. Sorry. 

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I used to love this story :(
Yangmei #2
Hey everyone, this story will take a bit of a ... um, roundabout? or a U-turn because my drafts are in my other laptop so, the latest situation has to be delayed until I get a hold of my other folders, Gomenneh v.v
hellopanda23 #3
wahhh such a unique story..and you are even posting your own lyrics?? wahhh.. i did not imagine such lyrics from her.. but yeah!! next chapter........
Hmmm... I don't know. It doesn't seem to match up with how I see Yumi, I always get a vision of her being cutesy.
Yumi could wear lolita dresses and sing, it'd be cute. ^_^
Yangmei #6
"To every careless action, there's a severe consequent," -Anon (a.k.a: Yangmei) <br />
The next Chapter will have this quote applied and the guessing game begins ^ w ^
Junsu and Yumi are cute together.