The Photographer

Manly Maknae

Chapter 4: The Photographer

“Hey, hyung.”


A niggling voice tickled the edges of Hongbin’s hearing, pulling him away from his fourth in-flight movie. Lifting one earpiece, he shot Hyuk an irritated look. “What.”


“Hyung, look at our old-man members,” the maknae replied, pointing at the other four group members across the aisle. They were split into pairs, N grouped with Ken whilst Ravi sat with Leo (It would have turned out differently, had Leo not threatened to pour his freshly brewed coffee over a certain dancer if he didn’t let go of his arm. Needless to say, the seat arrangements were finalised quite quickly), and all four of them were knocked out.


It was clear to Hyuk that youth was a wonderful gift as he observed the elders snoozing in a most undignified way. Hongbin was inclined to agree. Despite technically being the same age as Ravi, he grouped the rapper in with the hyungs, just because of his dead-to-the-world sleeping habits.


Ravi was currently leaning against Leo’s shoulder (more like lying on him), with his mouth hanging open and the attractive addition of a thin crusting of drool. Case in point.

Fortunately, Leo himself was not aware of this lovely image and he had somehow fallen asleep twisted into an odd “C” shape, leaning over, with the back of his neck pressed against the seat in front of him. Hyuk had the slightest concerns of his neck snapping, and resolved to give Leo a neck massage once he woke. A ticket to a gopchang buddy, here we go!


Hongbin meanwhile was busy observing the intricate pretzel that was N and Ken.


All the members knew N was a cuddly sleeper (hence the vehement refusal when he approached them to be seat buddies), thus it was not surprising to find him clinging to Ken as he enjoyed dreamland. The leader’s head was rested against Ken’s right shoulder as both arms wrapped around his waist and his wayward leg invaded Ken’s own legspace.

The main vocal was seemingly unaware of his octopus seatmate, leaning against N to keep himself propped up as his lower body twisted away. Hongbin just didn't get how it was a comfortable position. Pondering for a few seconds, he decided to give up. Some things were just not meant to be understood.


A light jabbing in his left side again pulled him away from his thoughts and he turned to get a faceful of Hyuk.


“Get away!” he hissed, pushing the maknae’s head away.


“But hyung!” Hyuk said, moving in again to whisper directly into Hongbin’s ear. His uncomfortable twitches went unnoticed. “Do you not see the beauty of this moment?”


“What the heck are you talking about?” Hongbin was confused. “They look absurd! Completely unidol-like, totally unworthy of being complimented by an artwork like myself.”


Hyuk’s eyes glinted. “Exactly. They look horrific.”


He waited, and smiled with glee as the lightbulb slowly above Hongbin’s head.


“Oh, oops, wasn’t meant to do that,” Hongbong muttered, quickly fiddling around with the button to turn the reading light off. In the midst of this action, he froze suddenly, slowly turned his head to look at Hyuk yet again.


“Oh, my god.” He whispered. “They do look horrific… Oh, my god! Hyuk, you’re a genius!” Hongbin’s voice was starting to rise in excitement, gripping Hyuk’s hands in glee.


The maknae hushed him quickly, taking a quick glance at the still-sleeping elders. “Let’s do it!”


Hongbin reached into his bag, hands groping around for his most prized possession. A positively evil expression graced his handsome features.


“Yes, let’s.”


In their New York hotel, N was being the usual N-jumma, ordering Hyuk to take his luggage up to his room whilst he ‘explored’.


“Nope.” The maknae replied.


N was offended. “Excuse me?” Pulling out his stank face and cutting hand, he unleashed his jet-lagged rage, “No-one says ‘no’ to the mighty leader, the Cha, boy! Now go take my luggage up. I can hear a bed calling.”


Hyuk called Hongbin over. “Well, actually hyung, this maknae is going to say no, and so is his accomplice, because we have something we think you’d like to remain a secret.” He winked. “If you know what I mean.”


N’s face drained of colour. “What… did you do?”


Hongbin pulled out his high-quality HDLR camera, which could zoom close enough to examine even an idol’s pores. “Why don’t you take a look?”


Needless to say, the two youngest members of VIXX ruled for the remainder of that tour leg.


Hi everyone, it's your ever elusive author!

This little shot was written a few weeks ago whilst I was on a plane - hence the setting [and therefore please forgive any stupid grammar/spelling mistakes - I haven't edited it yet Edited! ^^]. =P

I was (still am) actually working on a Leo chapter for Halloween (...spoiler?) but it is now February of 2015 so... heh. yeah. BUT! I have not given up! The plot is just fuzzy right now, and if I don't iron out plots, it'll be a painful fic to read indeed.

Thanks as usual, for the reviews people have dropped and hello to all new subscribers! Your existence pushes me to not forget about this ficlet.

Hope you're all well and having a wonderful 2015!

I'll see you next time! (Hopefully before Halloween...? ><)

- ImpossibleBiasLists

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Updated with Hongbin at last! Enjoy~


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Chapter 3: Uwoooooowwww... HyukN brothership <3<3

I really love and enjoyed this story Authornim~ Thanks to made such a great story and it also suitable with the real videos from VIXX broadcast(Such as MTV Diary, VIXX TV etc).. Well I am already watched all of their broadcast videos and ur story just made me feel the scenario after the broadcast.. I love it so much.. And u are awesome Authornim~ why? Bcz just same as u, I more prefer like the stories about brotherhood love story between them than stories pairing them wich contens M rated hihihi~

Authornim~ could u make more awesome stories that talk about N Leadernim brothership with all members? Well same as these Hyuk stories tho'.. I mean, u made just the same scenarios of them from their real broadcast videos.. I really curious what would u think about the leader who always bullied by the members and never do a revenge to them.. I always see N like a person who craving love from his dongsaengs actually.. And bcz I am N bias,,I really pity him kkk~

For the beginning,maybe u could make some story from an interview at Error era.. I have a video when they had a live broadcasting for comeback Error ( [ENGSUB] 20141013 Daum Live Broadcast - VIXX Flawless Talk Show ).. In this video, N had talk " For the members would love me more" and Hongbin said " Wait hyung,u look pitiful".. And from that video, I countinuelly look N as a leader who really wish that his dongsaengs could give him more affection kkk~ Do u think he look depress too authornim? LOL

I wish u could forgive me bcz of my long comments authorniim~ And thanks to respond or read my comment ^^
Chapter 8: hahahaha so cute, brought a smile to my face so thank you for that authornim!
TinaTissue28 #3
Chapter 7: I kinda want to say Great Dane. Those dogs are massive
Chapter 7: cute~~ can't wait for part 2
Kokechan #5
Chapter 4: I enjoyed reading all the chapters, especially the one with Ravi and the spider, it was hilarious. Hyuk is so cute with his hyungs... Thank you for these adorable stories!
a-topp #6
Chapter 1: Woooo very cute hyukkie
Yes, every time hyuk rap to beat him. Ravi always end in laugh because of this adorable guy!
Enjoy reading this one!
Chapter 3: Hahaha I don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for Hyuk. XD Loved this chapter!
tealdrops #8