The Rapper

Manly Maknae

"You think you're so cool? Well, you're no-no-no-not!

When you speak, sounds like its muffled by a po-po-pot! 

Your eyes are so small they're like do-do-do-dot-

ssss, so go away stop speaking like a ro-bo-bo-bot!"

As Hyuk finished his rap triumphantly, he pointed a finger at his hyung Ravi, daring him to make a counterattack. However, the elder man was currently attempting to melt into the table in front of him, pressing his forehead hard against the wood and thus missing the act altogether.

"And everybody give it up for Hyuk!" Shindong cheered into the mic, as the other VIXX members hollered.

While the applause lead into their song "대. 다. 나. 다. 너.," Hyuk's self-esteem rapidly rose, and when they walked out of ShimShimTaPa, he had a certain swag in his step which wasn't there before.

Hopping out of the van once they had arrived at the dorm, he immediately sidled up to Ravi.

"Soooo, hyung!" he nudged.

Ravi had completely blown off his wonderful improvised rap as the radio show continued, but Hyuk refused to let it go. For this reason, he had chimed in wherever possible, reminding Ravi that he was important - and not to mention useful - to have around.

Ravi gave Hyuk a little smile as the young man bobbed at his side excitedly.

"How do you have so much energy, Sanghyuk-ah?" Entering their living room, it was now 2:30am and Leo was already making a beeline to the bathroom.

"You're a comfortable pillow, hyung!" Ah, of course. Hyuk had, after all, used Ravi has his own teddy bear as they were returning to their dorm. How could he forget about the warmth which pressed on his chest as the maknae's soft hair brushed against his chin?

"Hyung, what did you think about my rap today? Wasn't it great? I've been practising, you know. Making up rhymes like you taught me to, and practising my flow with different beats... I'm getting better, right?"

Hyuk's bright face broke through his thoughts as he pestered VIXX's main rapper.

Ah, he's so cute.

"It was great."

With the simple compliment, the maknae seemed to fill with pride until it seemed he would burst, his smile so wide Ravi wondered how he could possibly show so many teeth. Actually, how many teeth were there? One, two, three, four-

"Oof!" The wind was knocked out of him when the blond barrelled into him and wrapped his arms around his back.

"Thanks, Wonshik-hyung." The muffled voice drifted to his ears and Ravi grinned as he ruffled the younger's hair.

"Go to bed, Hyuk. You can rap with me some more tomorrow."



Hohoho, so there you have it. The first baby oneshot. It's a little short but here, I'll give you a little tidbit sort of thing: the rap originally went like this:

"You think you're so cool? You're no-no-no-not!

When you're eating, its always from the po-po-po-pot! 

Your eyes are so small they're like do-do-do-dot-

ssss, so go away you'll never be ro-ro-robot!"

I changed it when I realised it no longer had anything to do with what I said in the foreword. xD

Like I said, Ravi and Hyuk interactions inspired this ficlet, so this definitely won't be the only Ravi and Hyuk oneshot you see.

(P.S. If anyone sees any good Ravi+Hyuk pics could you let me know? Other than the Pocky one, I can't find any... though I know there's a really cute one from a fansign in early August where Ravi's blowing a noisemaker into Hyuk's ear)

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Updated with Hongbin at last! Enjoy~


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Chapter 3: Uwoooooowwww... HyukN brothership <3<3

I really love and enjoyed this story Authornim~ Thanks to made such a great story and it also suitable with the real videos from VIXX broadcast(Such as MTV Diary, VIXX TV etc).. Well I am already watched all of their broadcast videos and ur story just made me feel the scenario after the broadcast.. I love it so much.. And u are awesome Authornim~ why? Bcz just same as u, I more prefer like the stories about brotherhood love story between them than stories pairing them wich contens M rated hihihi~

Authornim~ could u make more awesome stories that talk about N Leadernim brothership with all members? Well same as these Hyuk stories tho'.. I mean, u made just the same scenarios of them from their real broadcast videos.. I really curious what would u think about the leader who always bullied by the members and never do a revenge to them.. I always see N like a person who craving love from his dongsaengs actually.. And bcz I am N bias,,I really pity him kkk~

For the beginning,maybe u could make some story from an interview at Error era.. I have a video when they had a live broadcasting for comeback Error ( [ENGSUB] 20141013 Daum Live Broadcast - VIXX Flawless Talk Show ).. In this video, N had talk " For the members would love me more" and Hongbin said " Wait hyung,u look pitiful".. And from that video, I countinuelly look N as a leader who really wish that his dongsaengs could give him more affection kkk~ Do u think he look depress too authornim? LOL

I wish u could forgive me bcz of my long comments authorniim~ And thanks to respond or read my comment ^^
Chapter 8: hahahaha so cute, brought a smile to my face so thank you for that authornim!
TinaTissue28 #3
Chapter 7: I kinda want to say Great Dane. Those dogs are massive
Chapter 7: cute~~ can't wait for part 2
Kokechan #5
Chapter 4: I enjoyed reading all the chapters, especially the one with Ravi and the spider, it was hilarious. Hyuk is so cute with his hyungs... Thank you for these adorable stories!
a-topp #6
Chapter 1: Woooo very cute hyukkie
Yes, every time hyuk rap to beat him. Ravi always end in laugh because of this adorable guy!
Enjoy reading this one!
Chapter 3: Hahaha I don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for Hyuk. XD Loved this chapter!
tealdrops #8