My Sister Maude Inspired Dramatic Monolgue


Hey hey hey! Um, well in English Lit at school we have to do a dramatic monolgue based off of the poem Sister Maude and all my friends- well some- read it and said I should post it online. Awesome thing about it is that I can use whatever name I want, english or not!

In my monolgue I am Sister Maude ^^

Heechul in all his iness


Maude (or you can be Maude IDGAF)




If you don't know the poem, here it is:

Who told my mother of my shame,
Who told my fatlier of my dear?
Oh who but Maude, my sister Maude,
Who lurked to spy and peer.

Cold he lies, as cold as stone,
With his clotted curls about his face:
The comeliest corpse in all the world
And worthy of a queen's embrace.

You might have spared his soul, sister,
Have spared my soul, your own soul too:
Though I had not been born at all,
He'd never have looked at you.

My father may sleep in Paradise,
My mother at Heaven-gate:
But sister Maude shall get no sleep
Either early or late.

My father may wear a golden gown,
My mother a crown may win;
If my dear and I knocked at Heaven-gate
Perhaps they'd let us in:
But sister Maude, oh sister Maude,
Bide you with death and sin.


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