
My Sister Maude Inspired Dramatic Monolgue

I remember the first time I laid my eyes on him –it was like looking at a God-. The sunlight shining down on him hit him in all the right places, seemingly making a halo around his head.

He was perfect in every way; his lips were full and plump, his cheekbones were defined, his jaw sharp and chiselled. I looked into his eyes and it was like I was drowning in a sea of treacle. His hair looked so velvety soft, like every strand was woven by the angels themselves.

(We all know Heenim is a perfect angel, but I had to give him flaws :( )

Heechul had his flaws though; his nose was a little too big, his ears were small and elf-like, his eyes slightly oversized.

And the thing that confused me the most was that I didn’t care about his flaws.

I really didn’t care.

His flaws were something that made him more human, more approachable, more lovable.

The only thing that mattered was that he made my heart beat uncontrollably out of my chest; he sparked emotions in me that I didn’t know I had.

But I didn’t see him just that once though. It seemed that I saw him everywhere I went: the church, the grocers and even in my neighbourhood...

What puzzled me though, was that everywhere I saw him, I saw him with my sister...

Why was he with her?

My head was hurting; I couldn’t comprehend why they were together.

That is, until I decided to spy on them...bad idea on my part.

 I followed them everywhere, and everywhere I followed them they were trapped in a passionate embrace.

My heart shattered and tears brimmed in my eyes.

Distraught. Wounded. Heartbroken.

Anger then flared like a fire in my heart.

I was angry at my sister for taking the man I had fallen for and making him hers.

Angry at myself for ever thinking that that man –or any man- could or would even so much as look in my general direction.

Lastly, I was angry at him.

Angry that he was so perfect.

Angry that he’d never love me.

Angry that he wasn’t mine.

I was angry. So, so angry.

So I snitched. I told mother and father of her affair. Yes, it was a childish thing to do, but I was hurt.

She took what was mine and I could never forgive her.

And in a jealous fit of rage, I killed him.

Murdered him in cold blood.

So now I look down at Heechul’s bloodied corpse laying on the ground at my feet. The blood seeping out of the nasty gash on his forehead formed a halo around his head.

Huh...still angelic, even in death.

His once flushed cheeks now drained of all colour and ghostly white.

His jaw slack, his big eyes that once held so much life; dead.

As I look down at his body, the light in his eyes gone.

I feel nothing.

No anger, no guilt, no sadness, no regret.


My sister says that I’m going to hell for what I’ve done.

I say that Satan himself will welcome me at the gates with open arms, and point me in the direction of her lover.


Here it is! I hope I get a good grade! ^^

Much love <3

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