My Bad Man

Drugs, An Load of Drugs

What’s it like being considered a god? Depends on what you’re god of. Being god of wealth……hell, even the weather is better than our job.  We are the things you fear most.

Yongguk, the god of chaos, is our leader. Himchan, the god of fear, is his right hand man. There’s Daehyun, the god of war, and Youngjae, god of betrayal. Those two are always seen together. Then there’s Jongup, god of despair. Lastly, there’s me, Junhong…or Zelo, the baby, who has the most important role. I am the god…of…brutal death itself.

But not just any deaths, oh no, the normal ones go to our lords other…Children. I have what he insists on as the…honor…of taking those souls that my teammates, my friends, MY BROTHERS, deem necessary.  Our ‘father’, the god of true death…of Hell, has his favorites out of his many offspring. That would be us, mostly because, unlike our other demi-god siblings, we got a little more juice in our DNA.  We are able to walk among your world unseen, even cause turmoil, trouble, hate, and destruction where ever we go. So imagine my surprise when one of us fell in love, an emotion I thought us incapable of.

We were on our latest mission, in the middle of a city gang war, causing everything to escalate as we walked the ranks. There was a helicopter above us, catching every moment. Youngjae and Daehyun stopped for a minute to actually wave.

“As if they can see you Hyungs,” I retorted as a placed a hand on a fallen man’s chest.

I pulled away slowly and a stream of yellow, black, and blue dust followed. Every soul was a different mix of colors, depending on what they had done.

“Oh Zelo, That’s where the fun is. You know there are those slight few who will watch this news cast and think they are ing nuts,” Daehyun replied as he lightly touched the hand of a man who was giving up.

The man suddenly charged forward, a piece of glass in his hand, and stabbed a guy from the rival gang.

Yongguk stood on an abandoned car as the police arrived. Daehyun looked up at their leader and a grin passed between them. He sat down on a pile of junk and let Yongguk work his magic. A Molotov cocktail was thrown in front of the police. Soon both gangs charged at the police and the police fought back. Youngjae continued walking along, as friend friend as well as foe at the slightest touch from him. He reached the car Yongguk was standing on and took a seat on the hood. He had one knee up, arm propped on it, as he smirked and rubbed a thumb across his lips.

Himchan was just standing there, arms spread, enjoying the fear emanating from the riot. It may sound like he was doing something good by soaking up the fear, but I knew the truth. He was sending it back twice as fear-filled as he was receiving. At this point I looked around for Jongup…wondering what in heaven he was doing. I didn’t see him, and as there were 3 men dropping every minute, I gave up. It would be easier to do one mass collection for this massacre anyway. I sat down on a tire across from Daehyun, and picked up a random stone, tossing it into the air. Himchan was ahead of us, directly in the middle of our positions, and seemed to be enjoying himself as he let out a loud laugh. Jongup finally appeared, walking out from behind the junk pile Daehyun was sitting on. I could only guess that he had found some of the ones who had tried to abandon the ‘war’ and had put a little despair in them. They would be dead soon, they wouldn’t move now from where he had left them and Daehyun would send someone to take care of them.

People from one side or another began throwing more Molotov cocktails, setting multiple things on fire at once.  Yongguk, Youngjae, Daehyun, Jongup, and I joined Himchan as the people surged around us. It was time for the finale, for Yongguk’s masterpiece. The first explosion went off and everyone hit the ground, most dead. Not due to the actual explosion, more due to heart attacks. The next two went off, the third sending the car Yongguk and Youngjae had been on up in flames.

They made sure the rest of the people around were dead. I nodded to Yongguk, confirming that their jobs were finished. Those explosions were unique and saved us a lot of time usually. They were a mixture of all their talents, and gave off such strong feelings of everything it caused the heart to overload and stop. I sighed as I began the long process of a mass collection.  The others checked to make sure every corpse was in range. When they were all in range I closed my eyes and concentrated. I laid my hands, palm down, flat at my waist. I took a deep breath and exhaled as I brought my hands up to my shoulders, my palms now facing outward. I opened my eyes as a mist of red, yellow, blue, green, black, purple, teal, orange, and a few other colors raced toward my open palm.

“Uh-oh,” I muttered as I suddenly closed my hand.

“What is it?” Yongguk called.

I pointed to the white dust swirling about my being, “That!”

“!” Himchan cursed.

“But…” Daehyun started.

“We killed an innocent,” Youngjae stated, interrupting him.

“Again?” Jongup asked.

“ing Heaven on Earth, Junhong, are you serious?” Yongguk asked.

“No, this is fake.  I ground up a fairy, made fairy dust, then blew it around me like I was Tinkerbelle or some . For s sake, yes I’m serious,” I replied.

Daehyun and Youngjae elbowed each other and snickered. This wasn't the first time we had killed an innocent accidently. I was tired of this type of thing happening. We each enjoyed our jobs, me less than my brothers, but it was what I was meant for and I have never questioned it. I the two idiots next.

“You two stop acting like you’re in some romance novel, damn it. We have to find whoever this is and fix them. Or do YOU want to deal with ‘Lord Daddy’? Cause I am not taking the ing fall for this, not this time. I’m in no way apart of your bomb testing, I’m just the soul retrieval guy,” I yelled at them as I picked my way among the fallen.

Himchan smacked them in the back of the head as all five followed me. Soon we were on the side walk close to where the riot had been. There, lying on the ground was a girl who had apparently collapsed. She had been sitting at the nearby coffee shop, which was closed. The guys gathered around her. It was a minute before Yongguk picked her up and sat her back in her chair. I gathered the swirly mist from around me and brought it close to the young woman’s chest. Soon it was soaking back into the body where it belonged.

We stayed there for a few minutes; just to be sure she would awaken properly. It’s not like she would see us anyway.  Yongguk stood beside her, her hand still grasped in his. Himchan sat on the table in front of her, Youngjae and Daehyun knelt on either side of her, Jongup had taken the side Yongguk did not occupy, and I was standing directly in front of her, bent over slightly as I checked her soul for damage.

Suddenly her eyes fluttered open. We became still as statutes as she looked around.  She grinned, and my heart tightened.

“Thank you, my Bad Man,” she whispered as she stared each one of us in the eyes.

She stood up, maneuvered around us because we were frozen in shock that she seemed to have looked into each of our beings, and opened the coffee shop’s door. We didn’t know which of us she was thanking, or if she could see us, but when that door shut, we were shaken out of our trance. We pretended that it never happened as we headed back to report to our lord. That moment outside the coffee shop, that was the moment when one of us fell in love.

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Chapter 5: I never replied to your email so I shall do it here. I like it! I would also like to know who fell in love with her. I think it would be quite interesting :)