Jefferson's Jewelry Jam - XiaoQilin

Drugs, An Load of Drugs

A/N: I didn't realize this was going to end up being so long. My apologies.

---Shift Perspective (Ren)---*3rdPerson*
  Ren walked briskly down the sidewalk, his bookbag straps clutched in his hands tightly. It had been a long day at school, and he wanted to get to his desk at his part-time job as fast as possible. It wasn't so he could get home fast and eat a quick-serve meal, oh no. He loved his job. Who wouldn't love to be the secretary and sometimes fill-in assistant to the most famous detective in the city? He thought himself lucky to have such a job.
  He shuffled through the snow some more, kicking some of it out of his way and onto the feet of passersby. A couple of minutes later, he stopped in front of the doors to KJKW Detective Agency, otherwise known as his work building. He had been working there for a little over a year now and was always excited to see what new cases had sprung up during the day while he was at school.
  Ren pushed open the glass doors with both hands and walked in. It was a lobby-like room with waiting couches and chairs on either side of the door. An artsy painting of a unicorn that had been given to Jonghyun, the main detective, from an affluent friend of his was hanging on the wall to the left of the door. A coffee table with a plant was under it. On the other side of the room, adjacent to the unicorn painting, was another waiting area with a coffee table full of magazines. On the wall adjacent to the door was a wooden corner desk in the center of the wall. On the corner part of the desk was a computer monitor. On either side of the desk was a door. One had "File Room" written in pink and black leopard print bubble letters, and on the other door, "Hallway" was also written in pink and black leopard print bubble letters.
  Ren smiled as he headed over to his desk. He placed his bookbag underneath his desk and sat down in the swively chair. He brushed some of the blonde hair that couldn't fit into his ponytail behind his ear. He grabbed a pencil, then started to do his homework.
  As he was finishing up his last math problem, a rather dapper looking gentleman opened the door and walked in. As the man headed toward him, Ren took in his appearance. He was in a rather expensive looking black suit. A fedora was on his head, and he wore a monocle for an eyepiece.
  Ren put up his homework and looked up to the guy, who was just about to ring the bell on his desk. "Excuse me, my dear lady, but I must speak to the head detective of this establishment," he requested.
  Ren sighed, "I'm a guy, sir," he politely corrected. He brought the phone to his ear and dialed in Detective Jonghyun's office number. He listened to the ringback tone as he waited. Oh, I'm curious, yeah! Sajin sok nega. Sungan misojieo wae? Oh, I'm so curious, yeah, I'm so curious, yeah!
  The phone clicked to show he had indeed picked up the phone. "You rang, Ren?" Jonghyun asked.
  "There is a man here to see you, sir," Ren stated.
  "What's his name?" he inquired.
  Ren covered the bottom part of the phone with his hand and looked at the gentleman, who was now giving Ren a disapproving stare. "What's your name, sir?"
  "You may call me Mr. Jefferson," he replied.
  Ren nodded and uncovered the bottom part of the phone. "Mr. Jefferson, sir," he spoke into the phone.
  "Right, okay. I'll be out there in a sec. Get one of your recorders ready, if you would." The phone clicked and the dialtone started to play. Ren hung up the phone, and opened one of his desk drawers. He pulled out the bottom and pulled out a recorder. On the bottom of the recorder was a piece of leopard print tape that had the word "Empty" written on it in metallic Sharpie. He pulled off the tape, taped it to the edge of his desk, and grabbed more tape from the center drawer. He placed it in place of the other tape and wrote on it 'Jefferson 11/29/13'.
  Ren placed the recorder on the desk. A couple of moments later, a hand reached onto the desk and took the recorder. Ren looked up and saw Jonghyun. "Thanks, Ren." He smiled at him. He turned to the gentleman. "Mr.  Jefferson, correct? May I suggest we go speak in my office instead of here?" Jonghyun lead Mr. Jefferson from the lobby and through the door that said "Hallway" on it.
  Ren shrugged and put in his headphones, yet again brushing some escaped tendrils of blonde hair behind his ear. He his music, then took out his Literature homework and began to work on it to the tune of his music.

---Shift Perspective (Jonghyun)---*3rdPerson*

  Jonghyun closed the door behind them, moved over to behind his desk, then sat down in his swively chair. He the recorder and placed it on the desk so it could catch all of the conversation. "Mr. Jefferson, how may I help you today?" he asked politely.
  Mr. Jefferson folded his hands in his laps and twiddled his fingers. "I would like to enlist your help for a case," he started. "You see, I am the head of a rather well known jewelry and accesory company, Accessorize Co."
  Jonghyun nodded and pushed his hipster glasses up his nose. "What exactly do you need help with, sir?"
  "I was checking over the inventory as I usually do when I noticed we were three watches, a necklace, two charm bracelets, and six pairs of earrings short. I looked everywhere in the department and the warehouse, but I couldn't find the items. I believe they have been stolen," Mr. Jefferson explained. "These items are the most expensive on our current line, Mr. Kim. It is imperitive that they are found."
  Jonghyun placed his hand on his chin in thought. "I understand, Mr. Jefferson," he replied. "I shall try my best to find all these items for you. Would you please provide me with a full list of employees that work for you as well as how these items look?"
  Mr. Jefferson nodded then stood up. Jonghyun stood up as well. They shook hands. "I shall come by later with the things you requested. I thank you for your time, and I thank you for helping me, good sir." They bowed to each other. Jonghyun swiped the recorder off of his desk as he lead Mr. Jefferson out to the lobby.
  "I assure you, if they're out there, they'll be found," Jonghyun reassured. He watched as the gentleman left. Jonghyun turned to Ren. "Ren?" he questioned.
  The teen looked at Jonghyun and took out his headphones. "Yes sir?" he wondered.
  Jonghyun clicked the recorder off and handed it to Ren. "Will you please type this up?" he asked.
  Ren nodded. "Right away, sir." He plugged his headphones from his iPod to the recorder.
  "Oh, and Ren?"
  Ren looked up at Jonghyun again. "Neh?"
  "Please, once you're done typing up the recording, make a file for the Jefferson case and file it in the filing room. Mr. Jefferson will be coming by again to drop off some requested items. Bring them directly to me. I'll bring them back out for you to put in the case file whenever I'm done looking through them, okay?" Jonghyun explained.
  Ren nodded and smiled to his boss. "Yes sir."
  Jonghyun nodded his head in farewell, then walked back through the hallway door and to the door labeled "Kevin's Office". Jonghyun had to admit, he was really quite thankful that Ren had taken it upon himself within his first few days of working there to label all of the doors.
  Jonghyun knocked, then after a light, "Come in," he walked in.
  Kevin was leaned back in his swivel chair, arms behind his head, and feet propped up on his desk. He eyes darted from the ceiling to look at his best friend. He smiled. "Hey there! That look on your face tells me you want me to look for information," he declared. He took his feet off his desk and brought his hands into his lap.
  Jonghyun nodded. "Yes, but not right now. I'm going to need you to do some background checks on some people," he confirmed.
  Kevin nodded. "Sure thing! Just tell me when you want me to, and I shall!" he exclaimed. His best friend sure was peppy.
  Jonghyun turned towards the door. He opened the door and waved his hand back as he walked out. He went across the hall to his office. Jonghyun grabbed the recorder from the center desk drawer and clicked it on. "Lucifer, I've got some thoughts about this current case I'm working on," he spoke into it. Yeah, his recorder was named Lucifer. So what?
  "According to the client, twelve items were stolen, eighteen items if you count the earrings as individual and not in pairs. There were three watches, a necklace, two charm bracelets, and six pairs of earrings," Jonghyun continued. "I asked for an employee list and pictures of what the stolen items look like. I figured that an employee would be a good place to start for thievery. I'm going to have Kevin research the backgrounds of each individual employee. Jonghyun paused to clear his throat. "I'm going to ask Mir to see if he can look through the security tapes of Accessorize Co. Perhaps the camera caught something." Jonghyun pushed his glasses up his nose. "Also, I think I need a new pair of glasses...."

---Shift Perspective (Kevin)---*3rdPerson*
  Kevin walked out from his office and into the lobby, where Ren was furiously typing away at the keyboard. It looked like he had just finished up typing the hard copy of the case. Ren printed out the document, which was only about a page and a half long, stapled it together, and placed the papers in a manila folder labeled "Jefferson 11/29/13".
  Kevin looked at Ren and smiled. He sure was hardworking for a teen. He watched as Ren took the manila folder into the file room. He came back out mere moments later and sat back down at his desk. "Good afternoon, Kevin," he greeted as he sat back down in his chair.
  Kevin saw that as an invitation to sit on the edge of Ren's desk, which he did quite happily. "Hey, Kiddo! How was school, huh?" he wondered.
  Ren shrugged. "It was all right. I made an 86 on my history test, and the play we're reading and doing papers on in Literature is absolutely repulsive," he answered. "And how was your day, Kevin Hyung?" he wondered.
  Kevin smiled at the teen. "It's been a rather slow day today, to be honest," he declared.
  "Do you think this case is going to cause you and Jonghyun Hyung to have to stay overnight?" Ren asked.
  Kevin shrugged. "No idea, but it'd be a nice change of pace!"
  Just then, Mr. Jefferson walked back in with a stack of papers in his hands. Kevin lightly stood up from Ren's desk and moved a bit to the side. Mr. Jefferson stopped in front of Ren's desk. He looked at Ren again. "I was asked to deliver these to Mr. Kim," he stated.
  Ren nodded. "Okay, I'll give them to him, sir," he said. Mr. Jefferson placed the papers on Ren's desk, bowed his head to him, then took his leave just as fast as he had arrived.
  Ren looked at the papers. "I take it that these are the papers Jonghyun Hyung was talking about earlier," he said. He bowed his head to Kevin. "I'll be right back," he said to him. He grabbed the papers, then walked through the "hallway" door.
  Kevin inspected his nails and started to whistle a tune as he waited. He rocked on his feet slightly, then darted his eyes to the "hallway" door when Ren walked back through. He didn't have the papers anymore. "Kevin Hyung, Jonghyun has requested you in your office," he said.
  Kevin nodded his head and walked past the blonde as he went through the "hallway" door. He went through his office door and saw Jonghyun with the papers Mr. Jefferson had brought in. Kevin immediately went over to his swivel chair and sat down in it. "Yes, Hyung?"
  Jonghyun handed him a sheet of paper. "This is the employee list for Accessorize Co. I'd like you to do background checks on each employee, and find out as much as you can about them, okay?" he said.
  Kevin nodded. "Sure thing! I'll get right on it," he said.
  Jonghyun left the room and closed the door behind him. Kevin grabbed the list and turned towards his monitor. He began the long process of going through background researches and typing up what he found for each individual employee in a document.
  After the background checks were done, he surveyed the list. He muttered to himself, "So, according to the background checks, three out of the twenty-one employees have had felonies. One for arseny, one for theft, and another for vandalizing..."

---Shift Perspective (Jonghyun)---*3rdPerson*
  Jonghyun drummed his fingers on his desk as he looked through the papers strown out in front of him. There were a total of nine papers: one for the watch, one for the necklace, one for the bracelet, and one for each individual pair of earrings. Each paper contained one picture and a description below the picture.
  The watch looked metallic silver, almost like the Sharpie Ren liked to label rooms and recorders with. The clock face was dark grey, and the roman numerals were in white. The hands were metallic silver as well. The long hand was pointing to the V, and the short hand was pointing to the X. 10:25.
  The necklace was a small, intricately weaved, sterling silver chain. There were three small pendants at the end. The once in the center was ruby in colour. The two on either side of it were emerald in colour.
  The bracelet was mainly a gold bracelet, thickly weaved, with charms depicting what looked like animals. There were a total of six charms. From what he saw, it looked like there was an elephant, a giraffe, a tiger, an ostrich, a puma, and a meercat.
  Each individual set of earrings really only had minute differences. Half of the pairs were silver, and the other half were gold. There simple studs on two of the pairs; the rhinestones green in colour. Two other pairs had little red danglies. The last two pairs were studs with multiple chain danglies. At the end of the danglies were red rhinestones.
  Jonghyun picked up his recorder. "Lucifer, I have more thoughts about the case," he started. "Mr. Jefferson brought me the documents I asked for. I sent the employee list to Kevin, and I'm looking through the descriptions of the missing jewelry. I am unsure of how valuable these items really are. I am considering taking these pictures by Lay in a little while. I am about to go speak with Mir about the security tapes," he finished quickly. He turned the recorder off, set it on his desk, then walked out of the room.
  He walked down the hallway. Near the middle of the hallway, there was a door marked "Mir the Tech-Guy's Room". Jonghyun knocked on the door.
  "Come on in!" a voice yelled.
  Jonghyun opened the door and stepped into the tech-lab. There was advanced technology everywhere. Mir was currently standing in front of a large, almost holographic looking television screen. He was currently playing Frogger. "Yeah, Boss?" he asked as he quickly turned off his game.
  Jonghyun chuckled. "I'd like you to access the security tapes to the the headquarters, store, and warehouse of a company called Accessorize Co. Can you do that?" he asked.
  Mir smirked. "Of course I can! I'll have it done for ya in a jiffy," he concluded. Mir turned towards his monitor and began to type fiercely on the keyboard.
  "Thanks, Mir," Jonghyun said. He then walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.
  He shoved his hands into his pockets and whistled as he walked down the hallway. As he was walking down the hallway, he almost bumped into Kevin, who was looking for him.
  Kevin bowed his head in apology, then looked back at Jonghyun. "I've finished the background checks and extra research. According to the checks, only three out of all the employees have had previous felonies. Two of them were for arseny and vandalism, so I doubt they'd want to steal jewelry," Kevin explained.
  Jonghyun crossed his arms over his chest. "And what was the other one?" he questioned.
  Kevin looked down at the paper clutched in his hand. "Theft," he answered. Jonghyun tapped his finger on his chin has he thought. “Just got out about a week ago, really. Apparently, he stole from multiple stores.”
  “Certainly seems like an excellent candidate for our theft case,” Jonghyun pointed out.
  Kevin nodded his head happily. "Right, right!" he exclaimed. He held up his index finger. "And that's not the only thing about this guy I found," he added.
  "What did you find?"
  Kevin cleared his throat. "This guy spent extra time in jail for being in fights with other jailmates. And, want to know the best part?" he said. Jonghyun raised his eyebrows. "This kid is a grade above Ren! Talk about a delinquent teen."
  Jonghyun narrowed his eyes. "Are you insinuating what I think you are...?" he wondered.
  Kevin smiled widely. "If what you think I'm insinuating involves sending Ren for coffee and information, then you're right!"
  Jonghyun shrugged. "I guess it's going to be a long night tonight," he sighed. "Let's get all the documents gathered up and given to Ren so he can file them. Then we'll ask him to go speak with Jongup."
  Kevin quickly walked into his office and grabbed the list of employees. He smiled brightly as he stepped out. He was always so damn peppy. Jonghyun had the photos for each item clutched in his hand. "Afterall, I'm sure Ren won't mind talking to Jongup," Kevin added.
  Jonghyun chuckled as he and Kevin walked out the hallway. They stopped in front of Ren's desk, and Jonghyun decided to ring the bell three times.
  Ren took out his headphones and looked at his two hyungs. "Neh?"
  "We're done with these documents for now. Please file them in the Jefferson case," Jonghyun asked.
  "Yes sir," Ren replied. He took the papers from Kevin and Jonghyun and walked into the file room. He emerged back into the lobby in about thirty seconds. He walked back over to his desk and sat back down in his chair. "Anything else?" he wondered.
  "Actually, yes, there is," Kevin replied. Ren raised his eyebrows. "We were wondering if you could go get some information on Marley Tuff."
  Ren raised one eyebrow at the two of them. "You want me to go speak to Jongup about this guy, right?" he asked. Kevin nodded happily.
  "Also, could you get us the usual?" Jonghyun asked.
  "Neh," Ren replied. He took out his Steno notepad from the center desk drawer and a pen. He wrote down the note 'Ask Jonguppie Hyung about Marley Tuff. Get coffee for Jonghyun, Kevin, and myself.' He grabbed an empty recorder from the hidden compartment, switched out the label so it now said "Marley Tuff Disc. 11/29/13". He looked to his bosses. "Anything else?" he wondered.
  They both shook their heads. "Don't take too long, okay?" Jonghyun said. And with that, the two of them walked into the "hallway" door.

---Shift Perspective (Ren)---*1stPerson*
  I grabbed everything I needed and put it in my messenger bag. I slid on my jacket and quickly made sure my phone was in my jacket pocket. After finding it safe in the pocket, I slung my bag around my shoulders and headed out the door.
  I was on my way to the coffee shop. That was where Jongup worked, after all. And if I was going to be getting the information about this Marley Tuff guy, I had to speak to Jongup. He was like, a pinnacle of all the knowledge about the life of students in our school. It was kind of creepy, now that I thought about it.
  I pulled my scarf tighter around my neck as I trudged on down the sidewalk. Fortunately, I was the only one walking. It meant less people bumping into me. I shoved my ungloved hands into my pocket. I made a mental note reminding me to get some damn gloves.
  Now that I thought about it, I was glad that I was sent to talk to Jongup. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside that Kevin and Jonghyun trusted me to do some of their work. They could've easily talked with Jongup themselves, but instead, they let me. Perhaps they think Jongup will release more information to me since we're dating. Maybe they just didn't feel like doing it themselves. Maybe I'm asking too many questions.
  I saw the familiar coffee shop about ten yards away. I quickly walked up to the doors and pushed them open. As I walked inside, a rush of warm air hit me. I pulled my scarf down from around my mouth and looked around. It wasn't particularly crowded, albeit it never really was since it's an indie coffee shop. There were a couple of people scattered about.
  I looked over to the counter and saw no line. Score! I quickly stepped up to the counter and was met with the face of the cashier lady. She chewed on her gum fiercely. "May I help you?" she said. Her voice had a whiny, yet snobby ring to it.
  "U-um, is Jongup here?" I asked.
  The girl looked at me for a moment, then walked away from the counter. She yelled into the back of the shop, "Jongup! That blonde guy's here for you, again!" She proceeded to walk into the back of the shop.
  I found it extremely inefficient for her to yell at him when she was just going to go back there. I was thinking that it would've been more efficient for her if she had just gone back there and talked rather than strained her vocal chords when I heard Jongup's familiar voice. "Hey, babe. What brings you here at this hour of the day?" he wondered.
  I brought myself out of my thoughts and smiled at him. "Work, actually. I was requested to ask you about a student at our school," I clarified.
  Jongup nodded at me. "Okay," he said, "please give me a minute." He left the counter and walked over to the entrance to the back of shop. "I'm going on break!" he yelled back. He walked back over to the counter. "Shall I treat us to some coffee while we chat?"
  I smiled and nodded my head happily. "Yes, please!" I exclaimed.
  He quickly made some coffee. I have no idea what he made for himself, but he made my favourite for me: an iced cappucinno, despite it being cold and snowy outside. He pretty much slid himself over the counter rather than going out the easy way. We picked a table far away from other people and took our seats.
  I bit my bottom lip as I fished through my bag for the recorder I had brought along. I pulled it out as well as the Steno notebook and a pencil. I quickly clicked the recorder on, then opened the notepad to the page I had written on.
  "Okay, so who is it you need to know about?" Jongup wondered. He took a sip of his coffee. Now that I looked at it, it looked like it was just plain, black coffee.
  "Marley Tuff," I replied.
  His eyes widened. "Him? He's a notorious bad boy. Why do you want to know about him?" he questioned.
  I shrugged. "I'm not really sure. I only know that Kevin Hyung requested I ask you about him," I answered. I took a nice gulp of my coffee. "What can you tell me about him?" I wondered.
  Jongup looked off to the side in thought. He brought his eyes back to mine. "Well, he's an only child, and his parents abandonded him when young. He was made a sour and bitter child because of this. It's probably why he's as screwed up as he is, too," Jongup explained. "He's messed with many different people, been in too many fights to count, and just got out of jail for stealing. He's always struggled to pay his rent since he has no job and lives by himself. I hear rumours around the school that he was going to drop out soon."
  I nodded and wrote down some notes on my Steno notepad. Sour because of lack of discipline...? Parent abandonment. Mixing with wrong crew. Fights a lot. Recently out of jail for theft. Money issues. Possible school dropout. My pen moved furiously as I wrote. Jongup stopped talking to take another sip of his coffee.
  I sipped my own coffee once I was done with my side notes. "Is there anything else you can tell me?" I wondered.
  Jongup looked up as if he were staring into a thought bubble. He once again brought his eyes back to mine. "I know he has a job at Accessorize Co. There's no way he got that job without help. I'd be willing to bet that a shady contact of his was the one responsible for getting him that job," Jongup finished.
  Job set up for him at Accessorize Co. by shady contact...? I quickly scribbled that last sentence down, then put down my pen and closed my Steno pad. "Is that everything?"
  Jongup nodded. "Yes, that's everything I can tell you about Marley Tuff," he responded.
  I smiled as I turned off my recorder. "Well, now that that's done, we can just chat now," I suggested. I put up the Steno pad, pen, and recorder back into their respective places in my messenger bag. I sipped some of my coffee greedily.
  Jongup grinned at him. "Sounds like a plan to me," he agreed. "What do you want to talk about then?" he asked.
  I tapped my finger on my chin as I thought. "I'm...not quite sure, really...I'm curious. Does that girl who operates the counter have any common sense?" I wondered.
  "Gum Girl?" Jongup questioned. I nodded and smiled curiously. "Aish, I don't even know. She doesn't act like she does, that's for sure." Jongup took a large gulp of coffee.
  "Maybe she chewed her gum so harshly that she chewed away her common sense?" I suggested as I shrugged. I took another sip of coffee. I was almost done with it.
  Jongup chuckled. "That has to be it!" he agreed.
  "It's the only explanation," I said. "There is no other way to describe her complete lack of common sense." I nodded my head in a matter-of-fact kind of manner.
  He gulped down the rest of his coffee quickly. "How's Zelo doing?" he wondered.
  "Zelo is...," I thought for a moment. Zelo's my best friend. He'd been living with me for about eight months now, and he had adjusted nicely. I cleared my thoughts and continued, "doing great. He recently just got the job he applied for!"
  "Really? That one at the shoe place?" Jongup questioned.
  I nodded my head quickly. "Yes! 'That place' has a name, though, and it's called Journey's."
  "Right, Journey's! That was the name," he sighed. "Well," he said, "I guess this means you won't be the only one in the house bringing in a salary."
  "That makes me feel a whole lot less stressed," I admitted. "Maybe now with an increase in money, we can afford better food products besides ramen noodles!"
  Jongup chuckled as he shook his head. "I don't think I'll ever be able to understand how you can survive off of just ramen and water," he said.
  I shrugged. "They have different flavours of ramen."
  I quickly finished up my coffee in a couple of gulps, then put down the cup. We brought our plastic cups to the trash and walked back over to the main counter. He jumped back over to the other side of the counter. "I'm taking a guess that Kevin and Jonghyun want the usual?" he wondered.
  "Neh," I replied.
  He set out a coffee tray on the counter and began to make the two desired cups of coffee. Once he finished, he set the cups on the counter. "Don't forget to label 'em, babe," he reminded.
  I nodded my head and pulled out my trusty metallic silver sharpie. I wrote Kevin's name on his drink, and Jonghyun's name on his drink. I put the sharpie away. "Do you want me to make you another cup?" he asked.
  I thought for a moment, then nodded. If Jonghyun and Kevin were going to be in the office late, that meant I was required to stay in late as well. I sighed as he made my coffee. I really didn't want to go quite yet. It was warm in here, and cold out there.
  He placed my coffee up with Jonghyun's and Kevin's. I quickly put the three cups of coffee into the tray. I pulled out my wallet to pay for all the drinks, it was rung up, and I put my wallet back up. "Don't worry about our drinks from earlier; I put them on my tab," he said.
  I nodded my head in thanks. "Thank you." I adjusted my scarf a bit. "Well, I'm going to head on out," I said. I quickly leaned over the counter and planted a kiss on his cheek, then went back to the side of the counter I was supposed to be on and grabbed the edges of the coffee tray. He lightly smiled at me. "Thank you for all of your helpful information, Jonguppie Hyung."
  I smiled as I picked up the tray and turned to walk out. "See you at school tomorrow, right?" he said to me.
  I turned my back to the door and turned to face him. "Yes, of course!" I replied. I waved back at him as I left through the doors of the coffee shop. I quickly pulled up my scarf to cover my mouth and nose again, then headed on my way back to the office.
---Shift Perspective (Kevin)---*3rdPerson*
  Kevin kicked his feet in the air with his hands planted firmly on Ren's desk. He had to admit, his favourite place to sit other than in his super comfortable swively chair was on Ren's desk. He'd have to get off whenever Ren got back, though. That was probably going to be soon.
  Kevin observed the top of Ren's desk closer. There were slips of paper under the glass cover. One said, 'Coffee Norm.: Jonghyun - Americano w/ hot milk. Kevin - White Chocolate Mocha. Me (Ren) - Iced Cappucinno.' There were other reminders there. The one by the phone said, 'Dial 001 for front desk (Lobby phone). Dial 002 for Det. Jonghyun's office. Dial 003 for P.A. Kevin's office. Dial 004 for Int. Room A backroom. Dial 005 for Int. Room B backroom. Dial 006 for Tech-Room (Mir). Dial 007 for autopsy. Dial 008 for lab.' Kevin had to squint his eyes to see the reminder over by the computer monitor. 'All Vid. Call profiles must remain online at all times.'
  He turned his head to face Jonghyun as he whistled a tune and watched him pace around the room. He was currently on the phone with somebody. Kevin couldn't really tell much about the conversation, but from what he could tell, he was calling and asking somebody to come over to the office to check out something. He wasn't quite sure what.
  After about five minutes of being on the phone, Jonghyun hung up his phone and put it back in his pocket. He pushed his glasses back up onto his nose. "Who was that, Jonghyun?" Kevin wondered.
  "Lay. You remember him, right?" he asked.
  Kevin thought back. If he remembered correctly, Lay had helped them solve a case back when they were first starting out as an agency. "He's the appraiser guy, right?"
  Jonghyun nodded his head in confirmation. "I called him over to check out the pictures I was given of the missing items. I want to see just how valuable they really are," he explained.
  "Right, right. Makes sense," Kevin agreed as he nodded his head.
  At that moment, Ren came back from the coffee shop. He had the coffee tray in his hand and opened the door with his back. Kevin watched as he wiped off his feet and walked over to his desk.
  He picked out one cup and held it out to Kevin. "This is yours, Kevin," he said. Kevin took it with a bright smile and began to drink it. Ren picked out another cup and held it to Jonghyun. "And this one is yours, Jonghyun Hyung." Jonghyun took it with a thankful smile plastered on his face.
  Kevin slid off Ren's desk reluctantly and stood up in front of it. Ren put his own cup of coffee onto his desk, then threw away the tray. Jonghyun looked at Ren and asked, "Ren, will you go get the Jefferson file?"
  Ren nodded his head. "Neh," he replied. He walked off to the filing room, then came back out moments later with the manila folder in his hand. He handed it to Jonghyun. "Here you go, sir."
  "Thank you, Ren," he said. He took the folder and grabbed the pages of pictures. He handed the folder back to Ren, who took it back with him to his desk. He set it down.
  Kevin pulled up a chair and sat down in front Ren's desk. "How did the conversation with Jongup go?" he wondered.
  "Great, great!" Ren exclaimed as he smiled. He grabbed a couple of things from his messenger bag. It was the Steno pad and the recorder. "Here you go," he said as he slid the two objects towards Kevin.
  Kevin took the Steno pad and turned to the page with the notes. He read over them then looked at Jonghyun. "I think you need to take a look at this," he told him.
  Jonghyun took the Steno pad from Kevin and read the notes that Ren had scribbled down during his chat with Jongup. When he was finished, he handed the notepad back to Kevin, then pushed his glasses up his nose. "Hmm...," he hummed. "How intriguing."
  Ren folded his hands in his lap. "That's just a general summary of our conversation," he said. He then took the recorder back over there, plugged his headphones into it, then began transcribing it onto a computer document so there would be a hard copy.
  Kevin looked towards the door as he took a sip of his coffee. Someone had just pushed the door open. He recognized the man immediately as Lay.
  Jonghyun took his hand off of his chin and looked at his friend. "Ah, great! Thank you for coming on such short notice," he said.
  "No, no, it's fine, I assure you," Lay said as he held his hands up. "Where are these things you want me to appraise?" he wondered.
  Jonghyun held out the pieces of paper with the pictures on them. "These, actually. Can you tell their worth through paper?"
  Lay took the papers. "Is my name Zhang YiXing? Of course I can tell their worth through these papers," he scoffed. He quickly looked through each individual sheet, then looked up at Jonghyun. "Mind if we do this in your office?" he asked as he placed his free hand on his hip.
  Jonghyun nodded. "Yes, of course," he replied. He then proceeded to lead Lay through the hallway door.
  Kevin puffed out his cheeks. What was he going to do now? He couldn't bother Ren since he was working. He took a quick sip of his coffee and leaned back in the chair he had pulled up to Ren's desk. He decided he was just going to wait for Ren to get done working so he could bother him.

---Shift Perspective (Jonghyun)---*1stPerson*
  I closed the door to my office behind me as Lay took a seat in front of my desk. He spread out each sheet of paper and began to inspect them. I took a seat in my chair and watched intently.
  Lay pointed to the paper with the watch on it. "I've seen watches with similar design to this," he pointed out. "Those would sell for about $70, I believe. This here looks like it'd sell for at least over $100."
  "Why do you say that?" I questioned.
  Lay shrugged. "An appraiser's intuition," he replied. "But in all seriousness, it's because the watch from Accessorize Co. is made out of a much more pricey metal than the others I've seen. Also, old fashioned roman numerals just scream out pricey."
  I pointed to the bracelet picture. "What about these?" I asked.
  Lay made a stank face at the bracelet's picture. "It isn't exactly something that will match with anything. It may match with your secretary's leopard print, however," he voiced. "But, seeing the amount of gold it's made out of and how much there is, it could easily sell for well over $100. I dare say it could reach up into the 120s."
  I chuckled at Lay's reaction. Ren had a small fascination with leopards for some unknown reason. "And all of the earring pairs?"
  Lay shrugged. "All six pairs of earrings together probably total to approximately $500. Don't hold me to that, though."
  I raised my brows. "That's kind of expensive. That's almost $100 per pair!"
  Lay shook his head. "When you see the material these pairs of earrings are made out of, it's not so crazy. It's the finest material and is quite hard to get hands on," Lay pointed out as he held up his index finger.
  I nodded in understanding. I pointed to the picture of the necklace. "What about that necklace?" I wondered.
  "That's the most expensive thing out of all these objects here. Those are real emeralds, and that's a real ruby. The chain is as much silver as it can be without breaking," he explained. "I'd say it easily fetches double of everything else totaled together.
  My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "Seriously?"
  I grabbed a sticky note and started to write down the general prices that Lay had given me. Watch - $100, Bracelet - $120, Earrings - $500, Necklace - $1,440. Total: $2,160. I put down my pen then looked up at Lay. "Thank you for your help," I said.
  We both stood up and bowed at each other. "No problem," he replied. "I can give you a better price if I had the real thing, know what I mean? Call me if you get 'em?" he wondered.
  I nodded my head. "Definitely," I answered. I grabbed the papers on the desk and handed them to Lay. "Can you give these to Ren on your way out?" He nodded, then proceeded to leave.
  I grabbed my recorder and turned it on. "Lucifer, I'm a bit curious about something," I started. "I am still a bit curious at what I read in Ren's notes. According to his notes, Tuff had help getting the job. I need to find out, if anyone, who helped him get that job. Maybe they're partners in crime or something..."

---Shift perspective (Ren)---*3rdPerson*
  Ren quickly typed up the last sentence and saved the document. He printed it out, grabbed the papers, stapled them together, then placed them at the back of the case folder.
  "All done, huh?" Kevin wondered.
  Ren nodded. "Neh," he replied. "Is there anything else you need done, Hyung?" Kevin shook his head. "So we're just waiting for Mr. Kim to get done now?"
  Kevin chuckled. "If he heard you call him Mr. Kim, I think he'd lose it!"
  Ren shrugged and propped his chin in the palm of his hand. "Good thing he's not in here then," Ren retorted. He brought his coffee cup to his lips and took a gulp. He cringed at how watered down it now was.
  "Hey, do you think your friend Zelo knows anything about this Marley Tuff?" Kevin suddenly asked.
  Ren raised his eyebrow at the guy. "Maybe he does. I can call and check real quick. I have to tell him I'm going to be late coming home from work tonight anyway," he replied. Ren took out his cell phone. The time was already 8:45. He sighed as he dialed the number. He drummed his fingers on the desk to the beat of the ringback tone. Yeah, ginagin ssaume mogi mareun. Geu daedeureul wihae nallineun Punch! Seoroga dareugo pyeoneul gareugo. Geu mari got mujihan saramdeul marigo. Simjange ullineun nae mari nimalgwa dareuni. Hwaganani deureo 4madi jansori. Rest in Peace! Jinsildeurel wihan i gido. Garyeojin siseutem geomeun geurimjaga wiro. Deopyeodo gulhaji annneun sinseonghan baetji-
  "Hyung! I'm on my way home from work right now. Do you want me to pick up food for you, too?" Zelo wondered.
  "No, just pick up food for yourself," Ren answered.
  "I take it you have to work in late?" Zelo wondered.
  "Neh, and you know how that works. If I'm not back by midnight, you better be asleep by the time I get home," Ren enforced.
  "Of course, Hyung," Zelo paused. "Is there any other reason you called? I don't think you'd call just to tell me you were going to be home late."
  Ren laughed. "Cutting right to the punch, are we? Well, you're right. Kevin Hyung asked me if you knew anything about a Marley Tuff. Do you?"
  There was silence on the other end of the phone. "He's that kid who just got back from jail a little while ago, right?"
  "Neh," Ren reassured.
  "He has large sized feet," Zelo said.
  Had Ren taken a sip of his coffee at that moment, he would've done a spittake. "Bwoh?"
  "He came into the store earlier today to get some new shoes. He picked a size 13! That's really big!" Zelo exclaimed. "I understand he could've picked some shoes so he'd have room to grow into them-"
  "But still, that's big," Ren interrupted. "Is there anything else you can tell me?"
  "Neh. He had to give me his address since the store doesn't sell shoes that big," Zelo said. "As soon as we get them in, we're supposed to ship them to him. He also paid upfront for the shoes. And he left before he could receive his change."
  "All right," Ren said. "Before you head on home, could you come by here and drop off that address for me?"
  "Of course, Hyung."
  "Great, see you when you get here," Ren said. He clicked the phone to hang up and turned to Kevin.
  Ren nodded. "He just encountered him at the shoe store today, and he had to give them his address. I went ahead and asked him to bring it by," Ren clarified. "Apparently, your main suspect has large feet."
  "Of course that's fine. It would've been less fine for you to not ask him to bring it by," Kevin pointed out. "It'll help us track him down."
  Ren propped his chin in the palm of his hand again. "I guess it depends on whether or not the address is his real address." Kevin nodded.
  At that moment, the hallway door opened and Lay came walking out with the papers in his hands. He walked over to the main desk. "I was asked to deliver these papers to you," he said as he handed the papers to Ren.
  Ren nodded his head. "All right, thank you," he said. Lay nodded his head in farewell, then left the building. Ren took the papers, straightened them out, then put them neatly into the manila folder that was still on his desk. "Should I keep this out?" he wondered.
  Kevin shrugged. "If we're getting the address soon, I'd keep it out so you can file it when it gets here," he said.
  "But shouldn't I bring it directly to Mr. Kim?" he contradicted.
  "Well," he started, "you're supposed to for certain, but I'm here! I'm his personal assistant, so if I see it, it counts as him seeing it, right?" Ren raised his eyebrows at him. "And, if I see it, I can rewrite it down, then you can file the original copy, and I can give Jonghyun the copied down one."
  "Ooooh," Ren said. "That makes sense. Okay, I'll do that then."
  The front door was opened once again and Zelo walked in, his bookbag only on his back by one strap which he clutched in his hand. The tall teen walked up to the front desk and reached into his pocket, then pulled out a small business card and set it down on the desk. "Here you go, Hyung."
  Kevin was the one to take the address card and inspect it all around. He took a sticky note from Ren's desk and copied down the address. He put the original card back on the top stack of papers in the manila folder and put the sticky note in his pocket. "Thanks, Zelo." Ren stood up, made sure everything that needed to be in the Jefferson case folder was in it, closed it, then took it into the file room.
  Each filing cabinet in the filing room, which was a lot since they covered all the walls in there except for where the door was, was labeled. Each one was labeled with Ren's signature leopard print ducktape, just like everything else in the agency that was labeled, and had a letter of the alphabet written on them. The one for Q also had R on it. Ren walked over to the cabinet that had J on the label, opened the middle drawer, then put the Jefferson case file in the cabinet, tab up. He closed the cabinet, walked out of the filing room and back out into the lobby.

---Shift Perspective (Kevin)---*3rdPerson*
  "So how long will Ren have to stay tonight, Mr. Woo?" Zelo wondered.
  Kevin chuckled. "How many times have I told you to just call me Kevin, Zelo?" he asked. Zelo started to count all the times he had been asked this on his fingers. He held up seven fingers. "Exactly. As for your question, he probably won't be home tonight," Kevin answered.
  Zelo nodded his head in understanding. "Should I bring an outfit from home to Ren, then?"
  "Yes, that'd be great. We don't want him wearing the same outfit to school two days in a row. I know a bit about fashion. Don't wear the same thing two days in a row," Kevin said.
  Zelo laughed. "Yeah, I already hear about all that from Ren. He learned everything he knew about the fashion world from his older sister, and I've heard just about every piece of information about fashion he learned from her."
  "That's right, isn't it? Sometimes I forget he isn't an only child," Kevin admitted.
  "Well, I ought to go run by the apartment and get that outfit real quick," Zelo stated. He waved goodbye to Kevin as he walked out the office.
  Ren walked back into the lobby at that moment. "Where's Zelo going?" he asked as he sat back down at his desk.
  Kevin brushed some hair out of his face. "He went to go get you an outfit for school tomorrow," he replied.
  Ren put on his best unimpressed face. "I take it I'm not leaving work tonight?"
  Ren sighed. "He better not forget my makeup bag again," he pouted.
  Two short beeps rang out, indicating that there was an incoming video call. Ren turned to face his monitor. He clicked to answer the call. Mir's face appeared on the screen. "Ah, there you are! I was wondering if you were going to pick up or if you were in the file room," he hurriedly said.
  "Any particular reason you called, Mir Hyung?"
  Mir nodded his head. "Yeah, there is. I called Jonghyun to tell him I was done looking through the security tapes at that place, Accessorize Co., but he told me that he was busy at the moment, then told me to get Kevin to look at the tapes and everything, but Kevin wasn't in his office when I called so I figured that-"
  "I'm right here," Kevin interrupted.
  Mir stopped his speaking and made a face showing that he really didn't like being interrupted. "Okay, okay. I get it. Will you just get back here to look at these tapes?" he hurriedly asked.
  "Of course! I'll be back there in about a minute!" Kevin said. He stood up and brushed himself off.
  "All right, see you when you get here then," Mir said. He abruptly hung up the video call mere moments after.
  Kevin bowed his head to Ren. "I guess I'll be back out here in a little while, then," he said as he took his leave.
  Kevin walked through the hallway door for what had to be the hundredth time that day and continued walking until he reached Mir's door. He knocked, then after a quick 'come in', he walked in.
  Mir was behind the main desk in the center of the room. He had several paused video files pulled up on the large screen. Kevin walked behind the control panel mixed with desk to join Mir. Mir looked over at him as he approached. "So, I'm not quite sure what I was supposed to be looking for," Mir admitted.
  Kevin shrugged. "I'm not sure myself. I would guess the basic things you look for in security?" he guessed.
  "I suppose," Mir agreed, "but we aren't trying to track a missing person, nor are we trying to incriminate a murderer. This was just...requested. Do you have any idea why Detective Jonghyun would ask me to look through security?"
  Kevin tapped his finger on his chin as he replied, "Maybe our thief was dim-witted enough to swipe the jewels away in front of security. We may never know."
  Mir gave him a judging kind of look. "Anyway, I decided I was going to look for anything that would be out of the ordinary for a jewelry store. And what do I find other than the same guy walking in multiple times during one week to speak with our owner?" he explained. When Kevin simply responded with a parting of lips and a nod of the head, he continued, "He even looked at the camera once. Not a smart move, and personally, I don't know why criminals always end up looking at the cameras and whatnot I mean seriously-"
  "Mir, please get back on track," Kevin politely interrupted, if it's even possible to interrupt somebody politely.
  Mir pouted out his bottom lip. "Okay, okay. So I pulled up all the times he appeared on camera. Each time, he appears with that kid there," he paused to point at the screen with the mouse cursor, then continued, "His face shows up, too. I can pull both of the faces out and check the facial recognition database."
  "Yes, could you do that, please? And whenever you get the results, check in with Jonghyun and not me. That is, unless Jonghyun tells you otherwise," Kevin said. Mir nodded his head frantically. "Is there anything else you found?"
  Mir shrugged and shook his head. "Nah. Nothing really important. Certainly no theft in broad daylight. But, there was one thing...," he trailed as he remembered something. He clicked some buttons and moved his cursor and clicked on more . Honestly, Kevin was having a hard time keeping up with him. Mir clicked on a particular clip and skipped through the video. After he clicked it to play, a few seconds went by before the screen went out in complete static. "At some point on Tuesday night, or early Wednesday morning, whatever suits your fancy cup of coffee, the cameras at the warehouse went out. They didn't come back on for about two to three hours. I believe it was that time frame in which our items were stolen.”
  “You'd think they'd steal more in two to three hours,” Kevin pointed out. “They could've robbed that place bare in that amount of time, but they didn't. Why?”
  “That, my friend, is a question I can't answer for you. I'm sure Jonghyun would be able to help you with that.”
  “I know that well enough. He is my best friend, after all. If there's anything I know about him, though, it's not to mess with him when he says he's busy. It's a bad idea. Don't do it,” Kevin said warningly.
  Mir nodded. “Right. You could always go bounce ideas off of Ren's head while you wait for Jonghyun to be available once again,” Mir suggested. “After all, it's not like you wouldn't do it even if Jonghyun wasn't busy.”
  “You're right, Hyung,” Kevin said. “I'll go do that! Thanks for the information!” And with a wave of his hand backwards to Mir, Kevin left the room.

---Shift Perspective (Jonghyun)---*3rdPerson*
  Jonghyun paced around in his office, thinking about the case. He knew Mir had found something from the security tapes, and Kevin was due any minute to at least tell him something. Either that, or Mir told Kevin that Jonghyun was busy, and Kevin would never mess with Jonghyun when he was busy. He would just send a simple text.
  As soon as he thought that, he heard his phone buzz on the desk. He picked it up and checked the message.
  To: Kim Jonghyun
  From: Kevin Woo
  Message: Hey, Mir just told me a couple of things about the security you asked him to go through. He said that there were these two people who would always show up at the same time of day. He was able to get a good view of their faces, so I asked him to put them through facial recognition. I told him to go to you about the results first, okay?

   Jonghyun read over the message carefully. He remembered when Mir called his office earlier, he had told him to go to Kevin about the results. Now that he thought about it, it probably would've been better had he went to check the results. After all, he knew what he was looking for.
  Jonghyun quickly texted a reply, then put his phone in his pocket and walked out into the hallway. He decided he wanted to go see the results for himself. He quickly walked down the hallway and to Mir's door. He knocked, then walked in after he heard the usual 'come in'.
  Mir looked at him in surprise. “Well hey! I didn't think it was you who was coming in here. You told me you were busy, so I told Kevin the results. I don't think he knew what you were looking for, so should I go over everything I told Kevin for you?” he wondered.
  Jonghyun nodded his head and listened intently to everything Mir told him. He only intervened when it was necessary because Mir really didn't like to be interrupted. One thing he was a bit surprised at that Kevin didn't tell him was the time frame in the warehouse where the cameras were out. He made a mental note to ask Kevin about it later.
  Once Mir was done explaining everything, he asked, “What exactly was it that you were looking for in security anyway?”
  “Honestly, to see if our thief was stupid enough to steal in front of the camera,” Jonghyun admitted. “But your results do confirm something I was thinking abou earlier.”
  “And what would that be?”
  “Our thief had some sort of accomplice. There has got to be a particular reason it was those same two people showing up at the same time and always together, and I'm going to find out what reason that is,” Jonghyun concluded.
  Mir shrugged. “Maybe they're just really frequent customers to this place.”
  “I don't think that's the case. You'd think they'd buy something if they were frequent customers, silly. I'll be sure to ask Mr. Jefferson about it later,” Jonghyun said. “When do you think the facial recognition will be done?”
  Mir turned his head to two computer screens to his right. They were both scanning through the many, many faces in the database. “Any minute now, really. I mean, it was easily concluded that neither of the faces were part of the military. It's going through criminal records-”
  A loud beeping noise interrupted Mir and they both looked at the computer screen. “Well, well, if it isn't our friend Marley Tuff,” Jonghyun said as he looked at the screen. It had stopped searching for faces and had concluded that the face for that was Marley Tuff, the guy they've been trying to dig up more information on for the past couple of hours. The other screen was still going, though.
  “Marley Tuff...quite a character! I mean, look at this! This kid is a year older than Ren, and he's already been to jail! Good ing grief!” Mir ranted.
  Another loud beep rang out throughout the room to signify that the other computer was done searching through faces as well.  A familiar name and face popped up on the screen. “Ah, well if it isn't our good friend Keith Bedgood! I wasn't even aware he had made parole,” Jonghyun sarcastically stated.
  “Didn't you and Kevin manage to put him behind bars a while ago?” Mir asked.
  Jonghyun nodded. “Yes, we did, back near when this place first came to be, actually,” Jonghyun reminisced, “He was our first big theft case. Now that I remember, I think it was his case that made us as popular as we  are.”
  “That's right! It was the first case that came through after I got here!” Mir exclaimed.
  “That it was! Well, I know what I'm going to be doing for now,” Jonghyun said. He turned and started to walk towards the door.
  “What are you going to be doing?” he wondered.
  “Why bouncing ideas off of Kevin' sand Ren's heads of course!” he exclaimed. “Thanks for all the information, Mir.”
  And with that, Jonghyun walked out the door.

---Shift Perspective (Kevin)---*3rdPerson*
  “So what do you think could be going on with all this, Ren?” Kevin asked.
  Kevin had taken it upon himself to explain everything that Mir had explained to him to Ren. It wasn't just because he couldn't bounce his ideas off of Jonghyun. It originally started out that way, but after a while, Kevin realized Ren offered an interesting perspective on things and would often go to him by default.
  “You said that one of the guys in the video looked like the Marley Tuff you looked up, right?” Kevin nodded his head in confirmation. “I bet you the other guy with him is the shady contact Jongup believes set the job up for him. The warehouse is where they keep the inventory, right? And the warehouse cameras were the one that out, right?” Kevin once again nodded his head in confirmation. “It's probably as you said. Whoever stole that jewelry probably stole it during the time frame of the camera blackout,” Ren concluded.
  “But why do you think they took only twelve small items? They probably could've robbed that place blind in that time frame!” Kevin exclaimed.
  Ren shrugged. “Simple. They went in there unprepared.”
  That thought...hadn't crossed Kevin's mind. “You'd think if they were planning this for a while, they'd be more prepared.”
  “Maybe they weren't planning for as long as you think. Tuff hasn't exactly been out of jail for that long of a time. Just over a week, I'd say. Unless he was planning in jail, that is,” Ren pointed out.
  “That's true,” Kevin agreed. “But they were prepared enough to black out the cameras.”
  Ren thought for a moment. “The items stolen totaled really pretty high, right?” Ren asked.
  Kevin shrugged. “No idea. Jonghyun talked with Lay about it earlier, but he never told me what the items totaled up to.”
  Ren drummed his fingers on the desk. “Maybe they only stole enough to get by or something.”
  “Possibly. But why would they need to get by?” Kevin wondered.
  “Well, there could be a couple of reasons, I think. I was told Marley had a bad time paying rent. He could've stolen the jewelry to pay his rent.”
  “I doubt that. Why would you steal to pay rent? This Marley Tuff guy really doesn't seem like the type of teen who has his priorities straight,” Kevin pointed out.
  “True. The other reason I can think of is getaway money. You  know, like in those movies. The guys steal either the money or the things they sell for money, then get out of town. I don't quite know what they'd do after that, though,” Ren concluded.
  “It seems as good a possibility as any,” Kevin declared. “It certainly is something to ponder on.”
  Jonghyun walked into the room at that moment. “What's something to ponder on?” he wondered.
  “Theories about why people would steal things to sell for money,” Kevin answered.
  “That reminds me of something I need to do. I need to call Lay and ask him to look around the pawn shops in the area to see if our stolen objects were pawned for money,” Jonghyun said. He didn't even bother to call, though. All he did was type out a quick text message, then put up his phone.
  “And that reminds me of something as well!” Kevin exclaimed. He took the sticky note with Marley Tuff's address on it out of his pocket and handed it to Jonghyyun. “This is apparently Marley Tuff's address.”
  Jonghyun took it and inspected it. “How did you manage to get your hands on this?” he asked with a hint of surprisedness in his voice.
  “Kevin asked me to ask Zelo about him while you were busy. It turned out that he went to go get some shoes at the shoe store Zelo works at. They didn't have his size, which is a 13 by the way,  so he gave him an address to ship the shoes to whenever they came in because, well, he asked them to order the pair he wanted for him, then paid and left without getting his change,” Ren explained.
  “Right, okay. It probably wasn't this kid's smartest idea,” Jonghyun concluded.
  It seemed as though the minute they spoke of Zelo, he returned back to the agency with an outfit in his hands. He walked up to the front desk. “It's like a party at the front desk,” he pointed out. He threw the clothing at Ren. “Here's your outfit, Hyung. And you're just going to have to go without makeup tomorrow. Couldn't find your bag.”
  Ren nodded his head. “Thanks,” he said. “That'll be fine.”
  “You better come to school tomorrow,” he demanded.
  “Of course. I wouldn't be a good Hyung if I didn't,” Ren pointed out. “Now go on home and get some sleep, okay?”
  “Neh, goodnight Hyung,” Zelo said as he walked away from the desk and back out the agency.
  Ren set the clothes to the side. “So, has Mir found out anything yet?” Kevin inquired.
  “Yes, actually. The two faces that you asked him to put through facial recognition are done being...facially recognized,” Jonghyun said. “One of them is our delinquent teen, Marley Tuff. The other one is Keith Bedgood.”
  “Keith Bedgood? I didn't realize he was out of jail already,” Kevin said.
  Jonghyun shrugged. “Me either, but he was there. I'm just guessing here, but I think that Bedgood is our shady contact,” he concluded. “After all, he is pretty shady.”
  And thus the three of them pretty much spent the rest of the night theorizing and surmising what they had to do the next day.

---Shift Perspective (Jonghyun)---*3rdPerson*
  It was the next day, and most of the events of the morning had gone by rather uneventfully, albeit there were a couple of instances that morning that helped the progression of their case. Lay had come in earlier with the jewelry that was missing. They had apparently been pawned for money, much like Jonghyun had concluded. Jonghyun had inspected the jewelry for fingerprints, and other than the pawn shop owner, Lay, and himself, he found a partial fingerprint of both of their suspects. He put the jewelry in evidence and told Mr. Jefferson that his jewelry had been found.
  Other than that, absolutely nothing had happened. Jonghyun and Kevin had made plans to go out and check out the address that had been given to them the day before. All he was waiting on was for Ren to get in so he'd know the office was in good hands. It wasn't that he didn't trust Mir because he really did trust Mir, but Mir had no idea how to run the main desk, and he always complained about not knowing what to do, even though it was explained to him.
  After a bit more waiting, Ren finally came in from school. Jonghyun explained to him what was going on, then he took Kevin and headed out of the agency. They both piled into Jonghyun's car and inputted the address into the GPS, then headed on their way in silence.
  It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination. They both exited the car, walked calmly to the doorm and knocked on it. There wasn't an answer. They knocked again. Still no answer. Another knock to the door- Wait. They had heard shuffling and glass breaking. They probably overreacted, but they busted the door open at that. And what do they find on the side of the room adjacent? A broken window.
  Jonghyun ran up to look out the window while Kevin stood watch at the door. Jonghyun looked out the window and saw a guy on the ground, holding his ankle in pain. “That's what the bastard gets for jumping out a two-story window,” Jonghyun muttered. He signaled for Kevin to go around the other side of the building, then proceseded to climb out the window and lower himself lowly onto the ground. Admittedly, it was a bit of a long fall since he was so damn short, but he didn't injure any ankles.
  The guy on the ground went to get up to run, but ended up falling down again. Jonghyun walked up to the guy. “What's your name?” he asked.
  “Marley Tuff,” the kid said through gritted teeth.
  “Oh, so you're the guy we're looking for?” Kevin said as he walked up.
  “What do you want with me, officers?” he wondered.
  Jonghyun shook his head. “We're not officers; we're detectives. And we're here to arrest you for stealing,” he said. Marley scowled and grumbled as Jonghyun put handcuffs on him. “Can you tell us where your partner is?”
  “Bedgood?” Both detectives nodded. “That bastard took all the money and headed for the docks about thirty minutes ago. You may still be able to catch him,” he answered.
  Jonghyun and Kevin dragged Marley along with them to the car, placed him in the backseat, hopping into their seats, then drove quickly towards the docks. When they drove up to the docks, they saw Keith Bedgood walking down with a duffle bag to the nearest speedboat to him. “Stay in the car,” Jonghyun ordered Kevin. Then he proceeded to leave the car and head towards Bedgood.
  As soon as he saw him, Bedgood dropped his bag then ran. Jonghyun quickly chased after him, avoiding whatever obstacles were necessary in order to get him. Jonghyun guessed he had run about a mile and a half before he finally was able to tackle Bedgood down to the ground. He arrested him, read him his rights as he handcuffed him, then brought him back to the car. After he had put Bedgood in the car, who was cussing him out rather extensively, he went up to the duffle bag, and after seeing that it was just money in there, he threw it in the trunk of the car, then he and Kevin left to head back to the office.
  The rest of the day wasn't as...exciting, so to speak. They dropped off Bedgood and Tuff at the police station so they could be booked and be brought back to jail. They went back to work to tell Ren to make the case closed. They called Mr. Jefferson so he could get his jewelry back. After that, they called it a day and headed back for their homes.

---Shift Perspective (Jonghyun)---*3rdPerson*
  Jonghyun was by himself at his small apartment, and he was about to go to sleep after such a long and eventful day. It was fulfilling to him to put criminals that deserved to be behind bars in their place. After all, there were loads of criminals out there. They just had to be found, right?
  Jonghyun's eyes drifted to a familiar photograph on his nightstand. It was of two kids, one about ten, and the other about five. The one that was ten was him, and the one that was five was his little brother. Was. Jonghyun remembered vividly the day he had woke up and his brother wasn't in his room with him. He had frantically went to his parents and told him of his fears. His parents had called cops to come and investigate. Later that day, right before he was about to go to sleep, the cops had come back by to speak with his parents. What he remembered then was his parents' tears, then having it explained to him that his brother wasn't coming home.
  His brother had had a bad habit of wandering out of the house when he was bored, but he'd always come back. Hearing that his brother wasn't coming back...he somehow knew that it meant his brother was dead. He cried himself to sleep that night, thinking that it was the cops' fault for not finding him soon enough.
  The next couple of weeks had turned out to be a real drag, and he was always getting stopped in school and called into the school counselor's office to 'talk about it', as they had said. He had never really wanted to talk about it. All he had wanted was to go back to the way things were. During those couple of weeks, more people had went missing and had been found dead.
  The cops, he remembered, had determined that it was the work of a serial killer. They had explained to his parents that on all the bodies they had found, even his brother's, there was a single peacock feather laying on their chest, under their hands which were placed gingerly as if they were being laid in a coffin. They even coined a name to call the guy. The Nameless Peacock Murderer.
  To this day, though, despite all the missing people and all the time the cops had had to catch this guy...they hadn't found him. It made Jonghyun fill himself with hatred towards these cops. Jonghyun had decided about a year after his brother's body was found that he was going to grow up to be the best cop ever. And when he did, he'd be the one to catch The Nameless Peacock Murderer.
  It had been about twelve years since that day, and people were still going missing and turning up with the signature trademark of The Nameless Peacock Murderer. He hadn't really seen any crime scenes revolving around this guy, but he heard about it from his police radio.
  The cops were always the ones to take it on.
  They always ended up with a cold case faster than you could say the damn serial killer's coined name.
  Since Jonghyun had opened his agency with Kevin, however, the serial killer had gone strangely quiet. Jonghyun would spend his free time in the office gathering as much information as he could about this guy and how exactly he'd kill his victims. He'd do it all in secret, though, and he hadn't even told Kevin about it. He didn't know if he ever would.
  Jonghyun knew the day would come when he would be able to catch him. He'd be able to avenge his brother. That was the whole reason he opened his own agency in the first place. It would eventually get him the opportunity to search for The Nameless Peacock Murderer. He'd be the one to catch him.
  And when he did, he'd make sure that sick bastard got what he deserved for killing all those people.

Author's note:
In which I include most of my biases, and then some.
Songs referenced: Sherlock [chorus] (Jonghyun's ringback tone), Warrior [Zelo's rap after the first chorus] (Zelo's ringback tone)
Ren and Jongup pairing forever <3
If you want this to be a full fledged fanfiction, comment and tell me, and it shall be done!

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Chapter 5: I never replied to your email so I shall do it here. I like it! I would also like to know who fell in love with her. I think it would be quite interesting :)