What Happened To My Life?


Main Character:
Park Yoon Hee
Park Yoon Hee is kind, sweet, loveable, and a cheerful person, but once you get onto her bad side she will yell, scream, and be like any other girls.Yoon Hee is more different though, even if she starts to be like any other girls she's more... special you can say. 
Other 'like' main characters:
Kim Se Na
Kim Se Na is Yoon Hee's half sister, not blood, but half. She is older than Yoon Hee and Se Na's mother married Yoon Hee's father. Se Na's personality is very nice, but evil. She is trying to steal everything from Yoon Hee. 
Park Jimin
Jimin is Yoon Hee's real younger brother. He taked care of Yoon Hee but now that their mother is Se Na's mother he hasn't come home for a couple of months now and he's been 'out' with his friends.
'Lady' Mimi a.k.a Choi Minah
Mimi is one of Yoon Hee's best friends from elemeantary school, but now she is trying to get a job interenational in the states. 
Baek Hyo Shi
Baek Hyo Shi is one of Yoon Hee's other best friend from middle school, but she's coming from the states to see her old best friends.
Teen Top (members)
They are all your friends from middle school that all comes back to your life. They use to be your personal 'body guards' since they all thought you were cute.  


Yoon Hee was born from Busan along with Jimin her brother. Yoon Hee was only 3 years old when their mother left both of them. Years after when Yoon Hee was 9 and Jimin was 7 their father got married to Se Na's mother. After all they are all now 'brother and sister'. 
Author's note: Not gonna spoil anything so please wait. I may not be good now and I 'might' not finish this book along with my other book, so don't predict anything. 


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teddiebears #1
popping in to visit older fics and say hi. .u.