
Of Maids & Men
I was very grateful Kyungsoo gave me my notes today, just as he promised. I had hope that maybe, just maybe, this whole maid thing could really help me.
It was too obvious that Jongin found Kyungsoo attractive, even if it was just a little. It was also obvious that he didn't want Kyungsoo to leave. He was probably a rude person by nature, but when Kyungsoo was here Jongin was polite and a little teasing, but it was nothing like how he treated me or the other maids. He spoke so nicely to Kyung.
Makes me wonder what his uality was.
"Xiaoling, snap out of it and help us make dinner, you useless ." I heard Krsytal's harsh voice yell as she continued frying vegetables. I bit my lip at the other maid's rude words.
"Krsytal! Language." one of the maids scolded her. She shrugged it off and kept cooking. "Xiaoling-ah, do you mind helping Sulli pick the mint leaves?" the same maid asked me kindly. I nodded and scuttled off to Sulli, whom I knew was one of the more cuter and innocent looking maids. 
"Sulli," I greeted her with a small smile. She looked up from the mint leaves and beamed. 
"Xiaoling unnie! Are you here to help me? I've had to do all of this by myself." she pouted cutely. 
I still wasn't used to being addressed as a female. "Uhm, yeah." I nodded dumbly. She inched over so that both of us would have room to pick the leaves as we stood around the edge of the table. A few minutes of comfortable silence passed before either of us spoke again.
Sulli cleared . "Do you like it here, unnie?"
I paused. "I guess so." She giggled.
"Ah~ well that's better than saying 'no' !" she said with a smile. Another silence passed. By the way she kept her bottom lip and glancing at me, I could tell she was a hesitant to say something. I didn't push her, only waited for her to speak. She kept picking the mint leaves.
"Uhm, Xiaoling know your friend? The one who came here earlier?" she looked down, her hair covering the side of her face. I knew she was blushing though.
I cracked a smile. "Kyungsoo? What about him?" 
"Do you mind...uhm....telling him....I... "
I stifled a laugh because I didn't want to hurt the younger girl's feelings. "Do you want me to tell you about him, Sulli-ah?"
She looked up for a quick second, but I saw how red her face was. "Y-yes. I heard from Kai-ssi that he was cute and-"
"Jongin said that?" I asked in disbelief, the mint leaves in my hand falling onto the ground from surprise. I sighed and bent down to retrieve them. 
"Yeah." she smiled once again. "Kai and I are actually pretty close because we grew up together. My family moved to Japan for a few years and we lost touch, but when we came back I got a job in this mansion...we connected again. I know he seems rude and he probably gives you a hard time, but believe me, Kim Jongin is a softie inside." she chuckled.
"Shouldn't you be working instead of gossiping about me, Sulli?" a familiar voice asked. Kai stood behind us, one hand on his hip and a glare etched on his face.
She jumped and immidiently hung her head. 
"Sorry, Kai-ssi." 
He chuckled and lazily wrapped an arm around her small shoulders. "I'm kidding. Hope you make me a good dinner," his hand on her shoulders slid down to rest on her slim waist.
She gave him one of her dazzling eye smiles and laughed, "Don't scare me like that! Being all scary and intimidating." she lightly slapped his arm off of her. He rolled his eyes, but smiled. 
"You should know better. I wouldn't be mean to you~~ You're just a little cupcake," he cooed, pinching her cheeks rather harshly. She scrunched up her nose and shook her head away from his hands. 
"If you two are done flirting, I could use some help." I mumbled with my eyes down as I picked the stems and fallen mint leaves off the table.
"Know your place, Xiaoling." Jongin suddenly became dead serious. Sulli's cheeks were slightly pink, but she continued helping me anyways.
Jongin left the kitchen in silence, limping away.
Twenty minutes later, one of the older maids politely told the Kims and Sehun that dinner was ready. Mrs. Kim entered first, Mr. Kim shortly after that. After some yelling between Jongin and his mother, he finally came down, dragging Sehun (who was limping awkwardly because of his injured waist)  by his hand. As usual, Sehun had his earbuds in, however he only had one in and not both. His music was turned up surprisingly loud; I could hear it from where I stood. I wondered what kind of music he listened to, until I picked up the familiar sound of drums, bass, and electric guitar molded together to create a perfect melody. Rock.
Oh Sehun was punk rock.
"Sehun, turn that god awful music down." his step-father groaned. Sehun glanced at his step-father, chose to ignore him, and continued to pick at his small handful of rice and a chunk of spicy meat the size of two fingers. I realized I hadn't seen him eat much yet, only a tiny spoon of rice.
I pretended to busy myself with wiping the counter as I eavesdropped in their conversation. It had somehow drove off the topic of Sehun's music to Sehun himself. 
"Sehun-ah," Mrs. Kim started calmly, "One of your friends told me the other day....that you told him you were depressed." She tenderly wiped .
No one said anything, only the sound of the pounding drums coming from his earbud filled the silence.
"I'm not." he paused, "and I have no friends." he replied stiffly. His mother frowned slightly.
"Of course you do, Sehun. Everyone does."
He stabbed his meat. "Not me."
She sighed. "Well, I certainly do not think you're depressed. You look fine." I looked up for a brief second and saw Jongin's jaw clench tightly as he picked the vegetables off of his plate. Sehun had his usual emotionless mask on. Mr. Kim cleared his throat, for whatever reason, causing me too look back down.
"You shouldn't be making stuff up for attention, Sehun. Even so, we wouldn't have the time to take you to counseling. We have better things to do." Mr. Kim spoke. I frowned to myself as I swiped the rag across the marble counter top.
The youngest didn't speak. He kept his eyes lowered at his food, not eating it.
"Your father's right, Sehun-ah. Unless I see or hear real proof, I'm not going to believe that you're depressed." I flinched and looked up when Jongin, whom had been cutting his meat with a knife, furiously pushed down with the blade. The skin-prickling screech of metal scratching porcelain echoed throughout the kitchen.
"Jongin! What is with you?" the boys' mother fussed at her son as Jongin threw his eating utensils aside. He stood up, his face hardened with an emotion I couldn't quite name.
"I'm leaving because you two don't have enough sense to understand anything." he growled. His father opened his mouth to speak, but Jongin cut him off. "I'm going to Yixing's house. Maybe I'll be back tonight, maybe I won't. Sehun, you're coming with me. I'm not allowing you to stay home alone tonight." the brunette tugged on his brother's arm gently to get him to stand up.
Sehun remained seated, his gaze still lowered. I didn't miss how Jongin's expression softened.
"Hunnie, let's go." he said softly. 
Hunnie? Never heard Sehun been called that before.
He didn't budge. Jongin tugged on his younger brother's arm again, ignoring the looks their parents were giving them.
Mr. Kim fake coughed. "Sehun, Jongin. We-"
"Yixing doesn't like me, Jongin." Sehun finally told his brother. The older's head slightly tilted, his brown orbs softening even more. 
"That won't matter. Yixing likes me. I like you. That's a good enough reason to let you come over too." his words were simple and honest, but they struck me hard in the chest. The rainbow haired boy gave a small nod and stood to follow Jongin out the door.
I saw how Sehun's nails were digging into his own wrist.
- - - - -
Parents -.- 
life -.- 
when someone calls you emo when you listen to rock (happens to me a lot) -.-
Sorry I just really like Sehun with this chest tattoo ok /cries
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- tea-with-nuest
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Chapter 2: Love this so much xx
Chapter 1: Also the title reminds me of 'Of mice and men' lol
Chapter 1: I will read this even though its not been updated I'm years,literally lol it's hard to find Hunhan now that I've read so many lol
EXO-l_army1 #4
Luhanyo #5
Chapter 23: Please update soon this story is real good
Chapter 23: i hope you update soon
Chapter 23: HoHoHo!
Thanks for this lovely update,Author-sii ^^
And a Belated Happy New Year to ya *winks*
exocraze88 #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon, I am enchanted by this story. Must keep Reading! Love this story! Hwaiting!
emilkairyll #9
Chapter 23: i really love this story bcz its different and exciting. ill wait for the next post!! Fighting..