Chapter 1


“OMO! OMO! It’s Byun Baekhyun!!!” my best friend Ri Young loudly whispered as she dreamily watch her beloved crush pass in front of us in the library. Her face is red already because of so much spazzing as well as my arm. She’s squeezing it real hard! Yes. We’re in the library, no noise allowed, meaning I have to endure this pain until this best friend of ours calm down. *sigh* If she’s not my friend, I would really drag her out of the library and lock her in one of the stock rooms here in the university! Oh gosh, the trouble of having a super hyper friend.

Me and Ha Ni, our other best friend joined Ri Young on “watching” Baekhyun. She just likes this guy so much and being very good and supportive friends, we just join her on stalking him. But of course, she doesn’t call it stalking, she call it admiring. We just laugh about it, since we’re all civilized humans who have the right to extremely like someone and it’s not wrong, it’s normal.

We just let her observe what Baekhyun is doing while we kept ourselves busy on other things. Ha Ni lazily flips the latest issue of her favourite fashion magazine while me, too engrossed in reading a very good Kyuhyun fic I’ve been digging for the past few days. I’m a very big fan of angst fics, those tear jerking moments that I can’t resist! Oh well that’s me, the unique Moon Hee Rin.

I was nearing the very dramatic chapter I’ve been excited since the beginning of the story when Ri Young suddenly stood up and started fixing her books that remained untouched since we entered here at the library. She began stuffing her pens to the pocket of her bag before slinging it to her right shoulder.

“What’s the matter? Is he leaving?” Ha Ni asked while turning to the direction where Baekhyun and his friends were sitting. It seems they’re having the best time of their lives because they were laughing like there’s no tomorrow.

“Ani. I’m leaving him there. He needs privacy” Ri Young winked at the both of us and started walking to the exit door of the library.

“Wow. Just wow Ri Young, I don’t know that the word privacy is in your vocabulary!” Ha Ni joked, avoiding the threatening slap on the arm by Ri Young. She called me and I started to stand up as well, taking a last glance to where the boys are.

Then I noticed something, rather someone. No it’s not Baekhyun, but the guy sitting next to him. He has this creepy smile on his face and kept on slapping Baekhyun’s arm while laughing with his really deep voice. I saw the old, cranky librarian approaching them with her “not-amused” face. I don’t know but I was left standing there, watching them being scolded by the librarian. I was quite surprised when this tall, lanky, creeper guy kept on laughing even though they were being reprimanded already! His eyes were already bulging because he was resisting himself from laughing more. After a few (humiliating) seconds, the librarian went back to her station while the boys started laughing again, silently this time.

I don’t know why my eyes never left creeper guy. I don’t know but he has this bright aura revolving around him. I’m not saying I liked him already but he intrigues me. The way he laughs is just so catchy and I don’t know… viral? Oh gosh I’m beginning to sound like Ri Young right now.

I was mentally blaming Ri Young for what she did to me when the creeper guy caught me still looking at him. Before I could go and remove my gaze from him, Ha Ni started tapping my back.

“Yah, why are you still standing there? Is there something wrong?” She asked and I quickly shook my head, dragging her to the exit door as well, not taking a second glance at that guy anymore.

We were now lounging at the university’s little coffee shop but I am still embarrassed for being caught by a guy staring at him. I was never caught! That’s because no one catches my attention before. Only Kyuhyun oppa is in my heart. No one could ever ever ever replace him… Right?

“Mesmerized by Park Chanyeol?” Ri Young suddenly asked me, smirking while sipping her favourite iced latte. I tilted my head in confusion. Who is this Park Chanyeol?

“Huh? Who’s that?” I asked and I was answered by a mere smirk. I glared at her, and she just laughed. I turned to Ha Ni for support but she smirked as well.

“YAH! How could I answer your question when you don’t answer mine?” I playfully whined and they were about to answer when the loud ringing of wind chimes interrupted us.

“Ayoo whaddup noonas!” A booming voice startled all the people in the coffee shop and I saw the girls in the counter blushing while looking shyly at the owner of the loud voice. I turned around only to see the creeper guy flashing his well… creeper smile. He was quickly dragged back by a guy (and he’s VERY handsome) who supposed to be in the dance club with me. I remembered him being called by the name of Kai but his name is really Kim Jongin.

“Well I guess we don’t need to answer that. The answer is clearly right in front of you!” Ri Young gleefully laughed while sharing high fives with Ha Ni. So… Park Chanyeol is creeper guy?

“So he’s the Park Chanyeol you’re talking about”

“Yes he is, so….” Ri Young wiggled her eyebrows on me. One word: WEIRD.


“Aigoo.. You’re so dense!” She complained as she changed the subject already. I am so great at feigning innocence HAHA.

We’ve been friends for so long and even though we’re together most of the time, we never ran out of stories to talk about. Like how Ha Ni almost got caught sleeping in class (again) and Ri Young ranting about her lost things (again).

They continued to talk about other things while I turned around to my bag to get my iPad to continue reading my favourite fic. As I search for it, Chanyeol caught my eye again. He’s with Jongin and an equally (if not more) handsome guy and they were chatting while having coffee. I guess they were waiting for the rest of their friends.

“He’s a Music student like Baekhyun. He is in a band with him too, he’s the lead guitarist” Ri Young just blurted out. I turned to her and caught her smirking again.

“He’s a sunbaenim too. And that’s Kim Jongin and Oh Sehun with him” she continued. I just got caught looking at him… again?!

“W-what are you talking about?” I asked, stammering a little. I don’t know why this is too much of a big deal for me. I mean, yes I see him most of the time because we’re always get dragged by Ri Young when she’s following Baekhyun but why I’m like this??? Oh yeah Hee Rin, you just got the I’m-crazy-because-my-friends-are-crazy syndrome. And it’s not that I like this Park Chanyeol guy already… right?

“Park Chanyeol. I also heard he has an older sister” Ri Young wiggled her eyebrows again while sipping the last remains of her drink. Ha Ni just looked at her, amazed.

“Yah Choi Ri Young, how did you know these things?? You’re one heck of a stalker!” She laughed while Ri Young just shrugged.

“I have my sources” she winked and started talking again, about other things this time. I shook my head while sipping my berry frappe.

Lead guitarist. Band. Sunbaenim.

I took a little glance at him again. No, this isn’t stalking. I’m still mild compared to my stalker friend right here. I’m not liking him either, I’m just curious. Yeah, just curious.

He’s talking to his friends about something funny, I think. They’re laughing and Jongin kept on looking around the coffee shop. I quickly took my gaze away from them when I sensed that he’s about to look at our direction.

“Aigoo, it’s five already!” Ri Young just gasped, getting the attention of almost all the people at the shop, including Chanyeol and his friends. Omona, this girl is really embarrassing.

“Why? Did you miss something? Or you just missed your ‘Baekhyun-stalking time’” I asked, laughing. She just glared at me and started arranging her (messy) bag.

“Seriously, what’s wrong?” Ha Ni asked, standing up as well.

“Nothing’s wrong. I just need to go home, I still have to study” she smiled a little, dumping her notebook and pens inside her things.

“Why? Do you have a quiz tomorrow?” I asked, sipping the last drop of my frappe before leaving it at the table.

“Nope, just studying for our class tomorrow” she smiled and waited for us to be ready before going, assuring that she didn’t leave anything important.

“Nerd” Ha Ni and I both snickered while laughing. We only got a glare from Ri Young as she walked past us.

We followed her and I took a last glance at our table, then to Chanyeol’s table. I expected to see him laughing again or listening to his friends when I just caught him.

I caught him smiling at me.

After a 30-minute ride home, I hurried at my room and lied on the bed after having a small snack downstairs. This day is so tiring. Imagine having yourself stuck in a 4 and a half hour class with the most boring professor ever who says nothing but the things he did as a child. Oh gosh. The heck we care about his childhood. If not for my friends who I spend my after class hours with, I’d be dead from boredom by now.

I remembered the fic I’m reading so I quickly sat up and grabbed my iPad, excited to know what will happen to Kyuhyun!!! I’m also checking the internet for any updates on my ever-so-handsome princes.

I opened my Facebook account and just clicked the already opened AFF tab. Now that there’s no one like Ri Young who’ll interrupt me, I could continue reading peacefully!

But I was wrong.

When my Facebook tab finished loading, I noticed that there’s an unread message and it was from her. She’s home already?? Aigoo, that girl. I opened it and just saw Chanyeol’s profile link. After it was the message “Add him! There’s no harm in trying! Keke~ Fighting~!!!”

I shook my head, laughing. I can’t believe this girl. I fought the urge to open his profile and just opened the AFF tab. I’m just going to concentrate on reading. Yes. Ignore it Hee Rin. Avoid temptation.

“I’m sorry” Kyuhyun whispered, tears falling from his brown orbs. He kept blaming himself for what happened. If he didn’t leave Ryeowook, nothing like this will happen, he wouldn’t be------

WAAAAA! I can’t concentrate!!! Aigoo! I’m seriously blaming Ri Young and now, I’m blaming Park Chanyeol too!!!! If he’s not that handsome and interesting and cute and… wait, did I just mention what I just mentioned? UGH. I’m going nuts!!!

I quickly clicked the message again and checked the link. In a few seconds, I was in Chanyeol’s profile. His profile picture is well… a selca of himself, holding a phone with One Piece cellphone case. Cute.

I saw a few posts he made. I guess he’s still at school. His recent post was 10 minutes ago.

“Chilling with Oh Sehun and Kim Jongin, YAH Byun Baekhyun! Why you’re so slow?! come here now! Ppali!”

I guess he’s really popular, this post already gained 25 likes! The comments were just a conversation between Baekhyun and him, with a few from Jongin and Sehun. I suppose Ri Young’s really regretful of coming home early. Kekeke.

I spent minutes in debating with myself whether I should add him or not. I looked at his Facebook friends and found out we have 15 mutual friends. A few were classmates of mine on the past terms and some are acquaintances and few are his close friends like Baekhyun (which I added to help Ri Young in her stalking business) and also Jongin, since we’ve been partners on a club activity before. I remembered the message my crazy best friend sent me,

“Add him! There’s no harm in trying! Keke~ Fighting~!!!”

Yeah. There’s no harm in trying! Let’s get this over with. Maybe after I add him, my curiosity will die and I can concentrate on reading! It’s not like he’ll remember me right? It’s not stalking either. It’s just normal. Calm down Hee Rin.

After a few more minutes, I’ve decided to click the ‘Add Friend’ button and closed the tab. If within 24 hours and he didn’t accept my friend request, then I’ll cancel it. That’s just simple.

I was about to continue reading when my sister came, telling me it’s dinner time. I checked the clock and it says it’s already 7 in the evening. Aigoo! I waste an hour of just thinking whether to add that creeper or not! What the heck is happening to me?!

After dinner, I (unwillingly) did my assignment and lazily read a chapter which our professor told us to read for the oral test tomorrow. I only have a 3 item assignment and the chapter only contains 10 pages but I hate doing school related things so I finished all of it in 4 hours. It was already 12 midnight when I just decided to check something online. Curiosity strikes me again so I went to my Facebook account. I found quite a number of notifications but one caught my attention.

“Park Chanyeol accepted your Friend Request.”


“Will you stop laughing now?” I asked, more on begged these two crazy girls who were laughing like hyenas in front of me. They struggled for a few moments but fortunately they’ve calmed down.

“You! This is your fault!” I pointed a finger at Ri Young who is in the verge of laughing again.

“Why me? I am not the one who told you to sleep in class! It’s not also my fault that your professors are topping the Most Boring Person chart! HAHAHAHA” and she started laughing again, causing her to bump her head on a stone pillar on the school grounds.

Since I didn’t have enough sleep, I accidentally slept during class. Since my professor is an old one, she just let it go, after giving me a whole 5-minute lecture. In front of the whole class! UGH. That’s 5 minutes of pure doom and humiliation!

“Cheer up girl! It’s okay, you won’t be in her death list I promise. I’ve been a student of hers too remember? I always came in late for class and I have a daily lecture from her but I passed” Ha Ni smiled as we continued to walk on the school grounds.

“Yeah, I received the mighty lecture also remember? Because I am talking to my seatmate while she discusses her lesson” Ri Young told us, still rubbing her sore forehead.

“Karma strikes hard right?” I teased, Ha Ni laughed too.

“Shut up” Ri Young replied, whining.

After a few minutes, we’re out of school already. We have to go on different ways since we live in different parts of Seoul. They have to use the train and as for me, since it’s the ever so dreaded Thursday today, I need to ride the bus in going home.

On other days, my parents will drive me home from school but on Thursdays, I have to commute using the bus. I hated commuting since usually, the buses are packed with people and I can’t sleep in there. UGH. That’s why I hate Thursdays and it seems that it hates me too.

I continued cursing my Thursday while walking down the road to get to the bus stop. I hate walking too because it tires me more. I am not in the mood. I continued walking when someone just yelled behind me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me backwards.

“YAH!!! WHY DI----“ I stopped when I saw that it was the gigantic creeper Chanyeol who did that.

“Omona! I’m sorry! It’s just that you’re trying to cross the road when it’s a go signal for cars, you don’t want to get killed this early right?” He explained, trying to smile a little. I felt my cheeks heating up as I realized he was still holding me.

“Sorry” he told me while releasing my wrist. After that was awkward silence. He’s now standing beside me while waiting for the traffic light to turn red so we can cross the street.

“So… Moon Hee Rin right?” He asked, breaking the silence. OMONA. That means… he remembered me? Oh my! What if he misunderstood me as his stalker?!! I have no excuse since I’ve never been a classmate of his before!!

“O-oh I mean.. Jongin told me your name” he told me, scratching the back of his neck. I find that cute though. But told him my name?

“He told you my name?” I asked and he gasped loudly, his eyes are like gigantic golf balls and he’s like having panic attack. I almost laughed seeing him startled like this.

“I m-mean…uhh… Oh! Look! It’s already go sign for us! Kaja!!!” he pointed at the stoplight and walked ahead from me, muttering a few incoherent words. I chuckled a little before following him.

A few minutes of chatting (and walking) and we’re already sitting at the half-occupied bus. It turns out we’re just a few blocks away from each other. Chanyeol’s a pretty talkative person, very lively too so it all made sense to me why he is named “Happy Virus”. It just surprised me a little bit when he started talking so comfortably to me, like we knew each other for years. It’s not a bad thing though, I want to meet new friends, and I like having a very handsome friend.

“uhh… do I bore you already? I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do that I just thought that talking about my ferrets were interesting I’m so sorry!!” he suddenly blurted out. I stopped reacting to his stories not because I’m bored. It’s because I can’t seem to take my eyes off him right now! His beautiful face oh my I know I’m starting to sound like my bestfriend but truth to be told, he’s really handsome and nice and… yeah.

“Ani!! I owned a ferret once too!” I suddenly blurted out. I can’t say “Oh I’m sorry, I’m too busy staring at you that’s why I’m not responding”. But yeah, I didn’t own a ferret. It was Ri Young who owned one when she was 10. Ugh. I wish I had one too.

“Oh really? That’s great! So what’s the name of your ferret?” he asked. I racked my brain for  some ferret names but I wouldn’t come out with one. Out of panic, I just blurted out the name that I’m thinking the most this day.

“Yeol. But he died when I was 10” oh great Hee Rin. Just great. I buried my face in my hands because of embarrassment when I felt someone tapping me at my back.

“It’s okay, I understand you miss him the most” He smiled sincerely and I think I died. I just straightened myself out and took a deep breath (before I pass out). Good thing he just dismissed the ferret subject and just talked about his band and their performances.

I can’t stop myself from smiling. I have a lot of guy friends but they don’t talk as comfortably as Chanyeol. I watch him talk about many things so eagerly and I can’t help but to laugh with him. For once I’m happy that there’s a traffic jam on the way home.

Minutes after we’re already on our stop and he good-naturedly waited for me before going off the bus. We walked a little more until I’m in front of our house already.

“Okay, I’m here already. Thanks for the company Chanyeol-ssi” I smiled, mentally reminding myself to act as natural as possible. I honestly don’t want to go inside but I guess I have to.

Chanyeol seems to be fidgety and all, he seems like has something to say to me so I asked him. He immediately “woke up” and shook his head rather violently. I bit my lip to stop chuckling.

“Well… I’m now going inside…” I said slowly, pointing at our front door. I’m still waiting for him to say something like “let’s go out sometime” or “are you free tomorrow?” or even “see you at school”

“Y-yeah go in now! Thank you~~” he told me. I nodded, hiding the disappointment. I started walking towards the door when I heard him call me back. I turned around to see Chanyeol taking a deep breath before talking.

“Hee Rin-ah, doyoumindifwegohometogethereveryThursday?”

I laughed at his “shy” self. Fortunately, I understood every single word he said and I nodded.

“YES! See you at our Thursday dates Hee Rin-ah!” he yelled and ran away.

Sounds like my Thursdays will never be the same again.



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Chapter 1: This kills me so much cuteness
Chapter 1: thursdaysssss <3
Thursdays for @ckat_09 HAHAHA!
Chapter 1: Awwwww cute and shy Chanyeol :3
Idk what to say.. I'm still kinikilig when I read this!!!
I'm starting to love Thursdays now :)
Hopefully my Thursdays would really get better this term :)))
MINE!!! :D hahahaha