Chapter 01: ~Guarded~

In the Moment {indefinite hiatus}
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"Everyone, please welcome Miss Everly Remington." My English teacher, Mrs. Schwartz, introduced me. "Everly has transferred all the way from... where did you transfer from again, dear?"

Mrs. Schwartz asked me as she looked at me, and I just gave her a blank looked, but answered politely before facing my new classmates again.

"United Kingdom. Speci-" I was interrupted by one of my new classmates.

"Where's your accent?" A male student asked.

"Do you know One Direction?" Another student asked, a female this time.

"How about J.K. Rowling? Do you see Harry and the rest?" Two more asked soon afterward.

I mentally facepalmed myself. Ignorant people. I didn't bother answering, and I noticed that the kids were already whispering. Typical.

"Well, Miss Remington, why don't you take the seat in the back corner there." Mrs. Schwartz pointed out to the furtherest unoccupied seat at the back next to the door and the only neighbor was another girl. "Right next to Ava."

The girl Ava smiled brightly as I soon walked towards the seat, and I could feel their eyes following my every move as they continued to whisper. Why is it like this every time? Like some scene from one of those teen movies. I sighed as I took my seat and faced the front like those around me were invisible. I ignored the Ava girl as she said a chirpy 'hello' to me.

"Alright class..." I tuned out the teacher as I took out my notebook and began doodling in it.

Just as I did that, a folded piece of paper landed on my desk. I s

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In the Moment [updated 07.13.13] first chapter!!


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Chapter 2: She is being nice to you! Why so arrogant ehhhh?
Chapter 1: Everly! Such an unique name!
For a contest! Good luck!