Fun Times

A Crazy Life: C.U.P.A

6 days later

“Jessie-ahhhhhh!” A voice called the minute Jessie and Libby walked through the doors into main common room on the next Friday. “Libby-ah~”

Jessie looked towards the voice and blinked, he wasn’t normally the one to greet them first, as it was normally Zelo or Mir. She raised her eyebrows at Libby before running up to him.

“Hey, Himchan Oppa!” Jessie greeted. “Why do you look so happy?”

“Here’s your schedule!”

“Schedule?” Jessie scowled.

“For the Coffee Shop!” Himchan rolled his eyes. “Here is yours Libby.”

“Oh yay!” Libby said taking her schedule.

“Hold it one minute, why am I working FRIDAYS?” Jessie scowled, staring down at her schedule. “And all weekend, what the hell. Oh, at least I’m on with Ji Yong~”

“Oi, don’t complain or you’ll be fired straight away. Now I expect you in work by 9 tomorrow!” Himchan said and then walked away, back over to his friends.

“Bossy,” Jessie said, sticking her tongue out at his back.

“Well he is our boss. I’m working on Tuesdays with Mir and Chunji... we’ve been split up!” Libby pouted.

“HIMCHAN YOU SPLIT US UP, LIKE WHAT THE HELL DUDE!” Jessie yelled over to Himchan, who jumped and almost fell off of his chair.

“Jessie! Calm down,” Libby chuckled.

“Someone needed to work with Mir and Chunji on Tuesdays!” Himchan called over.

“Well at least we’re working together on weekends.” Jessie shrugged.

“Yeah, but what am I supposed to do on Fridays?” Libby asked.

“Hang with Zelo and his hyungs~” Jessie shrugged. “I have Ji Yong to keep me company in work though, so yup.”

“But what if I don’t wanna hang out with all guys?” Libby whined.


“Quit shouting!” Himchan called over again.

“Stop shouting back then, Oppaaaaa~” Jessie laughed.

“You started it though!” Himchan said before laughing.

“What to do today though?” Jessie said.

“We’re going to the pool, so you could come? And bring others too,” Nichkhun said, who had came up to them at some point.

“Ohhh, good idea!” Libby grinned.

“Great, we’ll be leaving in 45 minutes,” Nichkhun informed then and then went back over to Taecyeon and Chansung.

“Well we need to go get our swimming stuff, so glad I decided to bring some.” Jessie chuckled and ran away towards the girls dorms.

Libby didn’t follow, but went around finding people and asking them if they wanted to come, in the end, Zelo and his hyungs, Mir, Thunder, Taemin and his hyungs and Hongki were coming. Libby rushed upstairs to get her swimming stuff as well after that.

30 minutes later and the large group of friends were making their way to the swimming pool that wasn’t that far from the University.

“I haven’t been swimming since I went to Grand Canaria last year…” Jessie mused as they paid and went into the girls changing rooms.

“Haven’t been swimming since I was… ten…” Libby shrugged.

“Whoa, that was ages ago…” Jessie laughed.

“Are you implying I’m old?” Libby said, mock-offended.

“No, just like that was 10 years ago dude.” Jessie laughed.

Libby glared at Jessie before they both got changed quickly, Jessie wearing a black tankini, and Libby was wearing a purple tankini. They walked out of the changing rooms and went over to some of the guys who had already got changed. Zelo and Jongup looked to them and then to the other guys, Zelo noticed that some of them seemed to be staring at them.

“Oh no…” Zelo muttered whilst quickly picking up a towel and grabbing Jongup by the wrist and walking quickly over to Libby and Jessie.

“Um, Zelo-ah, what are you doing?” Jessie asked as Zelo was covering her and Libby with the towel.

“Covering you up!” Zelo said, “the others are staring!”

“Dude, I go swimming nearly every year on holiday, in front of complete strangers!” Jessie rolled her eyes and then looked towards Jongup.

“But you need to cover up, you’re showing too much skin!” Zelo whined.

“I could say the same for Jongup,” Jessie said, whilst looking him up and down.

Libby was trying to push Zelo away, who was pretty much hugging her trying to get the towel on her. Jessie realised the towel was no longer covering her and she made a break for it away from the over-protective teens.

“Well I’m away to have fun, nice knowing you Libby!” Jessie chuckled and then went over to the edge of the pool.

She stared at the water and then walked around the pool once, before poking the water with her foot, testing how cold it was. She didn’t notice Hongki coming up behind her, he gave her a push, causing her to fall sideways into Key and they both went crashing into the pool. Jessie let out a scream before she was completely submerged in water, she came back up beside Key.

“Sorry Key!” Jessie spluttered before turning around to see a laughing Hongki. “YOU!”

She swam to the ladders and climbed out and sneaked up towards the still laughing Hongki, Key was following her. They nodded to each other before grabbing Hongki by the arms and legs and picking him up.

“Bye Hongki!” Jessie chuckled before Key and she threw him into the water, disappearing below the surface. “That was fun.”

Jessie watched as Libby crashed into Onew and they both went flying into the water. She padded over to where they fell off and stared down at Libby.

“What happened?” She asked.

“Was trying to get away from Zelo, and crashed into Onew in the process…. Sorry by the way, Onew.” Libby said, turning to him.

“It’s fine, got me in the water anyway!” Onew grinned.

Jessie grabbed hold of Key’s arm and they both jumped in and swam towards Libby and Onew. Next thing Jessie and Libby knew, they were being propelled upwards by someone coming up beneath them, so they ended up sitting on their shoulders.

“Um, Mir… think you got the wrong person…” Jessie managed to say after screaming extremely loudly.

“Uh, Himchan Oppa? Please put me down.” Libby said.

“Oh! Wrong person…. Hold on,” Himchan said as Mir glared daggers at him, he disappeared back underwater, meaning Libby fell downwards after him, disappearing underneath the water.

Jessie felt a tug from underneath her and her eyes widened as Mir disappeared from under her, she didn’t get much of a chance to panic though as he was swiftly replaced by Himchan.

“Well hello there, Himchan Oppa!” Jessie chuckled.

She watched as Onew disappeared below water and got to Libby before Mir could since he was still recovering from being pulled back into the water by Himchan. Libby was lifted up by Onew and he casually started walking towards his friends.

“Um, Onew, what are doing?” Libby asked.

“My friends are playing a game and I need a partner,” Onew said.

“Why me?” Libby asked.

“Don’t really know anyone else, and we were talking at your birthday,” Onew said.

“Were we? Can’t remember…” Libby scowled.

They reached the others, Key was on Jonghyun’s shoulders and Taemin was on Minho’s shoulders.

“So Onew, you got a partner?” Key asked.

“Yep!” Onew grinned.

“Hey Libby!” Taemin smiled.

“Hello,” Libby said before chuckling a bit.

“What’s wrong?” Minho asked.

“Nothing, this was just a bit unexpected and slightly awkward…” Libby whispered the last part.

“Why’s it awkward?” Onew asked.

“No reason.” Libby mumbled.

Meanwhile Jessie was attempting to get Himchan to walk over to Libby and the others.

“Come on, I wanna join in!” Jessie whined.

“No,” Himchan grinned and started walking in the opposite direction.

“But I wanna play… ARE YOU TRYING TO KIDNAP ME HIMCHAN?!” Jessie yelled the last part. “Libby! Our boss is kidnapping me!”

“ZELO! HIMCHAN IS KIDNAPPING YOUR BECKY NOONA!” Libby said, while attempting to push Taemin off of Minho shoulders, as per were the rules of the games they were playing.

“Jongup, move!” Zelo demanded and they started making their way over to Jessie and Himchan, Mir having disappeared in a huff.

“Um, when did Zelo get on Jongup-ah’s shoulders?” Jessie blinked as they came up to them.

“Himchan hyung, put her down!” Zelo pouted.

“Why didn’t you just get off of Jongup’s shoulders and swim over? Would have been easier…” Jesie said.

“Because this is way more fun!” Zelo grinned.

“You are so a kid.” Jessie chuckled.

“You can talk!” Zelo said, motioning to Jessie situation.

“I was forced into this, and Libby isn’t helping my case…” Jessie said while watching her push Key successfully off of Jonghyun’s shoulders, meaning he went crashing into the water once again.

She watched as Onew started moving towards Minho and Taemin, Taemin pushed her, she swayed but didn’t fall and came back with a full blow that made Taemin go falling backwards into the water. Libby and Onew let out a ‘whoop!’ of celebration. Libby dropped backwards into the water and hugged all of them and hugged Onew last, when they pulled away, Libby realised Onew had nice eyes, and after realising what she was doing she pulled away completely and started swimming away.

“Bye guys!” She called over her shoulder.  Well that was awkward. She thought as she swam back over to Jessie, who was currently still on Himchan’s shoulders and Zelo was still attempting to get Himchan to let her down.

“No, I don’t wanna,” Himchan was pouting.

“Bleh, it’s fine guys, I feel tall up here anyways, even if I am cold.” Jessie grinned.

Next thing knew she was crashing into the water, Himchan having disappeared under the water again to let her go.

“What the hell, Himchan?!” Jessie exclaimed when she came back up.

“You said you were cold, I don’t want that.” Himchan laughed.

“You’re such an idiot.” Jessie chuckled and then swam off. “Freedom!”

Himchan swam off after her, while Zelo and Jongup disappeared off towards the side of the pool to get out.

“Think it’s time to go guys,” Nichkhun said, he had been hanging around with Chansung and Taecyeon the whole time.

“Okay!” Jessie called and escaped from Himchan’s clutches and swam to the side and pulled herself out, waiting for Libby.

They showered, changed and then went back to the University.

The next day, Jessie and Libby were up early so they could change into the uniforms that were handed to them by Himchan the day before. The uniforms consisted of black jeans and a black shirt and red tie, their name-tags were pinned to the top right hand corner of the shirt.

They walked down to the main common room, no one seemed to be up, but that wasn’t surprising considering it was 10 to 9 on a Saturday morning. But they did bump into Ji Yong on the way to the exit of the dorm building.

“Hey, Ji Oppa,” Jessie greeted him and they walked down towards the coffee shop.

“Hello Jessie-ah,” Ji Yong smiled.

They walked in and the bell chimed, signalling their arrival. Himchan appeared from the room behind the door that was behind the counter.

“Aw, don’t you three look adorable!” Himchan grinned.

“Oh shut up, Himchan!” Jessie complained as she stood there awkwardly. “What do we do now anyways?”

“Well you could start with turning the till on, or do you not know how to do that?” Himchan asked.

“I do!” Libby said, walking forwards. “I can teach Jessie and Ji Yong how to do it.”

“Good!” Himchan said before he walked back through the door.

“Is it just me or am I gonna hate having him as a boss?” Jessie sighed.

“Why would you hate him?” Libby asked as she showed them how to turn the till on.

“Dunno, just have a weird feeling about it.” Jessie blinked.

They spent the whole day serving out coffee and other drinks, whilst learning how to make other types of hot drinks, seeing as Jessie only really knew how to make tea, coffee and hot chocolate. Libby had been working in a coffee shop back in Northern Ireland for over a year so she didn’t really need to be taught anything and so spent most of the time, taking orders and serving customers as Jessie and Ji Yong spent most of their time being taught how to make the drinks by Himchan.


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TatibearJay #1
Chapter 25: Gosh this was such a good story!
MyDesire #2
Chapter 25: Sequel please!:)
Nomnommonster #3
Chapter 23: I'm very sorry if I spell awesome in korean wrong
Nomnommonster #4
Chapter 23: This story is daebak and I hope u would keep updating please
MyDesire #5
Chapter 18: This story is so hilarious I love it!! Keep up with the awesomeness!!^^