Chapter 1

Autumn Rain

     It was the beginning of autumn, cold morning breeze wind up the streets of Seoul. It’s only 10 A.M when Park Bom stepped out from her boutique for a morning coffee, being one of the top designer in Seoul made her working for hours to create ideas and taking responsibility for nowaday fashion.

    She just finished her last project after a very long night with her co-workers and  being ecstatic as she was, drowned into her works and only got her break this morning. Another morning another day she thought. Her steps took her to the near coffee shop just a block away from her boutique.

She strolled in to the cafe and greeted by the staff


“Good morning miss,how do you want your coffee today?”


“Morning, Can i get one caramel macchiato please and one cinnamon roll.” 

Sweet taste, not really her preference for coffee but she just feels to drink it today.


“Certainly miss, and  we have a special offer today, you will get one free drink, you can choose it. It’s our 2nd anniversary today.”


“Really? So lucky  two drinks in a row,well i get the ice americano.”


“Please wait over  there for your orders and thank you.”

Busy morning as always well it’s monday afterall, Bom scanned through the cafe, some guys were sitting near the window with laptop opened and sheets were all over the desk, in the other corner was a girl with her novel and beside her was a young couple talking casually and the guy was put his arm around the girl’s shoulder whispered something to the girl.


Bom’s lips twitched into a small smile, it would be nice to have a partner in your life like that, she’s been winding down the road by herself for a good two years. Her last love life was with that freaking bastard who turned her down for a hot fresh model. Irony, no?


And after that she was just focused to her job and renovating her boutique, drowned much to her work she couldn’t care the less about finding a boyfriend. Sure she met some guys through her friend but she didn’t really put some interest to them so for now she’s just living her life and take it easy.


Suddenly the staff called her name and she picked up her order and headed out from the cafe. Walked back to the boutique but when she felt the weather it’s just too good to be waste trapped in a building. So she decided to went to the near park to enjoy her coffee maybe she will get some ideas for her work anyway her assistant, Minzy, will be fine without her for a while.


Entered the park’s gate she began trailing the path to find a nice spot for her. She saw the trees started to lost its leaves and golden leaves spreaded covering the ground, despite her name she actually loved autumn most of all season. She enjoyed the flower blossoming but watching the leaves fell tore up from its trees and cold breeze welcomed her, for some weird reason she just loved it. 

She finally find a nice spot, along the bench nearing the small gazebo she put her ice americano beside her and start sipped her caramel macchiato.

“Aaaah so nice to finally have a moment by yourself.” She said


She looked around her and not much people were in the park only some toddlers and their mom since it’s office and school hours. She took her cinnamon roll and begun to savoured her first bit.

One bit. Two bit and when she about to have the third bit she felt a drop of water fell to her hand.

She startled and put her palms up when suddenly drops of rain trickle down to the ground. Surprised, she hurriedly packed up her food but being in a rush she spilled some of her macchiato to her newly made blouse, covering her head with her palm she looked for a shelter. Thankfully neared her was a small gazebo, she began skipped her steps there and found that a man was already in there.


“Hey, do you mind? The rain just starts pouring suddenly so i run here.” Bom asked the man

“Of course not, really please. I just run in here as well must save all the papers i brought.” He gave her a small smile showing his cute dimples.

Bom smile back as she put her food and start rumbling through her bag to find some tissue to use but the result was none. While she busy rumbling the man asked her


“Do you need this? Just use it to clean that stain on your shirt, it looks pretty bad.” He offered his handkerchief to Bom.


“No no it’s okay, don’t bother just a stupid stain i’ll rid them off later. I don’t want to make your handkerchief dirty”


“Just use it, it’s alright besides handkerchief was made to wipe off some dirt you know.”

Bom smile and took his handkerchief and started wiping her shirt


“Well this is rare, a man with handkerchief never knew they still exist.”


“Yeah some man was made to be a real gentleman,not just being a jerks.”

He let out a small chuckle and Bom laughed with him.

Suddenly the rain started getting harder and a strong wind blowed through them.


“Whew pretty hell out of a rain huh?”


“You tell me, i should just go back to my office after i bought my breakfast. Not stuck like this”

The man eyed the two coffee cups and a small paper bag beside Bom, he asked


“Are you waiting for someone?”


“ Huh? No, what makes you think like that?” She asked,amused by his question


“ Well just wondering since you brought two cups of coffee maybe you brought one for your friend or......lover.”


“ Would it be nice if i brought that for my lover,and the real story was there’s a special offer today at the coffeeshop down the road, buy one get one free coffee.”


“Oh how nice two coffees in a row.” The man replied


“Which remind me that,” she took the ice americano and gave it to him,” This is for you,well the repayment for your handkerchief actually.”


“Naah it’s okay, save it for your second round or something.”


“ I insist, you hand me your handkerchief i hand you my free coffee.”


“Really nice of you, i’ll enjoy the americano then.”


“Please do.”



Bom handed him the americano and after that only the sound of the rain that engulfed them.

Secretly Bom eyed the man from head to toe from the side of him, he was wearing a blue stripes checkered shirt his sleeves were rolled up matched with his dark jeans, his hair was a bit damped deep black and boy did he really a charmer. He had the perfect jaw and those cute dimples of him and she remembered those pair of deep gaze of his eyes, he was the perfect description of a model. Bom lingered in her thought for a while maybe he was a model afterall strange how she never saw him.


“Are you a model?” Bom just blurted that question out of sudden

The man startled at first and choked a bit on his coffee but then answered,” Pardon me? A model?”


“Yeah,you had that ‘i’m the t-o-p model of all korea’ look. Just wondering.”


“Wow,thanks i guess but to your dissapointment no i’m not. I’m in music.”


“Oh a singer?”


“Nope, you screamed your head off if you heard me sing, i’m a rapper at first but now i’m just a producer.”


“Rapper? No way,for real?! You don’t have the look of a rapper.”


“Are you a face reader or something eh? Why is that so?”


“Rapper should be wearing those baggy clothes,with those bling-bling chains whatever and those weird accesorries,not a casual one like you wear now.”


“I’m retired but i didn’t recall wearing those things when i perform back then. I think you refer to 90’s era lady, which was back way before me. I’m not that old.”


“Just wondering though, you got the look mister.”


“I’m flattered.So it’s my turn now,to do the face reader thingy to you.” He arched his one eyebrow and smile teasingly to Bom.


“Go ahead,see if you can do it right.”


“Hmm let me guess you’re a writer.”


Bom widenend her eyes,what made him thinks like that.


“A writer,seriously? Can you get even worse than that Mr.Producer?”


“Hey you’re the expert afterall,” he scoffed ,” better yet give me a hint.”


“Tsk tsk that’s cheating you know,i don’t write i draw.”


“Okaay so you’re an artist?”




“An architect?”


“Not a chance, my eyes not straight.”


“Ehm a sketcher?” He grinned a little while asking that


“Is that even a job,3 chances are over.You give me back my coffee.” She said playfully while streched her arm to him.

He only chuckled and showed her the almost empty cup of the ice americano.


“I draw clothes mister what makes me from that?”


“Aha! A designer hmm yeah you got ‘that’ look miss.” He flashed her a wide grin



She only laughed at his silly face. As the time goes by they chatted happily just like an old pal, that haven’t met each other for so long. She found it so comfortable while having a conversation with him, he had the same taste as her in movies and music. Then suddenly a strong wind gushes in and the paper that he was put on the side table flew outside, he tried to reach them and stumble to Bom a bit.

Bom was taken a back,she lost her balance and almost fell when she felt his arm safely holding her back to kept her up. He looked into her eyes deeply and intently. Those piercing eyes of him staring through her eyes.

“I’m sorry miss you’re okay?” he asked concernly


Still mesmerized by his action, Bom looked throughly into his deep black eyes it felt like they were connected for a moment with his gaze never left her. Bom felt a cricket of heat creeped to her face. She broke the eye contact and steady herself


“I’m alright but what about your papers? it’s gone now!” She just realised that none of them can save the papers

He shrugged “The wind hostaged them, it’s fine i still have the copy,i just need that because i want to review it today.”


He did it again. Those killer smiles that showed his dimples,a wide boyish smile. The way that his lips curved a bit made Bom wanted to kiss the hell out of him. Suddenly she felt her phone buzzed in her pocket.

She opened it and saw a text message from Minzy

   Unnie where are you now? Your guest for 11 A.M already here. She needs your assistance.

Crap. She forgot she had a company to dicuss the release of her project. She smacked her forehead and and started mumbling. She looked out the gazebo and saw that the rain has lessen.

“Why ? You forget something?” The deep voice from the guy startled her


“Yes i should be at the boutique by now. I have a guest waiting for me. I think i should get going now, the rain has stopped too.”


“Oh uhm you’re leaving now?  Rightaway?”


“Yeah it’s really important.”


“But this soon?don’t leave yet,” he blurted that and quickly change his words,” i mean yeah you should go can’t keep the guest waiting and ehm errr i enjoy you,wait i mean your company and yeah uh thanks for the coffee.”

He scrathed the back of his head and stumbled to said it with his face down like a little boy. Bom actually blushed seeing him acted like this and she just can’t bring herself to met his eyes.


“Very nice to meet you Mr.Producer.” Bom shook his hand


“The pleasure is all mine Ms.Designer.”



Bom left the gazebo and walked through the park to go back to her boutique. Reaching the gate she felt her hand being pulled from the back,she turned around and it was the “Mr.Producer” who pulled her.


“Wait miss,sorry for stopping you  but can we meet again ? I know we just met but it’s really nice chatting with you, and i hope i can spend more time with you will you come again tomorrow?”

Bom grinned happily,this is ccrazy she just met this guy heck she doesn’t even know his name but he was right,she really want to meet him again.


“Sure. I would love that,same place same time tomorrow?


“That will be great and just in case,” he started rummaged through his pocket looking for something,”i will give you my number you know just for safety if- “

Suddenly Bom kissed his cheek,she just couldn’t help it he is really cute flustered like that. He was taken aback, widenend his eyes and looked at Bom confused, but the the wide smile appeared again


“ Don’t worry i’ll be here tomorrow, i’ll make it on time .”  


“Thank you miss, i’ll let you go for now see you tomorrow.”



With that the guy turn his back walking to the opposite direction , Bom watched his back from a far she was about to continue walked out the gate when suddenly she turned her back and slightly shouted to him

“It’s Park Bom!”


Stopped from his track slightly jumped out of surprise he slightly turned to her and watched her in confusion


“The name is Park Bom.” Bom repeated shouted at him


The guy returned it, “Mine is Choi Seunghyun,see you lady spring.”




With a final wave from him Bom skipped her step which felt lighter than ever be. She headed to her boutique while thinking about their meeting just now. Never crossed into her mind when she woke up this morning that she will met the guy that she’ve been dreading to meet for the past few weeks.

Yes,Park Bom knew that Choi Seunghyun already but not his name yet and the details. She just saw Seunghyun around two weeks ago, it was a rainy day just like today she was at her boutique frustated with the upcoming project. Her eyes wandered around her store and saw the road outside the window and Seunghyun was already there. She was staring at his back seemed like he was taking a shelter from the heavy rain. His turned his head left and right looking for a way to escape the rain, Bom saw him from the side profile and can’t help but to adore his defined jaw she didn’t mind staring at his back either. Seunghyun  tall figure and his nice cut short black hair was no exception either. She was just lost in her thoughts and by the time she was about to come out and offered a shelter he just flee away running through the rain. But yeah then again who knows?

Life seemed to be unpredictable, Bom giggled happily. Tomorrow will be a good day indeed.






author's note :

Taraaaa~! it suppose to be cute and stuffs is it workin'? lol XD this story should be posted few weeks ago but i just done with the ending now kkk

quite occupied with all the exam that coming, my health problem and GD OOAK tour!! hahaha

but now i'm in my 2 months holiday so yeah might be dropping by for few stories here hope you don't mind 

thank you so much for reading it !! and i do hope to hear your opinion about this one :)

see you'all around



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happybreeze #1
Chapter 3: Why didnt i find this story sooner
Such a sweet story, keep writing please :)
Panda90 #2
Chapter 3: Omo! It's so cute. I love it.keke :)
Chapter 3: Awww...cuteeee! They make such a cute family^^ love em!
gjie2cute #4
Chapter 3: I want to carry seung joo too!!! He looks adorable awww i love their relationship cuz they trust each other so much and jiyong needs a beating because they got into a fight bcuz of him. Anyways thank you sm for the story. Love it!
Chapter 2: Omg they are together already. Seunghyun is so sweet and cute. Sobs, you gotta accept him, Bom. My alien couple is getting married I'm happy ;~; Thank you for the update dongsaeng ^~^ Looking forward for the next or will be the last chapter. Fighting!!! <3
Chapter 2: Oooh that's so straight forward of him. They are getting married! Love it!
Chapter 2: kyaaaaaaaa!! marry him bommm hahaha
angelin #8
Chapter 1: love your story <3
angelin #9
Chapter 1: love your story <3
Chapter 1: you finally come with another story. happy reader is happy woohoo~ ^~^
and this one seems interesting. I love how they both meet each other. waiting for chapter 2 now. good luck to you, author-nim! :)