Chapter 2

Sweet taste of love

Chapter 2 




"this is all your fault" I yelled at this weird Ahjumma, yap starting today I'll call her weird ahjumma and I have no interest whats her real name. kekekeke




"Why? Is it my fault? you should have tried to stop me, throwing rocks at the land lady's window" she said, deffensive is deffensive but still her fault, how can I stop her last night? she was so wild that even me can't handle her crazyness.



"I tried but you're so scary" I said, well she does really look scary TT.TT




"what do you mean scary? Do I look like a monster to you? HUH?!!" She asked. 




" DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO ANSWER THAT?!" I yelled at her, I am so angry at her, she should be thrown to North Korea!! 




"Yah, STOP Calling Weird Ahjumma I have a name its Sandara Park" she said, well that kind of introduction to her self is not good. 




"I don't care what your name is! Now where am I gonna sleep?" I said, after all this things that happened, where am I gonna sleep now? I hope TOP is here in Seoul, he's the only guy I can ask a help. 




"not my problem" she said and then she started saying words while walking, well I think she's gonna leave now, well go ahead leave, go away, aghhh I feel sorry for her future husband. 





Ok I am now infront of TOP's apartment and I hope that he will let me sleep here for awhile, I still need to look for another apartment. Learned lesson from this day is never help a drunk girl, especially wearing a ahjumma style or something old fashion!! 



I ring a doorbell and finally Top went out of his cage, I asked him if I can stay here for a while since I have no place to spend my night. 



I told Top all the things happened to me especially meeting the weird ahjumma in the barbeqcue tend, I hate this -________- I am so stupid!  I should have think first before helping her.  




"Yah, Jiyong, you been talking about that girl for like 1 hour and still you're not over with her, just forget her you know" TOP hyung said, yeah great  idea hyung I should forget her!!!! 




Starting this day no ahjumma or weird or something related to that girl should make me remember what happened. I should really start saying sorry to the Land lady tomorrow.









I am here infront of my apartment and almost begging on my knees to get my apartment back, I just paid the whole year bill for this apartment and I don't have enough money to rent another one.



"NO WAY, I can't because Someone already rented your apartment" the land lady said. what is this ery, why  is this happening to me?!!! 




"BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MONEY  I PAID??" I yelled, hello I paid in a whole and then I can't live in my apartment! this land lady is getting on my nerves. 




"Well... is it my fault huh?! leave already!!" the land lady said! 


ever since I met that Sandara Park, all the troubles became a magnet to me!! I tried to look for another apartment but i just can't find that will suite my enough money! Since TOP is going on a trip with her girlfriend which is I don't know who, he can't let me sleep in his apartment because he said people will think we live together and that will make fuss to him. what a great friend, he didn't even lend me money because he said he is going to a long trip with her girlfriend and he will be spending a lot of money. 







I tried to called bom but she isn't answering, I just want to tell her all the happenings today and I didn't even know the guy who I slept with... wait did I just slept with? So meaning we sleep in one bed and this is getting into my nerves my ity!!!  how can I not ask him about that!! omg I need to see a doctor to ask if my .... you know is fjlkfjlsdkjflksdj omg I can't!! 




its 8pm and I am getting paranoid and its getting worst! Bom should be here! she's the expert when it comes to this I should really contact her PRONTO!! 


It tooks Bom to pick in 5 rings and then she started getting worried because I don't usually do call her . 



"YAH WHAT?!" Bom yelled, well I just told her everything and then there she goes acting like a worried mother



"OMG!! ARE U PREGNANT?" Bom said



"yah how am i gonna be pregnant I am not sure if something happened between us ok" I answered her since I was really getting worried about my self especially because i don't know who that guy is!! 




"So, you said DongYun cheated on you and you got drunk and you slept in someone you don't know apartment and he got kicked out of his apartment because you caused a trouble" Bom said, well finally she gets what I was talking about.




"Yeah... and I was really worried about myself since I slept with a guy that I don't even know" I said.




"Yah... wait for me in a couple of days I'd be home with my boyfriend and I want you to meet him, he is so nice" she said, well after she said that it reminds of what happend to me, the cheating happenings and then there is me again... crying without any reason.. well I think Bom heard my crying so I just hanged up on her, I don't want to ruin her date and i don't want to be a burden to others life. ;((




A/N: what will happen to dara?? ohhh Jiyong where will you sleep then?!! 



do you guys enjoyed the new chapter? well I hope so 


stay tuned




Janey :D 






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Chapter 2: Oh Jiyong where are u going 2 sleep now, Dara help him.