❉] the Bewitching Corner

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you know fairy tales?



Fairy tales are always there, be it for a children's book or a theme for a new play or an idea of inspiration. Whatever the reason may be, it is still there. They are not called classics for no reason. Throughout time, mankind has evolved and aged and as it is with time, all things once good or bad starts to wear away. And so it seems is the case with fairy tale. No it is still there but the magic it once possessed believed so strongly by mankind is slowly starting to fade away. People now look at it as nothing more than a children's play, a figment of their imagination which will slowly pass away as they grow and learn to be an adult.



Unbeknownst to them, it is just as fine with them. Who do you mean by them you may ask? The fairy tales, of course. Humans now in the 21st century have grown so much dependent on technology that the idea of magic or its mere existence is an outrageous belief. What they fail to realize is that you don't need a princess on the highest tower or a flame breathing dragon and an evil Queen or a Prince Charming on a horse to make it a fairy tale. Magic exists in those small moments of beauty, those priceless memories of love that lasts forever. That spark is all is needed to create one's very own fairy tale. And so people go on creating their own fairy tale without ever knowing that they've created one.








the Bewitching Corner



Now, enough on the topic of fairy tales, what we're really concerned about is that small dainty shop at the furthest end of the street, right around the corner. With its dull shade of red roof and blooming(overgrown actually) flowers that threaten to cover the pathway to the shop, the conspicuous blue fences surrounding it that has butterfly patterns painted over it, it is a relief to an eyesore or an eyesore to the well aided visuals, depending on one's perspectives. This is the 'the Bewitching Corner'. Yes, it has a 'the' in front of it's name. Because its owner believes that the shop is indeed one of a kind. This shop specializes in selling charms. From homework to cure for period cramps, smooth dates to marriage, finding your lost kitten to actually getting rid of someone, yes anything. Everything is going as normal as it can until four girls step into this shop for a charm, some on purpose while some without even knowing what the shop is for. Watch as their life is suddenly turned upside down and into a whirlwind of pathetic pick-up lines, tear-jerking hilarity, doubtful confessions, young heartbreaks  and obvious mess. This season, hijink ensues!








Ok finally, I'm here people. Yeah, I've been thinking of making an apply fic for a looooong time but things always got in the way. And now after some time I finally managed to get my lazy to work. Yeah, this is my first apply fic so please do go easy on me. I've gotten the foreword page started and I guess it'll take me some time to upload the rest of the chapters but worry not I will try to update as soon as possible. Also thanks to the coffee shop layouts for the foreword.

Hehe, other than that please do subscribe if you like and do stick around!


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