
The Deadmau Club is a new and addicting club that just opened in the upbeat streets of Cancún. Having been under construction for almost a year, the club will have its grand opening with the best DJs and top of the class bartenders and dancers along with great security if there's ever a fight in the club. The Deadmau Club has been said to be the rival of the Matoki Club that is just down the block, having been open for the past 3 years. The owner of the deadmau club was once one of the owners of the Matoki Club until an outburst had occured between the owners resulting in one leaving. The Deadmau Club is supposed to bring a new flavor to Cancún. The owner has stated that her club will be mixing many cultures; her own. The owner is said to be Mexican-Korean and she has seen the rise in clubs but also the decline in the authenticity of the Hispanic culture in some of these clubs and she says the Matoki Club is one of those clubs. She is determined to make the Deadmau Club the hottest club in Cancun.
UNO. no bashing of any sort, I think you all know this rule by now.
DOS. subscribe if interested in this story at all. I don't care if you're just going to wait for this story to go down the drain. just subscribe.
TRES. it is still undecided how many girls I'll choose but I will be in the story as well; as the Deadmau Club owner.
CUATRO. love interests can be from either exo or bap. they're all available exotic babyz.
CINCO. uhljjang hwang ji min is taken. also uhljjang kim yong bin is taken as a love interest.
SEIS. if chosen, please comment every one-three chapters. i'll give you a week to do so. and please inform me if going on hiatus so i don't think that you've abandoned your character.
SIETE. there is no deadline as of now, i'll let you know when a deadline is rolling around.
OCHO. i am only asking for you guys to effing original because that'll make the story more interesting. 
NUEVE. password is...not here. 
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hola chicas y chicos. alright, truth time, I'm hispanic myself, Peruvian actually. I don't have any asian blood in me whatsoever though i wish i did. anyway, i hope that you guys will apply because i kinda have high hopes for this one but if it doesn't work out then i'll simply delete it. i kept the layout for this really simple cause i really didn't feel like spending so much time on how it looks. i know, ish and boring color palette. anyways, i really want to see some applicants for this story and i'm pretty excited for it since it is getting in touch with my spanish side. also, please don't hate on the music, this song is what actually got me to write the story in the first place. if you don't like it then simply mute or lower your volume. plus, the setting is mexico and this group is mexican so don't hate on it please 'cause you hating on the song is like hating on me.











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let's have some updates, amigos! XDDD
Chapter 1: i have another question, sorry
bap are love interests as well
but they're not listed in the
staff. do they not work there?
ayyy, i know you said ulzzang's
only but if we found a hispanic
model with lots of hd pics could
we use her? i want to use belinda
if that's ok..
Chapter 2: Aaah.i love this and am applying ASAP
Chapter 2: i can't access the aplicacion ;A;
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA the staff positions made me laugh (especially the gif for bouncers) this is so exciting! gonna wait for the app!
AHH!! I'm hispanic too!! I'm Puerto Rican though!! I love you now lol thank you for getting in touch with your hispanic side~! I love the plot too and I WILL Apply!!
coeurvoisier #8
Chapter 1: wufan as security and kyungsoo as bartender who doesnt mind to strip laughsss
like omg where else can i find a shameless kyungdere if it's not in this fic
since most fic depicts him as a shy boy or some sort so this is kind of refreshing
I want to see him strip o u o /shot
i love your idea :)
/forever spazz/
can't wait to apply ouo
coeurvoisier #10
this seems interesting,
i'm gonna subscribe and
maybe apply since it's
long hols <3 o u o