Second, third, fourth until last

Stolen First Kiss

It was already a month since Minho come back and it is already one month too since, he is spreading the news that he is Taemin’s boyfriend.

Minho and Key was already in their hangout in their break time and waiting for the other.

“Hey Minho, why are you still spreading that news.”

“What news?” Minho ask while he was laying in the bench and his arms is in his forehead.

“That you are Taemin’s boyfriend.”

Minho got up. “Because that is true.”

“What do you mean?”

“I will explain someday when he remember why I am saying those things.”

“Okay. Then can I ask you one more thing?”


“Do you really like Taemin?”

“Who told you that?”


“Why does he have to say that to you? That supposed to be a secret.”

“He is my boyfriend, he can’t keep any secret.”

Minho sigh. “Yes Key, I like Taemin a lot.”

“Then why you didn’t say anything to him when you just disappear. Are you not worried that he might forget you?”

“He won’t. That’s why I stole his first kiss because I know how important that to him.” Minho said while smiling.

Key just look at the other with a curious eyes.



Taemin was in the balcony of his room looking at the sky when Minho called him.

“Hey there boyfriend.” Minho call the other with a tease in his voice.

“Shut up Minho. I am busy counting star.”

“Counting? Or are you looking at the constellation of star and was hoping to see my face there?”

Taemin turn to Minho and give him a glare. “Can you stop spreading the nonsense news in school?”


“Because that thing is not true. And beside why are you still doing that. Girls starts to think that you are gay.”

“Then they are right.”


“Because I am gay and I am in love with you.” Minho said

Taemin feels his heart had fallen from his chest and his face turns red. “Y-yeah are you playing frank with me?”

“Of course not.”

“Y-you’re really weird since you come back. I think you need more sleep so that you can come back to your senses.” Taemin said before getting inside his room and close the door and the curtain.

“Lee Taemin, I love you.” He heard Minho. He cover his ears but the words was still keeps on repeating in his mind.


For the next days Taemin is avoiding Minho but at the same time he is observing him to know if what he said is true. But even if Minho know that he is avoiding him, the other didn’t bother to force himself to him.

But one day in there break time Taemin arrive at their hangout and was surprise that it was only Minho who is in there.

“Where are the other?”

“Onew hyung and Jessica noona is in the cafeteria, Key and Jonghyun, washroom.” Minho answer while his attention is in his phone playing some games.

Taemin sit at the chair across Minho. “Hey Minho, can I ask something.”

“Fire it out.”

“Do you really mean what you said that night?”

“Yup.” Minho answer still not looking at Taemin.

“Why do you like me? You are not supposed to feel that because we are enemy.”

“Secret. And it was only you who is thinking that we are enemy.”

“Why don’t you want to tell me? I supposed to know that.”

“Nope. And can you shut up. I can’t concentrate here.”

Taemin rolled his eyes and starts to dig in his foods. “Is that how you treat the person you like?” he thought while looking at Minho who is so engross in his game.



Taemin was lazily laying in his bed and was looking at the ceiling, thinking of Minho when Key arrive.

“Hey there.”

“Hi hyung.”

“You look like in a deep thought. What are you thinking?”

“It who. And it is Minho.”


“Because he confess to me hyung.”

“Then that’s a good thing. Why not accept it.”

“Why should I?”

“Because you like him too.”

Taemin sat up and look confusingly at Key. “What are you talking about hyung? I don’t like him beside, being my enemy.”

“Yes you do Taemin. You like him. I still remember how hard you cry when he left.” Key said.

Taemin put his head down. “I—I didn’t cry that much.”

“Yes you do. Come on Taemin. Be honest with yourself. Don’t be afraid. Minho likes you and you like him. And I am sure that you know that in yourself.”


Taemin was running in the hallway and was looking for Minho. He suddenly stop when he saw some group of girls who was looking for something, he takes a peek and saw Minho with a girl taking to him. And in what he heard from those girls, it’s a confession time. He run fast at Minho place.


“Minho oppa, I really like you. Please go out with me.” The girl grab Minho’s arm.

“I told you already, I have---“

“He already have a boyfriend.” Taemin interrupted. He walk beside Minho and pull his arm that the girl is holding. “So leave.”

The girl gave Taemin an irritating look before running away.

“That was rude. You should be gentler when you ask her to leave. Girls heart is very fragile.”

“Do you want me to follow him?”

“Nope.” Minho look at Taemin. “What was that just now?”

Taemin let go of Minho’s hands. “Why are you still accepting confessions? You said that you like me but why are you still giving attention to those girls who wants to confess to you?”

“I am ignoring them but they are cornering me.” Minho smile at Taemin. “Why? Are you jealous?”

“Yes.” Taemin answer bluntly while looking straight at Minho’s eyes which turn bigger. “So from now on you cannot talk to any girls. That’s an order from your boyfriend.

“That’s possessive you know.”

“I don’t care. Since you stole my first kiss you have to be my boyfriend and husband in the future.”

“So you remember?”

Taemin nodded. Last night he was organizing his things when he found his small notebook. Then he read some notes there and was surprise when he read that stupid thing he wrote six years ago.

I promise, to whoever will give my first kiss, that I am going to be there boyfriend and husband’

“How did you know that?”

“I read that when I was in your room.” Minho pull Taemin at the back of the building and lean his back at the wall. “So how and when did you realize that you like me too?”

“I already like you since we are young. But I am scared to confess because you might avoid me. That;s why I started to act as if I hate you without any valid reason. And I thought that when we turn into an enemy my feelings for you will disappear.”

“But?” Minho ask when he notice that Taemin words is incomplete.

“It didn’t disappear. And it was just growing after you stole my kiss. I can’t stop thinking of you at the same time am so mad that you just disappear like that without even saying goodbye to me.”

Minho chuckle. “Sorry baby. But I am afraid that I can’t leave when I see your face on the day of my flight. And that’s my plan when I kiss you, so that it is impossible for you to forget me.”

“Then congratulation you succeeded.” Taemin put his arms around Minho. “I love you Minho.”

“I love you too Taemin. And it’s just the first kiss that I am going to steal to you. I will going to steal your second, third, fouth,--”

“And my last.” Taemin added the last words before pulling Minho’s head and give him a kiss in his lips.




i cut it into two chapter because this is so long for just one chapter,

sorry if this is kinda mess up. 

i just wrote what comes from my mess up mind~_~

hope you guys did enjoyed reading it^_^

Thank you!!!!!

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Chapter 2: I like the flow of the story. Not rushed or anything. And that confession part, they're so cute ❤ A little bit of spelling errors but other than that, it's already fine yay :)
Chapter 2: so cute! :)
Llamapiggy #3
Chapter 2: It's so fluffy and cute((:
thatgalobsessed #4
Chapter 2: I feel like your first language isnt english. So i am going to say beside some common errors it was pretty good. The ending was so cheezy i loved it.
alexshineeexo #5
Chapter 2: awwwwww sooo cute <3 loved the story :)