Y, Why

Yesterday Once More

Jong Hyun's POV


"You look like a kid, Shin Hye."

"Yah! Stop staring at me sunbae... Your seaweed soup is the best!"

"I thought we're past the 'sunbae' stage now?"


I keep on teasing Shin Hye because I know that with much convincing, she'll call me 'oppa'. She's just playing hard to get, I know her well. She's eating for almost half an hour and I noticed how great her appetite is. She keeps on admiring the foods I prepared on the table. I enjoy myself by staring at her, she's so cute!


"Omo! It's almost passed eight o' clock. I must go home now."

"Relax Shin. I informed uncle Park that you are with me. There's nothing to worry."

"But I must go now. Since yesterday, I keep on interrupting your work."

"I told you, I don't have any work today and probably tomorrow... And you know what, you need to pay me for my services earlier."

"What? Yah! Sunbae, how can I pay you? You have lots of money. How can I propably pay you?"

"I have an idea, aside from calling me 'oppa', I want you to accompany me to the amusement park tomorrow, that way, you can pay me."

"What? Amusement park? You're childish Jong Hyun Sunbae!"

"Shin, you're debt is increasing. I must remind you that you will call me 'oppa'. Now say it! Call me 'Jong Hyun oppa'."

"Hmmm... Since you had done a great job entertaining my class, I will grant your wish, Jong Hyun OPPA."

"Hahaha! Im so happy, Shin! I'll be happier if you will be with me tomorrow."

"How can I refuse, Jong Hyun oppa? This will be my means of paying you."

"Thanks, my princess..."


After having our conversation, we arrived at her house before nine thirty in the evening. 


"So Shin Hye, I will be here tomorrow at around nine in the morning."

"Yes, oppa..."

"Omo! I won't be tired hearing that sweet word from you."

"Stop fooling around, Mr. Lee Jong Hyun!"

"Haha! See you tomorrow, Miss Park Shin Hye."


I am about to enter my car when Shin Hye call my name and walk towards my direction.


"Oppa wait. I am so thankful for your help in my class. The program won't be complete without you. Thank you so much for making the kids and their parents smile. Good night oppa."

"I am always here for you. Don't worry."

"You sounded like my knight in shining armor."

"Yes I am , my princess. You must go inside now because Uncle is waiting for you. Good night, Shin Hye."


After saying my farewell, I am about to open my car when Shin Hye grab my arm and I face her. She's smiling when she tiptoed and kiss my cheek lightly. I am so surprise by her actions. She kissed me on the cheek!


"That's my gift for you, oppa! Bye!"

"Yah Shin Hye! Come back here!"



I enter my car and I am smiling from ear to ear as I recall what happened. I feel so happy with just a simple kiss on the cheek. As I reached my house and lay comfortably in the soft mattress of my bed, we sent messages to each other.


"Are you sleeping now, Shin Hye?"

"Yah! How can I sleep? I am still so full because of the dinner I ate earlier. I am not yet sleepy."

"And what are you doing now?"

"Im watching tv."

"You mean, you are watching your favorite FT Island?"

"Aniyo... I am watching the drama 'A gentleman's dignity'. Omo! The guy named Collin has a slight resemblance in you."

"I am sure that whoever that guy is, I am much more good looking than him."

"You're so full of yourself, Mr. Lee!"

"Haha! For sure you are smiling right now. By the way, good night Shin Hye. And don't watch too much drama."

"Good night oppa.."


Tomorrow will be our trip to the amusement park and I can't wait to tell Shin Hye about my feelings and intentions towards her. I will ask her to be my 'yeojachingu' tomorrow at the amusement park. 



Shin Hye's POV


I can't understand myself but I feel so much comfortable towards Jong Hyun now. Before I am too shy to call him sunbae but now I am calling him 'oppa'. I can't deny him of his requests because he's very kind to me and he helped me with the program. I feel happy being with him because of his sense of humor and his caring attitude. He's sweet, gentle and nice too. Even my Appa asked me if he's my 'namjachingu'. We're just close friends. Maybe he's fond of me because he doesn't have any younger sibling. But I feel that her concern is beyond that. Although he's quite playful, I can't deny that somehow he have some romantic feelings towards me. I saw him play the guitar in front of the kids and their parents and I am mesmerized by his charms. He is too cool and good looking in front of the crowd. One of my students asked me if he's my husband! How ridiculous. But I am not closing my door for him. I moved on a long time ago. I must try and take my chances again. Afterall, I think Jong Hyun is better than HIM. 


And it is only now that I remember that I kissed him on the cheek! Omo! 



Yong Hwa's POV


"Where exactly in Busan?"

"We will give you the exact address tomorrow, Sir."

"Arasso, bye..."


It's passed ten in the evening but my mind is still at work. Because of an emergency situation, I will be going tomorrow to Busan. I just hope that the said deal will be worthwhile. 


Staring at my laptop, a familiar image of the smiling girl is all I can see. She's been my long time wallpaper in my laptop. Shin Hye, I wonder if I can find you... I miss you...

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Hello! I will update 'the baby surprise' tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you all.


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Wendy-1977 #1
Wow yongshin story😍continue
danie1822 #2
Chapter 5: Continua pronto por favor pronto por favor
BlueDooley #3
Chapter 5: Why are you not updating ur stories are all damn beautiful >.< T_T
Gracegesang #4
Chapter 5: Hi dear author!! I hope you'll find inspiration and time to finish your yongshin stories... Thanks...
Chapter 5: Maybe you can update this one.Seems like you have quite a lot of good Yongshin's stories that are pending.Hope you can have the inspiration to continue it.
BlueDooley #6
Chapter 5: I hope u update this too
Chapter 5: Yong 5 years is a lot of time even if you had a good reason for the break up.
I hope you can update soon.
Merry Christmas!!
ratriana #8
Chapter 5: the true i'm yongshin,but i'm happy too with jongshin
Ryne79 #9
Chapter 5: Hi luv it! But pls do update I'm sure the next few chapters will get even more interesting, thank u!
aleya- #10
please update authornim..thank you