You're Not My Driver!

Excuse Me Miss.

Chapter Three: You're Not My Driver!

Just like everyday, Ahjong picked a fight with Yunsoo. “Girls! Both of you just stop if not I’ll keep you after the bell.” Their teacher threatened.

No way were they willing to risk it so they both kept quiet. Within 5 minutes, the bell rang and everyone practically ran out to go home.

Yunsoo walked out with Sooyoung to the front. Ahjong was in back of them with her friends making rude comments but Yunsoo ignored them.

Yunsoo’s eyes widened, “Where’s my driver?” She asked looking around. There was no sight of him.

“Aww, her driver isn’t here.” Ahjong said. Yunsoo turned around and narrowed her eyes at her.

“Yah!” She was about to slap Ahjong when a hand stopped her. Everyone’s eyes widened and Yunsoo turned to her right to see Jonghyun.

She began choking on her saliva and he smirked at the girls. “We’ll be going.” He bowed and dragged Yunsoo to his car.

“What are you doing?!” She yelled as everyone looked on.

“T-That’s Kim Jonghyun.” Ahjong said with her jaw dropped and all her friends nodded.

“Who?” Sooyoung asked confused. Ahjong rolled her eyes and hissed.

“But, why is he here with Yunsoo? That .” Ahjong crossed her arms over her chest and looked on as Jonghyun shoved Yunsoo into his car.

“What do you think you’re doing? Why are you here? Where’s my driver?!” Yunsoo yelled at Jonghyun.

He simply smiled, “I’m your driver for today.”

Yunsoo’s eyes widened and she scoffed, “Like hell you are.” She was about to take her seat belt off when Jonghyun placed his hand over hers and got so close that his face was only inches away from hers.

Yunsoo gulped, seeing his perfect features up close was too much to handle. “Why are you getting nervous?” Jonghyun teased.

“W-What? Who’s getting nervous?” Yunsoo asked.

He smirked, “Your temples are sweating and I can hear you gulping.” With that Yunsoo pushed him away and he chuckled.

“Where do you want to go?” He asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

“Home.” He turned to Yunsoo and lifted a brow.

“You want to go home? Why would you want to go home when you have Kim Jonghyun willing to take you anywhere you want?”

“Because that’s where I want to go, home!” She stated with anger.

Jonghyun said nothing but continued driving. When Yunsoo noticed that he had passed the way to go to her house, she lost it.

“Where are you taking me?!” She yelled and started hitting him making him swerve the car to the next lane.

“Are you crazy?!” He yelled and pushed her back into her seat. “Are you trying to get us killed?!”

After a 15 minute silence, they arrived to a diner style restaurant. Jonghyun got off and opened the door for Yunsoo but she remained in the car.

He sighed, “Come on, let’s grab some food.” She didn’t budge which left him no choice but the pull her out of the car and drag her into the restaurant.

“What can I get for you two?” The waitress asked as she ogled Jonghyun.

“Burgers are fine.” He said with a smile and handed her the menus.

“How do you know I like burgers?” Yunsoo raised a brow.

Jonghyun laughed, “Who doesn’t like burgers?”

“What if I’m a vegetarian?” Jonghyun was caught there and he had no idea what to say. For once, Yunsoo let out a giggle, “Lucky for you, I do like burgers.”

Jonghyun’s eyes widened. “She laughed and smiled.” He thought to himself in amazement.

I wouldn't mind being kidnapped by Jonghyun!

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Chapter 4: Oh ma gohhhd!
Update soon <3
xRawrRiot #2
GAH! Why are you amazing at making stories?! Hul... ㅠㅠ
xRawrRiot #3
Chapter 3: OMG LOL Who wouldn't want want Jonghyun driving them somewhere AND having dinner with him? ;)
Obviously Yunsoo wouldn't. XD
But at least she smiled and laughed at te end xD
Looks like Jonghyun is falling hard ;D
Chapter 3: Update soon~! :D ♥
Chapter 2: I feel bad for Yunsoo, I'd hate it if my mother cherished her career more than me.
But either way I guess she didn't really have to be rude to Jonghyun. He did drive all the way to her house just to drop off her backpack. At least a simple 'thank you' would've been good, right?
Anyways, I love our story so far;
Update soon ♥
xRawrRiot #6
Chapter 2: Hakdbdjska LOL at the height mention and...
OMG! Does her mother really not want to see her so she sent her model to drop off Yunsoo's backpack? Woooow.
What a nice mother...
But I'm happy for the update~~
Your poster and background is ready to be picked up~
xRawrRiot #8
BUT Rhe person she bumped into must be Mr. Kim Jonghyun hehehe~