Chapter 3

Kevin's Cinderella

The next day:

Forever 21:

(Diamond is really tried from the night before but doesn't let it show has been eat lately cuz she always in a rush)

Diamond: Welocme to Forever 21. (After a few hours of working she faints)

Taeyeon (Diamond's Boss):


Taeyeon: Diamond! Diamond! (She call 911 then paramentics take Diamond the hospital the Taeyeon call Kevin)

U-KISS Dorm:

(The phone rings and Kevin answers)

Taeyeon: Hello is this Kevin Woo?

Kevin: Yes.

Taeyeon: I'm Taeyeon Diamond's boss at Forever 21. Diamond just fainted and she on her way the hospital.

Kevin: Thanks. (He hangs up) Guys that was Diamond's boss at Fover 21. Diamond just fainted she on her the hostipal I'm going the hospital. (They go with him)

At the hospital:

Kevin: Is Diamond Lee here?

Nurse: Yes are related to her?

Kevin: Has no family I'm emerancy contact.

Nurse: Oh she's in room 123 on the right. (He goes the room and the rest of U-KISS  follows)

The hostpial room:

Doctor: You must be Kevin her emercany contact. 

Kevin: How is she?

Doctor: She as to spend the nigh here. 

Kevin: Okay. (The doctor leaves then) Guys go home I'll stay here with her.

Eli: Are you gunna be okay?

Kevin: I'll be strong for her. (They leave and Kevin stays and he starts cry)

End of chapter


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Chapter 8: Great story, update soon!!!:)
batonkun #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^