A Funeral for Cat Food


Everyone knew Kyuhyun was...not exactly the most emotional person and he didn't exactly like pets....So seeing him in this state for that reason was oh so very strange. 


I don't even know why I wrote this....honestly, I'm slowly going insane here. 

Great news! I've actually graduated and am forever done high school. That's why I'm going insane. 

This is a teeny tiny oneshot, that was originally 300 words and was heavily edited and yeah...it isn't supposed to be offensive, and I really hope it isn't, sorry? I blame my lack of homework and Sherlock and the fact that I'm sitting in my basement absolutely terrified and paranoid because I started watching Supernatural too. 

Guess I'll stop typing this is really going nowhere. 

Enjoy and I hope that I'm not offending anyone. It contains some very ninja Kyusung I think?


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 1: Lol ...this was hilarious.... Cat Food?really Kyu!!! omg lol!!! Thanks for writing this fic. :D
ZionCrushforever #2
Chapter 1: Kyu, baby it'll be ok. One day you can get more first just like cat food. *Cuddles Kyu*
I actually there chickens plus two I shaved with my brother. Mine were named Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. Hyper (his full name was Hyperactive) died by drowning bc he was clumsy and fell in his water dish. The baby was named Georgie (the cutest fluff ball ever!).
370 streak #3
Chapter 1: OMG, I couldn't stop laughing XDDD This was soooo epic LOL
ohmysuperjunior #4
Chapter 1: OKAY THIS IS MY OFFICIAL FAVOURITE FIC FROM YOU. THE FISH GOD OMFG HAHAHAHA Kyu is adorable here. this entire one shot is complete crack and its hilarious xDDD it legit made my day, so thank you!
BlackestEyes #5
Chapter 1: xDDDDDD this was super funny!!! Siwon's words at the ceremony were amazing!! :D
eliz930 #6
Chapter 1: this is so funny...totally a strange situation for suju..hahaha..kyuhyun is super cute and siwon is very funny..i love this..
Chapter 1: Call me crazy, but that is not the weirdest name for a pet I've heard. My brother insisted on naming his turtle Housekeeper. And tried talking my parents into naming my dog K-Mart. :/
This was really cute, though. X) I related, cause one of my *cough* nine *cough* fish died a couple days ago. I FEEL YOUR PAIN, KYU!! *huggles baby boy*
Ladyghai #8
Chapter 1: This is hilarious! Hahahaha I can't stop laughing! Hahaha XD seriously Kyuhyun you name a fish cat food! This story is so cute!