Only A Brief Memory


(A/N : I'm really sorry for updating so late... yet again...

I guess it runs throughout my family XD

Anyway, I'll probably be able to update more frequently 2 weeks from now, just a heads up~~)


Daehyun's POV

It's dark.

No sign of light anywhere.

Out of no where a clammy hand grips my sweating cheek and rubs it affectionately.

I'm scared, but I have to endure it. I must endure it. For Mom. 

Then, the person which the hand belongs to breaks the silence of the darkness.


It's Mom.

"Yes Mom?"

"Do you remember what I told you earlier?"

"Yes Mom."

"Good boy."

There's a hint of sadness in her voice. I shrug it off.

She releases her slight hold of my cheek and put her hands gently on my shoulders.

If only I could see her this one last time.

There's another moment of thoughtful silence when I hear footsteps.

Coming closer and closer and closer to the room where my Mom and I are located.


The heavily guarded door is rammed open and almost splits into pieces as light floods the place.

I shield my eyes from the sudden brightness and that's when they take her.

One moment they broke the door down. Another, she was screaming bloody murder as they stabbed her repeatedly.

My one and only biological mother.

But I was prepared for this.

She told me what I needed to do and what the men would do to me if I didn't do this.

And so I surrendered to the 15 men clothed in all black, waiting for me to follow them willingly.

There was nothing else I could do, but follow.

As I joined them, I brushed the rolling tears off of my damp face, keeping my emotions under control.

Anyone who saw would think that I was not sad at all, but I was.

Her screams echoed repeatedly in my head, resonating throughout my mind.

They led me out of the room and gave me a uniform that I was forced to change into.

It was all black, just like theirs.

At that time I swore to seek revenge on whoever killed Mom, but not now. 

The time had to be right when I would strike back.

I was 7 at the time.

I was sure that I could fulfill Mom's last wish: to live a normal live not controlled by anyone.

How wrong I was to think that.

I followed them to their secret hideout with a blindfold covering my eyes so tightly that it felt as if my hair was being ripped out.

But I didn't complain or say a word, because I was planning my revenge.

I would avenge my dead mother.

Whatever the cost.

What I didn't know was that they would force me to eat a small tablet.

A pill.

A drug.

Something that would change me.

When they told me to eat it I resisted.

So they force fed it to me.

Stuffed it into my mouth and clamped my jaw shut until I swallowed all of it and didn't spit it out. 

Because of that pill I became their slave, their personal assassin.



I snapped back to reality and looked over at the maid who was looking over my physical performance statistics. She smiled when she received my attention and held the clipboard in front of me saying, "Your results are out. As usual, you were the highest out of all the other students. A perfect score."

I ordered myself to smile at her as I unclipped the paper from the metal binding and held the frail sheet up in the light. I looked over it and glanced at my first performance test that I had taken when I was 10. That was when my father started his students' intense trainings. I had ran a mile in 8:17 and was only able to do 50 push-ups, 83 sit-ups and 9 chin-ups. As I read over the results from yesterday's examination I almost smiled genuinely. My mile time was 2:19 and I did a whopping 178 push-ups, 203 sit-ups and 53 chin-ups. Although I had a slight build, my power and endurance was incredible; the first anyone at my father's institute had seen. In fact, no one in human history had ever accomplished finishing a mile in less than 3 minutes, so I could call myself a superhuman but I don't like to boast in front of others.

Handing back the paper to the young nurse, I straightened out my training outfit, the usual black material. When I left the analyzing room with all the medical machines inside, I felt a huge burden lift off of my shoulders. There were so many things that I was not scared of, but a completely white room gave me the chills.

Spiders? Stomp on it.

Heights? Just don't jump off and you'll be fine.

Clowns? I hear they look really creepy with all of their... make-up? (Whatever that is.) It's only a person underneath all of that, what're they going to do? Make you laugh to death? That's not possible because I'm immune to laughing... literally... I. Can't. Laugh.

White rooms? Oh my God... please no... Take me out of here, like now.

It's just the feeling they give off. The doctors, nurses and machines are in total control. You must obey to their commands no matter what because they can inject needles into your arms that could kill and paralyze you in a matter of seconds. And that white interior. Makes everything seem robotic and "innocent". There is no such thing as innocent in this world. Everyone and everything is tainted in some way or another, so maybe that's why...

I closed the heavy, white (Oh God) door behind me softly and swiftly walked to my father's office located in the very back of the institute. Going through the halls as if I knew them like the back of my hand I reached my destination in 23 seconds flat, I know because I counted... anyway. Before I could even knock I heard him say, "Come in Daehyun."

Even though I was surprised, I was used to this and so I maintained my collected demeanor, opened the sliding door and closed it behind me. I bowed for 3 seconds and came back up. Placing my hands beside my legs I told him proudly, "Father. I surpassed the perfect score in the physical assessment that I took yesterday evening at promptly 5 o'clock. I finished the mile in exactly 2 minutes and 19 seconds. Also, I performed 178 push-ups, 203 sit-ups and 53 chin-ups."

He slightly pushed away his work in front of him on his desk and placed his hands on top. Nodding, he looked me in the eyes and said with an unreadable guise, "Good job son. I'm proud of you, but keep working harder and I expect you to do better on your test in another 3 months. I want you to finish that mile in 2 minutes, perform 200 push-ups, 250 sit-ups and 100 chin-ups."

After receiving such a blunt answer I was taken back by his response, but I composed myself and bowed again uttering a "Yes sir!!".

He nodded which issued my leave.

I left the room in a flurry, my rage blinding my vision. I wasn't angered at Father, but myself. Obviously, this wasn't enough I needed to improve greatly in just 3 months. Scurrying to the gym room located at the front of the institute I didn't realize my younger adopted brother, Zelo, had been walking towards me. Even though he was a good 2.75 inches taller than me I didn't notice his presence until I ran straight into his shoulder almost knocking him over with my great force that accompanied my bitterness. Before I could say sorry to him and apologize he gripped my forearm and said reassuringly, "You know Father says those things because he's proud of you, Daehyun."

I whirled around to meet his gaze and replied, "I know. That's why I'm going to try harder. I've got to build up my upper body strength y'know?"

Obviously happy to see that I had calmed down, Zelo released his grip and smiled widely at me. My eyes widened slightly and I punched his chest playfully. He looked at me in a shocking manner and acted as if I had hurt him badly yelling, "YAH!! What was that for?!"

Running away to act scared of him I hollered over my shoulder, "You've got paint on your cheek y' big cheese ball!! Do you know how cheesy you sounded?! It was like nachos with extra extra cheese on top, topped off with more cheese!"

He laughed and watched me run off to the gym smiling inwardly.


Zelo's POV

Do I really have paint on my face? 



Sorry about the short chapter... yet again.

It was rushed and I didn't have time to elaborate on anything a whole lot

I'll try to write longer and more detailed next time, but don't kill me if I don't

Although it may not seem like it, I too have a life ~~

I'll also be alternating between Young Soon and Daehyun

I will be writing about Young Soon in the "present" for the next chapter so just a heads up ~

Until next time guys ~~~~~~~~~ ^^

Thank you for reading this extremely not-planned-out chapter ;D

Feel free to leave feedback in the comments (As I would love to read all of them ~~~)

Daehyun : Yah guys ~~ Leave comments <33

*** None of these pictures belong to me

All rights go to the pictures' rightful owners ~~ ***

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09/22/2013 Sorry for the non-existent update guys OTL I've been really busy over the weekends, but I'll have time next week FOR SURE!


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Strawberry1299 #1
Chapter 12: ...
im so confused right now.. but a good confused.. PLOT TWIST XD
Strawberry1299 #2
Chapter 10: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

This is so dramatic..
I thought Young Soon was going to fall in love with Daehyun..
Don't tell me..

and then Daehyun and Young Soon are going to go out and then Young soo will be hurt and then maybe she will go out with Chanyeol and then blah blah blah sappy romance!

I hate love triangles..

It's ok.. I'll still read.. <3
Strawberry1299 #3
Chapter 9: <3 <3 <3
You updated!! :'D

*sitting in a grand chair in front of a big window leaning forward rubbing my hands together*
hehe the plot is building.. *flashes of lightening in the window*

PS. I still don't get the personality pills..
Yoonycorn #4
Update more often (:
Chapter 7: OMG go you like gain? I love her i love beg I love JeA I love narsha and absolutely adore miryo
Yoonycorn #6
Chapter 2: Duuuuuude. I hate you ): WHY HIS MOM DIE SO CRUELLY?????
everlastingdreams #7
Chapter 6: Just make sure you have enough rest and sleep early if you can! Write only when u're free coz YES YOU SHOULD FINISH YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST! :D Hwaiting ~ we'll be patiently waiting for you!
Strawberry1299 #8
Chapter 6: Loser you're in school
I love you~
Lets hope you don't get too much hw :)