Can't Sleep (Jang Hyunseung One Shot) for StrawberryTokki

Requested K-Pop One Shots

Thursday, June 18th, 9:23pm

Jang Hyunseung's POV

I lay in bed wide awake when I obviously was supposed to be sleeping, looking up at the blank, dorm ceiling. Unable to sleep, I tossed and turned in bed until I decided to go out for a walk. After dressing, I went to DooJoon hyungnim's room and told him that I'd be out. His grumbles sound like an 'okay' to me. I walked out to the streets to these stores along both sides, and after a few blocks, I found a coffee shop named "Lexi's Coffee." The minute I entered the shop, the eroma of coffee beans and little cake treats filled my nose which made me smile to the fullest.

"Hello, welcome to Lexi's Coffee shop," greeted the cashier. She was very pretty, she had short brown hair in stubby pigtails, her skin was milky white, eyes were light brown with the innocent twinkle in each, everything else was just perfect. I looked at her name tag, Kim Haneul.

"Kim Haneul," I muttered to myself, but loud enough for her to hear.

"Yup, that's me. What can I get you for tonight?" Haneul asked, flashing her white teeth in a smile. My mouth opened, but nothing came out, "Take your time." Her reassurance got me to speak.

"Yeah, I'd just like a tall cup of hot chocolate," I told her, taking out my wallet. She pressed in some buttons on the cash register, told me the price, and after I gave her my money she went to make the drink. I waited at the register patiently, and looked around to see no one around.

"Have you been here all night?" I asked her in curiousity, leaning on the counter. Her back was facing me as she made the hot chocolate. Usually I'd be very shy and not ask anything, but something about her makes me confident.

"Yeah, but it's a Thursday, so not a lot of people come in. Especially at night," Haneul turned around with my hot chocolate in hand.

"That explains things. Thanks, and do you want anything? I can buy it for you," I offered, she shook her head.

"Nah, I'm good. And what did you say your name was?" She asked.

"Jang HyunSeung," Her eyes widened a bit and nodded.

"From B2ST, yeah, I knew you looked familiar. Just without the extreme lights and make up, you look different. Normal really," She complimented me... I think.

"Ah, thanks," I looked away shyly and wrapped my hands around the hot chocolate.

"Yeah, you're my favorite in B2ST," She complimented more, and I became even more shy, "Aaa~ you know, you're kinda handsome when you look shy," then I began to blush.

"Really? I think you're really pretty, too," I mumbled.

"Hmm? What was that?" She leaned in close over the counter to hear me repeat what I said.

"I said," I cleared my throat and spoke softly, " I think you're really pretty." I saw in the corner of my eye Haneul smirking, doing this on purpose.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that," She leaned in closer, closing her eyes a bit. I slid my cup to the side and cleared my throat. 'Now is not the time to be shy.'

"I said," I moved her chin to face me and pressed my lips against hers. She didn't pull away, nor did she psychotically pull me in harder, just a normal kiss. When we broke apart, we stared at each other's eyes, "I think you're really pretty too."

She giggled a little bit, and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, and it's 9:45," she looked at the clock, "I should be closing now." She looked disappointed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll get out of your way then," I got off the counter and grabbed my drink.

"No it's alright, and is you're drink cold? I'll warm it up for you," She said kindly, and I gave the cup to her. I began helping her close the shop.

As we left the shop, she locked the door and we faced each other, my drink in hand.

"Thanks for the drink," I thanked, she nodded her head. I realized then, she was a head shorter than me.

"It's cool, and I hope to be seeing you around again, yeah?" She asked, and the twinkle in her eyes gleamed with hope.

"Yeah, you will. I don't have much to do tomorrow, so I can hang out with you," I smiled at her, and she mirrored me.

"Alright, well have a nice night," She waved bye, and left across the street. I hesitated for a moment, and ran after her.

"I just want to make sure you make it safe," I said protectively.

"That's sweet, but I can cross the street easily you know," She remarked.

"Yes, I know, but I never got to do this before," I said honestly, and I walked her across the rest of the street, into the apartment building across from the shop, up to her level, and to her apartment room.

"So I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" She asked to make sure. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Don't worry. G'night Haneul," I said nodding my head down a little.

"G'night to you too oppa," She leaned on her toes and intended to kiss my cheek, but loss her balance quickly. I caught her from the waist, and her lips missed and went to my lips instead. When I kissed back, she then relaxed in my arms. We pulled apart and regained our stance.

"G'night," She nodded, opening her door and walking inside, giving me one last look and smiled.

"G'night," I whispered and gave a little wave goodbye. 


In my bedroom in the dorm, I dressed back into my pjs, put my empty cup into the trash can, got into bed, and as I lied there, I thought of Kim Haneul. How sweet she was, how cunning, how perfect. I just hope that she thinks of me kindly as well. In a few moments, I fell asleep thinking about her non-stop.

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ah ohmygoodness I LOVED IT~<br />
you are a good writer!<br />
Thank you ^_^<br />
secretcrushr1 #2
@K-poplover, yeah sure totally. Just give the info you want and I'll started as soon as possible X3<br />
The basic info I need is: <br />
What story is it? (You/person, person/person, no three-ways) Names, age, and characteristics. Appearance is optional, pictures would be helpful sometimes.
Can I req too? ^^
Ah it's okay, I'm slow at writing also~<br />
Oh and yes and yes! XD
secretcrushr1 #5
@StrawberryTokki, I'm sorry I'm a little slow at this. Sorry for the wait, and I just need to clarify this: You are in the story, you are Kim Haneul, yes?
ahaha thanks ^^ <br />
character: Jang Hyunseung (B2ST)<br />
appearance: large doe-like eyes,uhh brown kinda short hair<br />
pic:<br />
crush: Kim Haneul<br />
uhm.. Hyunseung can be shy and quiet, he is very-level headed.
secretcrushr1 #7
@StrawberryTokki, Yes I'd love to. All you need to give me is the name of the character you want, the basics appearance of that person, and who this person's crush/'love interest' is. Any extra info you think I should know before I begin would be helpful.
Ah can you write a oneshot for me? :D what info do you need? ^_^