To Ask You

2nd Confession

She clenched her teeth together and forced out another smile. "Oh wow! Congratulations. We'll deliver the order to the location on the day itself. Thank you for ordering from us." She kept her notepad and turned to return to her work.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder, holding her back. His voice boomed in her ear. "Why are you so calm about this news?" She turned around and stared at him. "We've broken up, have you forgotten? What kind of reaction am I supposed to give?" 

He was taken aback by her response. She had never spoken to him like this before as she always followed him and listened to him. He regained his composure. "We were once in a relationship and have had feelings for each other. You left me!" He rebutted fiercely. 

"Exactly, I left you." She turned and walked away, leaving him standing there.

A week was left till the wedding. He came frequently to her cafe to check on the progress of his order. He always came alone but she didn't think much of it as she knew how independent he was. It did cross her mind though that he managed to find someone who could tolerate him being a workaholic. She thought whoever he was going to marry him must love him more than she did. Every time he came, she would avoid talking to him and her worker, Kyungsoo, would do the talking. 

One night after she closed the cafe and arrived home. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She peeped through the peephole on her door and to her surprise, he was standing outside her apartment. He called out to her while knocking and his speech was slurred. He was drunk. She scoffed and walked away from the door. She wasn't going to give in. But, the knocking didn't stop there. He continued knocking and knocking until finally she opened the door. "What do you want?" She whispered into the hallway not wanting her neighbours to hear the commotion. 

He pushed the door open, pushed her aside and stumbled in on his own. "Kris, what do you want?" She spoke firmly. He ignored her question and made his way to the sofa. He sat himself down sloppily and pointed at her. "I w-want to k-now! Why did you leave me?" He slurred. 

She stared at his drunk and half asleep expression. Did he really not know why she left? It's been a year since she left and he didn't bother to ask her then so what's the point in asking now. "You need to leave now." It was late and she didn't have the energy to tolerate him any longer. After all he was now an engaged man.

She tried to help him to his feet but he was obviously way too heavy for her. He started swatting his arms around in frustration, she had no choice but to release him and he fell back onto the sofa. "Y-you know I d-don't even love her. I d-don't want to m-marry her. B-but I h-have t-to." He mumbled, obviously agitated and frustrated. 

She sighed. She knew that meant. This marriage was for work. Everything he did, every decision he made, it would be all related to his work. How could he base all his decisions on whether or not it would benefit his work? Even an important life long decision like marriage, was not spared.

When they were dating, work came first. She was important to him but not as important as his work. The countless times he stood her up because he had a last minute meeting and all the time she would be alone at home just because he has extra work to complete. Not one time did she complain, she thought they understood each other well as he too didn't ask about her work. Now, she realised it was just simply because he didn't care enough about her. After being together for 3 years, she did miss him. But it was all over now. 

She looked at him again. A small snore escaped his mouth. There was no way of making him leave now. She knew it was absolutely impossible to wake him up when he was asleep and started snoring. Taking a clean blanket, she covered his body and went to bed. 

The next morning, she woke up before the sun rose to prepare herself for work. She had to make sure her cafe had enough ingredients to function for the week. But she didn't forget about him, making sure to put some soup to boil while she checked her cafe's ingredient stock on her laptop. As expected, his phone rang at 8am sharp. Indicating that it he was late for work. He answered the phone call sleepily before sitting up on the sofa. It took him a few seconds to orientate himself. "Good morning, Hyun." He stretched and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 

"I made some soup for your hangover." She informed him. But before she could get up and get some for him, he was already up, adjusting his suit and fixing his hair. 

"There's no time for that. I've got to get back to work." With that, he was out the door. 

She shook her head. What did she expect? He definitely didn't change but in fact he had worsened. 

Posted 31st December 2013 

Happy New Year's Eve ^^

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Chapter 9: AAAW that was so sweet! For a second there I thought there was gonna be trouble when that woman showed up!
Chapter 3: Is his, isn't it?!
Chapter 1: Oh god...
Chapter 14: see you on wattpad. I'll be see you in there :)
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you've enjoyed this!
Chapter 10: HAHA! i love it! so much! 'AND ITS WAS TOTALLY HIS STYLE' was epic! im glad they found their own happy ending! yes,everyone deserves a second chance! never waste that opportunity kris!

thanks for the great story authornim! keep up the great work ok?! HWAITING!
Chapter 10: at the first it was so sad because kris treat her so bad, but finally he has changed.
in the end, "it was totally his style" lol it made me laugh xD
btw, I'm love this story! it was tense at the first but in the end its going really great :D
Chapter 11: nice story :)
Chapter 10: Haha,
You know what? At first, I ship Suhyun and Kyungsoo lol. I thought Kris will be a jerk that will never regret of what he had done before. You changed it all. I'm so happy they're finally together + Fany. I'm so happy they already had a baby. So cute! It's literally his style haha. Btw, good job there ^^ I wanted to read more stories from you. Do you mind to recommend some of your works? Thank you for this story, love ya author-nim! ♥
gnoixeiluj #10
Chapter 10: Love love love!! :)