Catch Me

I'll Trade My Soul For You


As expected, Sunny isn't nowhere to be found. She hasn't reached home yet. I removed my coat and wrist watch, put it on the coffee table. It's only 3 pm so it's normal if I can't find her at home. Usually she would be home at dawn, at 5 or 6 pm but it things don't according to plan, then she wouldn't be home before the clock strike straight at 10 pm. I don't know why but especially for today, I kind of hope I won't have to meet her early. I pray she would have many tasks today which would force her to stay at office longer.


Maybe I'm not yet ready to meet her or maybe I plainly don't want to meet her. The pain inside my heart will be doubled everytime I take a look ath the picture. There's no doubt that it's indeed her, Sunny, the woman I've been living together with for some time, the woman whom I first thought would be my first and last lover. There goes away my dream and hope, gone down to the drain.


I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. I drank as many glasses of water as my somach could contain. People say that water can calm you down so I tried to follow it yet it doesn't make me feel better at all. I still can clearly feel the ache and broken like before. I shrugged and tossed the glass inside the sink. I thought I should use this time to pack away my things. If the theory, well it's not really theory since it has proof so uhmm.. Let's call it hypothesis instead. Right, if it's true then I have to be ready to move out as soon as possible. It would be too embarrassing to have myself unprepared when we decided to separate later.


So here I am inside the room I've used for the past month. I retrieved the empty luggage and it. I started to put in the clothes, ranging from my underwear, pants, work attire, blazer, etc. This scene reminds me of the time when I was kicked out from my own house almost two months ago. I didn't realize the tears sneakily escaped my eyes. I only knew it when it fell down and dampened my shirt. I chuckled bitterly, laughing at my own destiny that deserved an award categorized as the person who has the worst luck ever. I often wonder, am I cursed?


I reminded of the night when my family revealed my biggest secret or you can say, my biggest sin. How I reacted to that, how devastated I felt, how disgust reflected on my father's face, and how sadness could be seen in my mother's eyes. But this time, instead of stress and burdened, I think the one who will experience what my family had experienced is me. I don't know how I will react if what Yoochun said is true. Will I cry? Will I beg Sunny not to leave me and leave her fiancé instead? Or will I feel too lost and shocked to even react? I don't know. Let time tells later when she's home. It looks like my prayer has been answered when I heard the door creaked open.


"Tae-baby!! Are you home?" She's calling my name when she couldn't find me in the living room as usual. I braced myself and cleared my throat before deciding to come out and face her.


"Yes! I'm in my room. I'll be there soon." I pocketed the picture and went out.


"Hi, baby! What were you doing?" Sunny put down her purse and let her body fall to the couch. She looks so tired and there are black circles under her eyes.


"I was just lying on my bed. Tired?" I lied and sat beside her. In reflex, she leaned her head on my shoulder.


"Uhm.. Very! The days off are nothing compare to the days on! Sigh.. I feel like I've signed the slavery contract in my company. I think I will surely save my money so I can retire early." She protested weakly. Seeing her condition, will it be okay to ask her now? But I want to talk this out when she's in good mood, unlike this.


"Poor baby.. Have you had dinner?" I decided to postpone my question for some time and will only ask it on weekend. Today is Thursday so I just have to wait for another day. Yeah yeah, you can call me stupid for delaying the heartache I'd feel but for me it's called understanding. She had allowed me to stay, the least I could do is being nice and understanding her, no?


"Not yet. I don't have appetite for food." I felt her shaking her head and heaved a sigh.


"But you have to eat. Come on. Your energy has been out caused of working. Let's refill it with food. I'lll reheat the food for you, okay?" I ignored the curiosity inside my heart and chose to serve Sunny as usual.


"I'm not hungry for food, Tae." Sunny's breath on my neck made me feel the goosebumps. I hope she's not thinking what I'm thinking she is. I'm not in the mood for this, not when my heart's destiny is on the verge of breaking.


"Sunny-ah, don't-"


"I miss you. I haven't seen you for the rest of the day. We went to work at 8 am and I just got home not long ago. It means, I haven't met you for more than 12 hours!" Sunny gasped at her own calculation.


"I miss you too but you have to eat proper food first. I don't want you to get sick." As much as I wanted to laugh at her exaggerating remark, I'm not really in the mood now and knowing what she actually needed made it worse. I don't think whatever she will do later can . Sigh.


"Geez! Talkative baby.. Alright alright, I'll eat food then take a bath and have you as my dessert. Ah sorry, I was wrong, I mean I will serve myself as your dessert." Sunny chuckled and stood up.


"Can I at least get a kiss first?" She bend her body and jutted her lips toward my face.


"Sure!" I pretended to be excited and kissed her hard. I couldn't think of anything but my soon to be broken heart. She grabbed my neck and deepened the kiss when I was about to pull away. I surrendered to her kiss and let her doing what she wanted to do.


"Thank you. Will you please accompany me to eat, babe?" Sunny patted my head and removed her jacket.


"Why not?" Just like a robot who should obey its master, I did anything she asked me to. It's different from other nights because usually, I did it based on my intuition and wants yet now, I only did because she nicely ordered me to. Different, right?


"So, how's your day?" I asked her while waiting for the food to be warmed inside the microwave.


"Tiring, boring, devastating, suffocating, annoying,-"


"Alright, alright. I get what you meant already." I faked a chuckle to prevent her from being suspicious.


"How's yours?" Sunny turned to ask me.


"It was good. Nothing unusual happened." I shortly answered. I took out the food using the napkin in case the food case was too hot.


"Seafood soup, huh? Who made it?" Sunny averted the topic.


"Not me of course. I called delivery restaurant nearby." I took a smaller bowl and poured some of soup's content into it. I didn't forget to slip the spoon before giving it to Sunny.


"Thanks' babe. You're not eating?" Sunny halted her intention to shove the spoon into her awaiting mouth.


"Nope. I've eaten my portion. I wil just accompany you enjoying your dinner." I lied again. In fact, I haven't eaten anything since Yoochun summoned me more than 6 hours ago. Yes, I'm hungry but no, I don't have any appetite left in me.


"Oh okay then. Thank you." Sunny smiled sweetly to me. If only what Yoochun had said is wrong, I'd be more than willing to spend my days or even years with this woman. I don't care about the age difference because what I've seen is someone who's so sweet and hardworking, not to mention care and full of energy. Sunny-ah, please don't break my heart?


"What's in your mind?" Sunny was chewing the shrimp and parted its head from its body. She then put away the head and ate the rest of it.


"Huh?" I was too busy in my own musing that I forgot to act perfectly in front of her.


"What are you thinking? Is there any problem at work? Or is it Jessica again?" Sunny slurped the soup vividly. And she told me she didn't have any appetite before. Tsk!


"Uhm.. Not really but yeah, I met her this afternoon when I was about to go inside the elevator but nothing happened. She wanted to come out when I came in. We just passed each other. That's all." I told her the truth but I lied partly because that's not what's intruding my mind at the moment. It's Sunny and Tiffany's warning about Sunny. Is it possible that her premonition is true?


"Ah, I see. So that's why. Don't worry, babe. You still have me, don't you? What else that you need, huh? And don't you dare to cheat on me, Kim Taeyeon!" Sunny pointed her spoon toward my face. I chuckled bitterly inside my heart. How can she say that to me when there's this big posibility that she's the one who's cheating? Or even worse, I'm the one she's been cheating with? I feel another pang inside my heart yet I pretend not to feel it.


"Chill, babe. If I have intention to cheat then why should I bother telling you the story every time I encounter Jessica? Right?" I faked a smile. I saw her flinching for a second there. So I guess it's true, huh? What do you expect, Kim Taeyeon? Sunny is a perfect girl while you are filled by nothing but flaw. Bad luck Taeyeon; maybe that name suits me.


"Okay, I believe you. Ugh! I'm so full right now." Sunny again changed the topic. Maybe she doesn't want me being skeptical if we continue the topic further. Great job, Taeyeon! There's more than 50 percent possibility that you are indeed Sunny's secret lover. My heart clenched hearing myself saying those words.


"Now it's time to burn my calories! I'm pretty sure that the soup filled with shrimp, squid, and such has many calories. Help me to work out?" Sunny approached me and looped her arms around my neck.


"Uhm.. I think we have dvd about circuit training so sure, let's work out." I yoked my poker face and tried my best to look innocent even though I knew it would be fail since we've passed the highest stage in relationship.


"Circuit training, eh? Can we do that on bed?" Sunny didn't give up. She stepped closer, completely closing the gap between our bodies.


"Yep, we can if you want your bed to be wrecked." I knew I would be losing and that any attempt I'd try would be futile. This was just the effort to prolong the situation before we proceed to the real action.


"Ah then it's not an option. Let's take a safer choice. You, me, bed which will result sweats, calories burned, and satisfaction. Do you have any idea?" Sunny leaned in until our lips touched everytime she blurted out word.


"Sleep without air co?" I improvised and I saw her giggling with my stupid reason.


"Oh stop it, babe. Let's just move and have the making-baby-proccess, shall we? I hate holding back myself when it comes to you." Sunny closed the gap and kissed me feverishy. I sighed silently before kissing her back.


Why should I always be the one to understand? I wanted to be understood too sometime. I understand why my father has heart to kick me out. I understand why Jessica hates me with all her might. I understand why my office colleagues mock me and insult me. I understand why Sunny loves to have and how she's so tired right now that I don't have heart to talk it out regarding whether she really has a fiancé or not. Am I that easy? Now that I remember, only Tiffany who's kind enough to always understand me and patiently direct me and guide me to the right path. Aah.. I think I miss her now. I hope she's alright.


"Let's take this to the bedroom, babe." I forgot the fact I was kissing Sunny. Oh wow! Am I really that ert until I can freely have my mind out of nowhere yet my lips still busy doing its job.


"Come on! I can't wait to feel your hands ghosting my body!" Sunny walked briskly, brought me together with her. Her hands were busy ing her own shirt on the way to bedroom. That night, I let lust took over again. One day more, Taeyeon. Yes, bear it for another day and you'd know your destiny.



"That was great!" Sunny breathlessly told me. Yes, we just finished the session by now and yes, like usual I did the entire job while she would enjoy every touch, nudge, kiss, and any other treats that I made.


"Is that a compliment?" I asked while staring at the ceiling, trying to inhale an amountful of oxygen. No wonder if my weight couldn't gain until now even I always ate like a pig.


"Obviously, babe. You're amazing in bed that I can't help for asking more and more rounds as additional." Sunny turned to my direction and snuggled closer.


This is my favorite moment. I'm not saying that I don't like but I prefer the after session moment. She being close to me, resting her head on my shoulder and we can talk animatedly about anything to nothing. As much as I love this part, I think I need to get back to earth and discuss the matter. I'm afraid I will abort my intention to ask her and accept whatever the fact is or worse, I will pretend I know nothing and keep living with her as her secret lover until she decided to... No no no, I better ask her right away before my imagination beating my consciousness.


"Babe, we need to talk." I grazed my palm over her tenderly and I felt her relaxed under my touch.


"Uhm, is this going to be a serious one?" Sunny draped her arm on my stomach and yes I have to admit that I like it. Sigh. This is going to be difficult.


"Yeah." I replied shortly. However I still rubbing her back tenderly. I think it's a habit now. Sigh again.


"What's wrong? Did you cheat on me? Did Jessica finally realize her stupidity and confess to you?" Sunny sat up and leaned her back to the bedpost, didn't care the fact that she's topless.


"Hahaha..." I laughed bitterly, so poignant that I felt tears stinging on my eyes.


"Why are you laughing so hard?! Tell me, Kim Taeyeon!" Sunny grabbed my shoulder and shook me.


"I should be the one to ask you that question. What am I to you actually? What are we? What is your feeling toward me? What, Sunny, what!!" I slapped her hands away from me. I even subconsciously raised my voice and yes it was the first time that Sunny's eyes went wide.


"What do you mean? Why are you behaving like this?" Sunny was too shocked. She softened her gaze and asked me. She stretched her hand to touch me but I scooted further to avoid it.


"Look at this and tell me the truth!" I stated firmly. I retrieved the picture inside the drawer and showed it to her. Again her eyes went wide but this time it looked wider that her eyes almost fell from its socket. So it's really true, huh? I prepared myself for the pain for coming.


"Wh-where did you get this?" Sunny stammered and her eyes deeply glued on the picture lay on the bed. She didn't even want to move her hand to take it.


"It doesn't matter where I got this from. Just answer me, Sunny-ah. Is he really your fiance?" I tried to control my anger and emotion. I kept my composure as best as I could.


"I-I.. I'm sorry." Sunny finally said it yet her words are too blurred to even be understood or comprehended. She bit her lower lips and dodged my gaze. She diverted her eyes to anywhere but me.


"So it's true, huh? That you already have him and that I'm nothing but your complement needs, a media to let out your lust on, a side dish when you've finished with your main course, a game when you feel-"


"You know it's not true!" Sunny cut me off. I saw her glistening eyes but it didn't change my conviction nor my foundation. It's all or nothing, Taeyeon-ah! For once in your life, you have to fight for your pride!


"Which one is not true, huh? The fact that you have heart to make me your secret lover? Or are we even lovers at the first place? How can we be lovers when we never say I love you to each other??!!" I surprised with my own statements. It's true. We've been living together and knowing each other for some time yet never once 'I love you' words slipped from either of our mouth.


"Wha-.... I didn't mean to-"


"Cut the explanation, Sunny. I don't need to hear it if it only will rub the salt to my already wounded heart!" I discarded the blanket out and stood up to wear my pants.


"Listen to me first, please. I know I'm wrong and that there's nothing can change the fact. I also realize I'd be too selfish to even ask you to hear out my explanation, but at least let me elaborate my true feelings for you? Regret will forever haunt me if I don't say what I'm about to say to you now. I don't even think there will be another chance if I let you leave now." Sunny hugged me from behind. I could feel wetness on my and yes, I knew it was her tears. I would punch myself later for being weak.


"Explain now and stop crying. I should be the one who's crying because explicitly I'm the one who's being hurt and deceived at the same time." I left my pants on the floor and ignored my state. I went back to the bed and sat on it. She followed me and sat beside me.


“You may not believe what I’m going to say and I won’t blame you for that since I practically have deceived you so badly but I dare to put my life on it that what I’m about to say is true and coming from my heart. It’s your choice whether you want to believe it or not.” I nodded at Sunny’s remark and gestured to allow her to continue.


“Firstly I want to say I’m sorry and I understand if you won’t accept my apology.” She halted and looked at me. I looked back at her indifferently. She let out a deep sigh and continued.


“Yes I admit that at first I was just consumed by my curiosity toward you. I mean I love your writing so much, especially the part where Yoona played a very good part as a loving husband or boyfriend. It irked me to want to have a boyfriend as kind as her too, you know the type of lover who can cuddle me, pamper me, spoil me, and understand me to the point he will lecture me instead of being angry with me if I forgot something due to my busy work, he will ask me how’s my day instead of waiting for me to ask him first, he will always pat my head and ruffle it to show his love to me but well, as you can see, he’s nowhere to be found and we communicate with each other through messages only, not even Skype.” Droplets of tears started to dampen her flawless face. I wanted to clean that face from the tears but I held back. I needed to stand on my ground and retain my pride no matter I felt sorry for her.


“And I swear I didn’t know that you were my favorite author the day I carelessly introduced myself to you. I only knew curious with the gossip around talking about a particular girl named Kim Taeyeon being gay and all. That’s why I braced myself to dig up more information about you.” Sunny initiatively brushed the tears away with her palm while I couldn’t do nothing but hearing her and staring at her. I feel bad for her but more than that, I feel bad more about myself.


“Eventually you revealed your true self to me and I couldn’t help but cheering and throwing confetti inside my heart. And those curiosities kept growing without me knowing. I had faith that the character you wrote would somehow similar like you in real life and yes, I was willing to try and find it out. The more I knew about you, the more I feel intrigued to be closer to you and be more than we were at that time. One day when we had lunch together, I deliberately tempted you and yes I successfully got you hooked. We kissed that day and since then the things we did kept leveling up until we finally made love like what we just did now.” She blushed with her own words. Make love? Did I hear it wrongly?


“I had fun, so much fun with you. I mean, it turns out that Yoona’s character is nothing compare to yours in real life. You have everything a lover want in you, Tae and I mean what I say. You are so humble, full of understanding, have a warm heart, caring, and so loveable. You never protested even when I came home late. You never even complained every time I forgot or broke my promise. You never demanded anything from me even when you have a right to do so. You keep fulfilling my needs and even lusts.” I stirred and changed my expression a bit.


“I know it well, Tae. I’m not blind you know. I can differentiate when you’re in mood to have and when you’re actually don’t want to but you don’t want to make me disappointed so you’d just give in at the end. And that’s the more reason why it’s not that hard to fall in love with you. Your words are always filled by sweetness and so does your behavior.” I pursed my lips tight. I unheeded the itch to ask whether-


“And yes I love you if you’re wondering. I know I have a fiancé already but it doesn’t mean I can’t love again, right?” I didn’t know how to react to her confession. In normal state, maybe I would jump out on the bed for being too happy but unfortunately, I’m not into normal circumstances right now.


“I should be happy if I didn’t know your actual relationship. Where is your fiancé?” It’s my turn to ask. The tears went out alive again and filling up her eyes yet I pretended not to see it. I wanted to cry too but I don’t want to look more idiot if I spilling my tears because of it. I’ve hurt too much to even remember how to cry properly. Pathetic, right? And I even thought I have save enough tears if I needed it like now.


“He’s in State to get his master degree.” I nodded and continued.


“I see~ So you deliberately utilized this chance to seek for another person to distribute your personal needs, huh? Lust, love, call it whatever you like yet it doesn’t change the fact that you only exploited me and my idiocy, made me being more worthless than I already was. I can’t believe this is happening to me! I don’t know whether I was too naïve to even think that we could be something or it was you who is too evil and cruel to do this to me!” I had difficulty to control my wrath and coincidentally said hurtful things. I let my emotion control my logic now and I don’t even care about it.


“It’s not like that! I never intended to use you or utilize you-“


“And yet you did. Come on, Sunny-ah~ Stop trying to divert things which are too obvious to even be changed. You really don’t need to soften the words or try to find other vocabulary just to make me feel better because it’s useless! I feel hurt and betrayed already and there’s nothing you can do to change it or make me feel better!” Her eyes were red yet it still could successfully pour out endless tears.


“I’m not!! And stop cutting me of!! You are not stupid! Naïve maybe and innocent clearly but not stupid! And yes I can’t lie that I have tremendous lust over you but it’s not what made me wanting to stay with you or have this kind of relationship with you. I never planned it to be this way too, Tae. Hurting you is the least thing I want to do.” Sunny said it in frustrated voice. She grasped her hair and muffled out some sobs. I wanted to hug her, really but I didn’t do it. Why? Isn’t it obvious enough?


“It’s futile, Sunny. I’m hurt already. And what kind of relationship are you talking about? What are we or at least, what were we?” I said with the same exasperation. I clutched my heart tightly; the spot where I feel hurt the most. Eventually, the tears I’ve been holding back flooding out from my eyes and yes we both looked like watching tragedy movie with overloading tears like these. Well, it’s my tragedy story after all.


“……………..” She sealed her lips, unable to provide me an answer.


“I see. I can even be called your personal slave on bed and no one will even protest about it, including myself. Tsk! What a great luck you have there in love field, Kim Taeyeon!” I mocked myself and couldn’t help but feeling worse. The tears didn’t know when to stop either. Great, isn’t it?

“Don’t call yourself like that. You know it’s not true. Haven’t my behavior and treatment toward you explain something about how I really feel about you? Yes, there’s lust but aside from that, I did all those because of love. I love you, Kim Taeyeon!” Sunny clutched my arms and forced me to look at her eyes. I did and that’s when I regret for doing so. Her eyes are swollen and red, her nose is puffy, in short she looks terrible but should I feel guilty for that? Is it because of me? It’s she herself who did this to us, right? Tsk! There’s no us, Taeyeon-ah and there will never be us.


“Can it change the fact that you’re taken? That your heart may be mine but not your body; that I can never have you completely; that you’re officially him and not mine; that there’s this huge possibility you will discard me like used thing when he’s home; that I have to accept the wretched thing that I have to share you with me? Until when, Sunny-ah? We both know I shouldn’t be here and this is wrong.” This time I gulped away my sadness and wiped her tears away. I knew in no time I would leave so better to make it worthy while I still can, right?


“I’m so sorry, Taeyeon-ah. Can you wait a little longer?” Sunny hugged me and I let her.


“What do you mean?” I pulled away to see her right into the eyes.


“I will fix this. I will clean up the mess I’ve made. I will try to be fair to both of you. Can you at least wait until he’s back?” Sunny sniffed and I hugged her again.


“Do you love him?” I didn’t answer her question. No, until I know what she has for her fiancé.


“I did. I don’t know what I’m feeling for him now but yes I used to love him dearly.” I’m glad she chose to be honest with me this time.


“Well then learn to love him again when he’s back, okay?” I fixed her bangs and smiled at her sincerely.


“E-eh? Wait, why does it sound like you wanted to give up on me, Tae?” Sunny frowned and I smiled again.


“You’re not mine in the first place, Sunny. I’ve committed a big sin when I decided to swing my preference and officially become a gay, then I’ve become an insubordinate daughter for my parents, lastly I’ve become a person you’re cheating with and I’m not proud of it. I know I’m a sinner but I don’t want to make Him hate me more. I also want to be the citizen of heaven you know.” I told her sadly. Tears drenched my face remembering each and every wrongdoing I’ve made in a short period of time.


“You’ve got promises to keep. You’re engaged, remember? And now I that I’ve understood it better, it’s not completely your fault; partly it’s my mistake. I never asked you whether you were single or not, right? Besides, I also haven’t confessed to you officially and you too never actually stated that we’re an item somehow, did you? So yeah, I won’t blame you for what I’ve been experienced. It doesn’t lessen the painful feeling but at least I can think more clearly and not possessed by my unstable emotion.” I caressed her cheek tenderly and she closed her eyes. Drips of tears came out when she blinked and I kissed those tears away.


“Isn’t there any other way, Taeyeon-ah? I know I never once said I’m in love with you before but because I never fell this hard in a very short period of time and it devastated me. It made me confused and afraid at the same time. Those feelings too were the reason I forgot about my current status, the fact that I’m taken. Please, Taeyeon-ah~ give me some time and I’ll break the engagement off.” Sunny pleaded me. She buried her face on my bare chest and it made feel saddened.


“It won’t be fair to him, Sunny. He deserves better than that. I don’t want to be the third wheel in your relationship. As much as I want to, I cannot stay.” I ran my fingers through the strains of her hairs.


“You won’t! Like I said, I will break off the engagement! I can even do that now if you want but please don’t leave me?” Sunny held me tighter.


“Just think of me as a fling that will be gone in a blink. Come on, Sunny-ah, you’re a grown up person. Act like a mature person does, will you? You know it’s not easy for me too. Put yourself in my shoes and you will know that my place is worse than yours. We will meet again but not as lovers. I’ve got to be cruel to be kind so you can move on and get on with your life.” I slowly pushed her away from me but she resisted with all of her might.


“I don’t love him, Tae! I want you and only you~ Why can’t you understand it?!!” She said it desperately. She cried harder but there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s the best for both of us and I’m sure of it.


“Try to learn to reminiscence your good memories with him. Remember every little thing that he has done to you until you agreed to marry him sometime soon in the near future. You’re a smart girl so I’m sure it’s not hard for you to do that.” I tried again and this time she followed. I held her shoulder and kissed her forehead.


“But what if I can’t?” Sunny made another excuse and I chuckled sardonically.


“You can if you stop trying to compare me with him. I know I’m the best out there but our destiny says otherwise. We’re just not meant to be, Sunny-ah.” I calmed her down.


“I’m sorry for doing this to you.” Sunny finally gave up. I hate seeing her dejected face because it makes me feeling guilty and reminded of my own heartache.


“I’m sorry for myself too.” I sighed.


“So this is goodbye then?” She asked me again and I nodded.


“Yes, this is goodbye, Sunny-ah. You need to go back to your fiancé, the reality because what we have right now isn’t real. I’m just your imaginary lover while he is the real one.” Sunny cried more.


“Can I have the last kiss then?” Sunny looked up.


“Sure.” I agreed to her request and leaned in to capture her lips. She kissed me differently, it’s like she wanted to convey her feelings through the kiss. I feel loved and touched yet it was too late for all that now. I’ve made a determination and won’t back out. I parted our lips to breath yet in mere seconds I felt her lips recaptured my lips again. I understand and let her kissing me hardly for the last time.


“I love you, Tae and I’m sorry.” She confessed.


“You hate me that much until you can’t even say I love you back, huh? I guess I deserved it.” She said it to me when I didn’t reply her. Her statement hit me hard. I can’t even say I love you up until now! Does it mean that actually I don’t have feeling as deep as love for her? Then it makes her the victim and I’m the villain, right? Oh my God, this news is too much for me.


“Tae?” Sunny called me.


“Yes? I’m sorry too, Sunny-ah.” She looked down when she didn’t hear me saying I love you to her.


“And I love you too.” I lied to her. This is the least thing I can do to lessen my burden and guilty feelings.


“Thank you for everything.” She stated genuinely.


“Uhm. The same goes with me. Thank you for teaching me what love means.” I hugged her for the last time and got up to dress up.



“Where will you stay then? Why don’t you spend your days here while trying to search for cheap apartment? He won’t come until next 6 months you know.” Sunny watched me packing up the rest of my things inside my luggage.


“And continue committing sin? You know you won’t be able to control yourself if I’m around, Sunny so I’m sorry I have to refuse your offer.” I didn’t look back and continued doing what I’m doing.


“Nah, it won’t be that bad, Tae. I promise!” Sunny argued.


“Second base is a no no too, Sunny. I can live in cheap hotel while trying to see for the apartment. Besides, my boss has given me two days off so might as well using it to look around. Don’t worry, I’ll be okay~” I zipped my luggage and stood up.


“Can we at least be friends, Tae? I don’t want to lose someone as nice as you completely.” Sunny approached me when she saw me had been finished with packing task.


“Can you not kiss me whenever we’re in private place? Can you have your hands off of me whenever we walk together?” I asked at her and yes her arms already wrapped around my neck by now.


“You can’t, can you? Then the answer is obvious.” I pried her hands off.


“I will try, Tae! I promise! I can even call you by your real name now! No baby, darling or whatsoever!” Sunny debated back. She looked so cute doing that.


“Try all you want but I’m not sure the result will be different.” I chuckled and ruffled her hairs. The thing I loved to do the most with her and I’m sure if she really loves me, she will be remember this when I’m gone.




“The taxi is here, Sunny-ah. I have to go now.” I told her and dragged my luggage to the front door followed by her behind.


“I can still see you, right?” Sunny sadly asked me when I was busy throwing my luggage into the taxi trunk.


“Of course. We work in the same building remember? Thank you for providing me a shelter when I needed it the most. I am indebted to you. Be a good lover for him, okay? You’re capable to be the best lover out there because I’ve experienced it myself. Live well, understand?” I patted her head for the last time and her eyes twinkled.


“I love you, Taeyeon-ah.. You too live well, understand? Thank you for everything and I promise I will never forget what we have had together. It is the best moment of my life.” Sunny jumped out to hug me and soon enough I fell something wet on my chest.


“No matter how good the memories we’ve engraved together, you still have duty to create a more beautiful one with him, okay? Don’t forget to send me the wedding invitation.” I pulled away and thumbed her tears.


“I have to go now. Goodb-“


“Don’t say it!!” Sunny covered my mouth with her palm.


“Okay okay.. I’ll see you around then?” I changed my words and she nodded.


“I’ll see you around.” She tiptoed a bit and pecked my lips. I smiled and kissed her a little longer before stepping back and climbed into the passenger seat on the back.


I saw her standing still through the rearview mirror. I feel bad for her, me, us. I also thought we could be real and maybe could sealed our relationship into marriage but dreams have turned into tears, our cruel destiny has banished my wish and there’s nothing I can do. I directed the driver to the hotel’s address. On the way there, I tried my luck and type the message to a certain someone whom I’ve been longing for some time.


From: Taeyeon

To: Tiffany

“Hey, Fany-ah, how are you? I just want to let you know that you are right. No, she didn’t cheat on me. Worse, she cheated on her fiancé with me. I know I know, you’ve warned me about this so yeah please laugh as hard as you want. Sigh, do you even know who I am? Have you erased my number? I understand it if you did that. Well, I miss you and I know it’s not proper to say this when I just ended what I had with Sunny. You know what’s worst amongst all? The fact of me being a villain instead of victim. She said she loved me and I couldn’t even reply the same words sensibly. Crazy, right? Haish! What am I blabbering about! I’m so sorry for what I’ve said to you before. You don’t have to reply this message if you still mad. Be healthy and energetic always, okay! ^^”


I sent her with closing eyes, afraid that the message would be forever pending in case she had blocked my number like what Jessica had done before. The checklist form made me startled! It was delivered!! Oh My God!! My eyes didn’t betray me, did it?! I was daydreaming and staring at my phone screen when it beeped.


From: Tiffany

To: Taeyeon

“I told you so, author. I hope you are okay and please don’t think that you have bad luck in love field. I believe everyone has experienced the same thing like you. Be strong okay? And no, I’m no longer mad at you. I think I can understand why you did what you did. I should’ve seen from your point of view too and didn’t act carelessly like that. Who would believe in unproven premonition anyway, right? But I’m happy that it has over now and that you don’t love her because it will be harder for you to accept it if you’ve fallen for her. I have forgiven you long ago, author and yeah, I miss you too. We can talk as usual, right? So hurry up and sign in so we can catch up what we’ve missed!!”


I smiled reading her message. She’s indeed still the only person who can understand me best. I can’t wait to arrive at the hotel so I can chat with her again!! I guess the saying is true somehow. There’s always sunshine after the rain! But for me, that remark doesn’t stop there! Tiffany is my sunshine after the rain, my rain when the dry season comes, and my source of warmth when the winter comes. Cheesy? I don’t care if it related to Tiffany! And if you haven’t acknowledged up until now, then I will tell you. Yep! Tiffany is the girl whom I actually love. I have no doubt with that and I can’t wait to catch up where we left off, meet her, and confess my true feeling! I hope this time will end well because I don’t think I can withstand another heart break! Tiffany-ah!! Wait for me!! I will catch you! Or I’ll be more than happy to let you catch me! Kekekkee~~



Fiuh! The drama between Taeyeon and Jessica is over, between Taeyeon and her parents is done already, and between Taeyeon and Sunny is finished also. Now there's only Taeny left~ Humm,, what should I do with them both, huh? Hehehe..

So yeah, I'm planning that the next chapter will be the last one so be prepared for the ending!! 

The sooner I get this story done, the sooner I will update my other stories so please supposrt this story as well ^^

Let me know what you think about this story? Too much drama? Lack of drama? Well, anything you may have in mind, please distribute it through the comment box bellow, okay? XD

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Xolovegg #1
Chapter 15: Sequel plisss ???
mymh_bee #2
Chapter 15: OMG why the ending has to be like this? So heartbreaking
You're so cruel Author-sshi
My eyes become swollen in the morning bcs of the sad ending T.T
Nice one anyway, even if they couldn't be happy when they lived, they will have better life in afterlife right? They will be together right? So sad ughhh :((
Chapter 15: That's really sad... theres barely any sweet/fluff Taeny moments... but it's quite reassuring to know that Tae is waiting for Tiff in heaven and that Tiff choose to not love anybody else.
Chapter 15: Thanks for the stiff eyes and one blocked nostril. I've enjoyed this story, despite the heartache I feel.
Hwangshinra #5
Chapter 15: Finish reading ~~~, and u make me cry so sooo hard .. I don't understand their story is so soo sad, how u can separate the taeny ?? I can't believe this ... I just cried and cried huhuhu
KidLeaderTY #6
juny98 #7
Chapter 15: damn you author why u make me crying like so hard that make my brother think i crazy and yes i hate u but love u at same time for making best yet beautiful story everrr trust me!!
Chapter 15: i. hate. you.
how could you do that to my taetae unnie? </3
i think i'm just gonna have a long hiatus from aff after this.
well, i changed my mind. i need to read your other stories that have happy ending to mend my broken heart right now.
you're so good at playing with people's feeling, meanie unnie!!!! >.<
dayanataeny #9
Chapter 16: can you just make a ghost love story instead as the sequel? taeyeon suffered so bad and i cant see her die just like that T.T
cynthialuvkpop #10
Chapter 16: Wait seriously HOW CAN IT END JUST LIKE THAT? Taeyeon need to wake up and go back to tiffany. It just can't end like that why is God so cruel....its just not fair. Taeyeon suffered so much why are you doing this to her at least make her happy. For once