
You're my bodyguard

Taemin was currently busy staring at his room ceiling and thinking what just happened in the first day of his job as a bodyguard.

 When Jonghyun and other police and investigator arrived at Minho’s house to investigate the incident, Jonghyun asked him to go home and just report tomorrow morning. As soon as he arrived at home, his father scolded him for going out so early in the morning and didn’t say anything before he left. He tried to reason out but his father didn’t listen to that and scolded him even more when he saw the wound in his arm. His plan of not saying anything about his job disappeared when his father continuously asked him where he got his wound. And he knew that it is bad to make his father angry, so he just told them the truth and get over it.

At first his father didn’t approve about his job, as usual, but he tried to make his reason. That he likes the job rather staying at home He begged his father to let him be and he told him that he was still in one week under provision so there might be a possibility that he will not stay longer in his current job. In that way his father just nodded his head and permitted him for the time being and wished that his boss will kick him out in his job sooner than one week.

But well that was impossible because he found himself enjoying his job. And also he knew that Minho was not really a bad guy. Maybe they just met at the wrong time, well; he realized that all people were not really in the mood every morning. Especially to those who have to wake up early to go to work. Maybe that’s what happened to Minho, maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed that’s why his temper is not good. Maybe tomorrow they will be friends. Maybe tomorrow, Minho will smile at him and will greet him good morning with a smile in his smile. Maybe tomorrow he will not have that bad temper anymore.



And that tomorrow came, and Taemin’s expectation didn’t turn out into reality. Because he was standing at the end the stair and Minho is scolding him while running down the stair.

“Why the ing hell are you late Lee Taemin!” he asked while putting his suit on while walking towards the car.

“What do you mean late? I am just in time. Jonghyun hyung said that you are leaving your house every 8 in the morning.” He answered while following the other who turned around with blazing eyes.

“Didn’t I tell you yesterday that I have to leave early in the morning today?”

“No you didn’t.” Taemin answered with a confident voice since he really doesn’t remember something like that.

“What do you mean I didn’t? I told that to you just before you leave.”

“No you didn’t.”

“!!” Minho swear and just get in the car and slammed the door which made Taemin confused.

Why the hell is he like this? And I am 100 percent sure that he didn’t say anything to me yesterday since I didn’t have a chance to talk to him once the investigator arrived.” Taemin thought to himself.


He walked towards the car and get in the driver’s seat. They were already on the highway heading to Minho’s office. He was looking at the other once in a while at the rear-view mirror and he found that Minho is busy looking at his laptop with a serious face. He sighed and decided to make a conversation.

“Hey boss. Why do you have to be early this morning?” He started the conversation.

“That’s not your business.” Minho answered without looking at him.

Taemin tried to control his temper that is now starting to rise. He has to control it because they were on the road and he doesn’t want to kill himself.

“Well I think that that was my business since you are scolding me first thing in the morning.”

“Why would I not scold you? You are late and I am about to get late too if you don’t drive fast.”

“Do you really think that you reminded me yesterday?”

“Of course. Are you telling me that I am an oblivious person?”

“Yes you are.”


“How can you remind me about your schedule yesterday when I don’t have a chance to even say my goodbyes to you since you’re so busy talking with the investigator before I left your house?”

Minho lost all his word hearing what Taemin said. Taemin didn’t bother to speak again and just continue to drive until they reach the office. After he parked the car, Minho got off first and walked fast heading the building. Taemin almost run just to follow Minho. He knew that the other was embarrassed because he knew that what he said was right.




When they reached  Minho’s office he greeted Key, who was busy filling up the papers. Key is the only person who knew about his existence as Minho’s bodyguard. Minho told him yesterday after getting Jonghyun permission.

Based on Minho, Key is his secretary and he must know everything about him. And he doesn’t want to think a reason every single day, why Taemin has to follow him in the office.

“Morning Key hyung.” Taemin greeted the other with a bright smile on his face. He doesn’t know but he is comfortable just by looking at Key.

“Morning Taemin.” Key greeted back and pause a while in what he was doing. “Morning Minho.” He looked at the other who didn’t bother to greet back and walked straight in his office. “Tsk..tsk. Bad morning again?” Key mumbled and continue what he was doing.

“He really does have a bad manner, doesn’t he?” Taemin sat the chair beside Key’s table.

“Sure he does.” Key chuckled and smiled when he saw that Taemin was busy looking at the candy bar. “If you want, you can get some.” Taemin smiled at him and got one lollipop. Looking at the other, he still can’t believe that this guy is Minho’s bodyguard. He looked so feminine because of his hair and he looked so young, just like a 15 year’s old boy/girl. He just hoped that he will not hurt himself by just protecting Minho. After thinking that, his eyes flew at Taemin’s arm that has a bandage. “What happen to your arm?”

“Oh this?” Taemin glanced at his arm then return his attention to his lollipop. “I got shot yesterday at Minho’s house.” He answered as if what it was just a normal thing to happen.

“What? Are you okay? Did you get shot at the other part of your body?” Key asked worriedly.

Taemin smile at Key’s reaction. He is just like his mother when he found out about what happen to him. “You sound just like my mother hyung. And yes I am okay. Thank you for the worry.”

Key took a deep breath. “You should be careful Taemin. I don’t think Minho’s killer is just an ordinary killer that can be caught by the police so easily.”

“Do you think so?”


“Oh well, then I think I have to increase my alertness so that they can’t hurt Minho.”

“You sure do love this job?”

“Yup I like the idea of action and challenges in this field.”

Key wanted to say something when the door opened. One guy and one girl enter. The guy walked straight to him and gave him a kiss on the LIPS!

Taemin was shocked that he almost dropped his candy.

“Good morning Key.” The guy greeted Key.

“Morning Onew. What bring you guys here?” Key asked them and he looked at the girl who walked straight at Minho’s office.

“I have to talk to Minho. It’s about the contract that we discussed last week.” after saying that he looked at Taemin who’s still dumbfounded. “Who is she?”

Key chuckled. He knew it. No one will see Taemin as a boy. “He is Taemin, Minho’s cousin.”

He? He’s a he?”

Taemin stood up and walk toward the two and put his hands on Key’s table. “Yes I am a he just like you.”

“Oh well sorry, my mistake.” Onew said and smile. “I am Lee Jinki or Onew, Key’s boyfriend and Minho’s soon to be brother in law.” He extended his hands to offered a handshake with Taemin.

“Boyfriend? You two?” he asked when he accepted the handshake.

“Yup. Is it your first time seeing a homo couple?”

“Not really.” That was true since he already knew some homo couple when he was still in college.

“I have to go to talk to Minho now. Let’s eat lunch together Key.” Onew said before entering Minho’s office.

“Are you guys have been a couple for a long time now?”

“One year and a half.” Key answered and continue his work.

Taemin just sat there and read some magazine. He doesn’t want to enter Minho’s office right now. It looked like they are talking in a very serious matter.


“Have you already decided Minho?” Onew asked Minho with Yuri in the side of the other leaning her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder.

“Let me think about it more Onew. You know that I am in a very dangerous situation right now.”

“Are you still receiving those threats?” Onew asked worriedly.

“Yes. And it gotten worse this past few days.” He wanted to tell them not to worry about him anymore since he already has a bodyguard but Jonghyun stamped to his mind that he can’t tell that to anyone.

“Okay just tell me what is your decision is.” Onew stood up and excuse himself.

“You have to be more careful oppa.” Yuri said while hugging her boyfriend’s arms after her brother left the room. Minho felt that Yuri was afraid too.

“I will sweetie. Besides I have to stay alive until our marriage right?”

Yuri looked Minho and planted a small kiss on his cheek. “Can we eat outside today oppa?”

Minho wanted to say yes but again he remembered what Jonghyun said to him yesterday, that he can’t go outside without Taemin in his side. “Sure, but can we bring my cousin?”

“Your cousin? Who?”

“He is outside. You didn’t see him?”

“No. But I saw a girl outside.”

Minho smiled, he is sure that it was Taemin. He stood up and walked towards the door to call the other who was busy reading the magazine.

“Hey Taemin. Come here.” He called the other who stands up immediately and walk towards him.

“What is it Minho?” Taemin asked but Minho didn’t answer him and just pulled him inside. “Yuri, this is Taemin. My cousin.”

Yuri looked confused looking at Taemin and Minho know why. “I thought your cousin is a guy?”

“He is guy.”

“You are?”

Taemin massaged his nape. This is the second time today and the nth time since he was born that people mistaken him as a girl. “Yes miss, I am a man.”

“Oh sorry, I thought that you are a girl. Forgive me.” Yuri walked toward Taemin and offered a handshake. “I am Yuri, Minho’s girlfriend.”

“Taemin.” he accepted the handshake.

“So Yuri, are you okay if we can bring him with us today?”

Yuri picked up her pouch. “It’s okay oppa. I think I will just go now. I really want to spend time with you alone.” She said before kissing Minho’s lips. “Gotta go now.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive.” She smiled and turned around at Taemin. “Nice meeting you Tae. I hope you don’t mind me calling you that.”

“Not at all. Nice meeting you too.”

Minho walked Yuri to the elevator and returned to his office and found Taemin playing on his computer. He sat on the couch and lean his back there. “Argh, this is so frustrating.” He mumbled. He feels like a prison now because he can’t do the things he usually do because of those stupid threats.

“What’s wrong?” Taemin ask forgetting that they are still in good term after what happen this morning.

“This thing is making me feel sick.”

“What thing?”

“Don’t be stupid Taemin. You know what I am talking about.”

“No I don’t. I am not a psychic to know what you are thinking.” He answered while his full attention was still in his game.

“This stupid bodyguard thing and all these threats. I can’t live my normal life if this continues.”

“Are you really that bad person?”


“Oh well, because someone wanted to kill you so I thought they want to erase one evil in this world. And that is you.”

“What nonsense are you talking about? All my life I have been a good citizen in this country, I don’t remember hurting someone. Even my past relationship, I am making sure that I always end it in a very smooth way.”

“Maybe that’s what you thought.”

Minho stood up and walk towards the other. “Move aside, I have to work now and I need my computer.”

“But you have your tablet or your laptop, just use that.” Taemin answered without even looking at the other.

“All my files are in there.”

“Then do you have games in your tablet?”

“No. You have a phone right? Why don’t you use that and play your game there.”

“Nah, I don’t want to waste my battery. Give me your tablet.”

Minho opened the drawer and got his tablet and gave it to Taemin who walked at the couch and lay there. “Why do I feel that I have a little brother right now instead of a bodyguard?” he mumbled before continuing his work.








i know that this chapter is kinda boring

since this is just mainly for the entrance of yuri and onew,

sorry guys, but the next chapter,

i think there will will be a good 2min moment


hope you will look forward to it

Thank you for commenting, reading and subcribing

i really really appreciate it


and oh, this is Taemin's looks like everyday:


                pretty eh???^_^

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Still waiting for a new chapter ●︿●
Onew-1989 #2
Chapter 17: Please update soon!
Chapter 17: I wish we could get an update T^T
Chapter 17: plz plz plz update this is one of the best fics I have ever read
plz comeback plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Chapter 17: Plz don't drop tis... D story is amazing plz update soon...
Chapter 17: please don't drop this okay?please!update soon!I love this fic!come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
Chapter 13: WHY MINHO?..............DON'T REJECT MINI!