
You're my bodyguard

“Can you stop crying? You’re the one who brought me here but why are you the one who’s crying!” The kid with a feminine face shouted to the kid beside them.

“Yes, I was the one who brought you here but I didn’t expect us to be stuck here. A-are you n-not  sca-scared?” The smaller kid said while sobbing loudly that made them wonder why there’s still no one who found them in that dark room.

They were already stuck there in half a day and the sun was already set which made the place darker than usual.

“What is there to be scared of? Nothing is here, it’s just dark.” The boy kid answered by now calmer.

“You are right. It’s dark! And it’s scary!” The scared boy said and he cried louder.

“People are scarier than this dark place. No. They are not scary! They are detestable! I detest them so much.” He said with a calm but dangerous voice.

“What are you talking about?” The smaller boy tried his best to search for the other’s face but he failed because it was too dark that he can’t even see his own hands. “Are you referring to that people—”

“Yes! Those people in that uniform. I hate them. I hate them so much that I wanted to kill them.”

“But they were just doing their job.”

“That’s why I hate them. I hate them for doing their job. I hate them for following those human made laws. I hate those police officers.” He answered with so much hateful in his voice.

“But police officer are the heroes of the world. They are the ones who’s capturing the bad guys. They are like Superman.” He turned to the other kid again as if he saw him smirking.

“So childish.”

“That was not childish. When I grow old I wanted to be a police officer who’s chasing all the bad guys.”

“Then I think when that time comes I will be going to hate you too.”

“No, when that time comes, I’ll will make you change your mind about them. I’ll make you believe that a police officer is not that bad.” He smiled as if the other can see it.



“Why didn’t you tell me that it was you?” Jonghyun said while they were eating some ramen.

“What for?” He tried not to make any eye contact with the other and glued his eyes in his ramen.

“We should have caught up with each other.” The elder answered. “How long has it been? 15-16 years ago since that lock-in-the-dark-room-running-away-from-police incident happened.”

“I am not sure as well.” He’s making an effort to answer all the questions but making a less effort to make the conversation alive.

“Now I understand why you hated me so much when we first..wait..no..when we saw each other again.” Said the eldest who was still busy eating his ramen.

“What?” It was late for him to realize that that was a wrong answer. He should have given him a proper answer not another question. Now they have already a topic to talk about.

“Because you hate police officer. Right?”

“Right.” He stood up and walked toward the sink and placed his bowl. “Are you done?” He asked, sounding tired.

“You want me to go home now?”

“Yes.” He answered bluntly.

Instead of standing up, Jonghyun lean his back in the chair comfortably. “How are you Kibum?”

He stared at the other who doesn’t look like he really doesn’t want to leave. “I am fine. As you can see, I have a nice life, stable work and a boyfriend.”

“Very clear and obvious answer.” Jonghyun said while smiling. “You’re not gonna asked me, like ‘How are you Jonghyun?’”

“I don’t want to be rude but we are not really friends to exchange greeting. For all I remember, that time was the first and last time that we talk to each other. It’s not like we are a long lost friend. We are strangers Jonghyun.” He turned around to start washing the dishes.

“I know but that was—” He was stopped from talking when his phone rang. “Hello?”


“Hyung! I want to go back now! Right now!” Minho shouted into the phone.

“Minho. What’s wrong? Don’t tell me they found you there?” The elder asked worriedly.

“No! They didn’t. But I’ll be dead here just before you can find my killer.”


Just before Minho can answer, someone grabbed the phone from his hand.

“Hyung, don’t worry.” Taemin said throwing glare to the other. “He’s just being overreacted. He is fine here. Okay hyung! Bye!” He hanged up before he put the phone in his own pocket. “I told you! No phone!”

“Why should I listen to you?” The he tried to get his phone back but Taemin stepped backward.

“I told you that it was dangerous. Are that stupid?”

“What? Stupid? How—”

“They can trace where you are using your phone.” The younger answered, shaking his head. “I knew it. You’re really just a face. But no brain.”

“Why you little—”

“Stop babbling. Go have some sleep. We need to wake up early tomorrow.” Taemin said smirking.

“I don’t want to go with you anymore!” He shouted but Taemin ignored him.


“I have to go now.” Jonghyun said after Taemin hanged up. “Nice meeting you again Kibum. Let’s have a drink one of this day.”

“Sorry. I don’t have a day.” The youngest answer. He noticed the sudden change of the other’s mood. He doesn’t have to ask anymore. He already knew the answer.

“Come on Kibum. We might just stay together in just a short time on that day, but I already consider you as a friend. And if only you gave me, us, a chance we might end up being best friends you know.” He put his coat on and face Key who was just standing there. “Anyway, I think you relly have all the right to reject me as your friend but I really need a friend right now.” He added with a smile in his face.

“I don’t consider you as a friend sorry.” The other answer with a straight face.

“Look. I know that your hatred with police officers was just because of that moment. Don’t you think you're old enough to still have that feeling? You’re old enough to know the law.” He was controlling his laugh when Key pouted.

“Goodnight Jonghyun. I’ll call you one of this day. When I can find one.”

“I’ll wait for that call. Goodnight Kibum.”


“Boss! Wake up! WAKE UP!!!!” Taemin shouted right in the other’s ears.

Minho pulled the blanket to his ear and tried to ignore the younger but Taemin was so persistent. “Damn Taemin! What time is it?”

“Quarter to five.”

“Qua—” He closed his eyes tightly which is now really open yet. “Do you know that I was in the middle of my dream? Can’t I enjoy at least this moment?”

“Nope.” He pulled the blanket away from the other’s body. “You need to get ready boss. Fishes are waiting for us.” He stared the other who’s curled up in the bed. He sighed before he kicked him hard.


“If you want to have a proper meal today, stand up.”

“You know what,” Minho sat up and stared into his eyes. “ I have been thinking about this. Did you bring me here to save me from those people or did you bring me here because you have a motive to kill me. Don’t tell me you’re my killer and you’re just acting as my bodyguard. Just like those movies.” Minho squirted his eyes while shaking his head. “Why I didn’t realize this so—” He was cut off when the younger threw a pillow in his face. “Yah, do you know how precious this face is? How can you just throw thing in my face.”

“If you have time to make stories in your empty brain, how about getting your flat in your bed and get ready. Dad’s waiting in the boat.”

“Empty brain? Flat ? Do you want me to end your life right here? Right now?”

Taemin burst into laughing. “You? Will end my life?” He was laughing so hard that he was about to cry. “Wow. That’s the best joke I ever heard.”  Taemin threw another pillow in his face but this time he managed to block it in his arms. “Get up!” the younger shouted before he stormed out of the room.

“ARGH!” Minho kicked every pillow in his bed while rustling his hair. Never in his beautiful life he was treated just like the way Taemin treated him, but he has to endure it because being insulted by the other is more bearable than being shot by a gun.

He was about to go back in his sleep when Taemin made another warning knock.

“.” He jumped out of the bed. “I am coming!”



Taemin was enjoying his time in the middle of their finishing when he heard Minho. “Yes boss?”

“Y-yah Taemin. Do you have any medicine that I can drink? I really feel like throwing up.” The other said while his hands were covering his mouth.

“It’s been a week since you asked us if you can come with us while fishing and you’re still not getting over your sea sick.”

“Excuse me? I didn’t ask for it. You leave me no choice.” He made a deep breath when a wave hit their boat. “I…I can’t take it anymore.” He ran to the bin inside the boat and threw up.

Taemin laughed when he saw Minho turning white. It’s true that it was him who pushed the other to come with them while fishing. He wanted Minho to focus on some other things beside his life being endangered. It was too much for the other to handle everything. He knew that he was still worried even though he already assured him the he was safe when he’s with him.

“Your boss is too weak. I wonder how did he managed to live up until now. If I were his killer, all the worms were already having a feast right now with his body.” His dad gave him another set of bait while watching Minho throw up.

“He’s just lucky Appa.” He smiled when he saw Minho walking towards them. “Still alive boss?”

Minho didn’t answer him, instead he sat behind him and leaned his body in his back and rested his head in his shoulder. “I’m tired Taemin.”

“We’re almost done. After this you can go home. I’ll go with dad in the market.”

“Hmm.” The other uttered then pressed his body in his back.



It was already dark when Taemin and his dad got home. His mom told him that Minho stayed in the room ever since he came back.

“Did he already eat Umma?”

“Nope. He said that he’s too weak to swallow or drink. What are you doing with your boss Taemin, making him suffer like that? I pity that handsome young man.” His mother said while making some foods for him and for his dad.

“Mrs. Lee, let me remind you if you have already forgotten. You are a happy married woman.” His dad in.

“Tsk. It was only who’s saying that.” She answered and gave his husband a coffee.

“I just want him to enjoy this normal life. Having a sea sick as his biggest problem instead of thinking how run away from his killer. I want him to have a normal life Umma. Even if it’s just for a moment.” He started digging in his foods.

“But you know that it will always stay in his mind that his life was in danger. No matter what you do, that fact will stay in his mind.” His dad said while looking at the food in front of him.

“I know.” He ate as fast as he can. When he’s done he stood up and excuse himself and told his parents that he wanted to take a shower.

“I think Taemin will be in great danger than protecting Minho. Don’t you think so honey? Mrs. Lee turned to his husband that didn’t answer and just continued to eat.


After a shower, He decided to take a quick look at Minho’s room. He quietly opened the door and saw Minho’s sleeping soundly.

“He must be really tired. I’m so guilty.” He giggled as he took a step towards the other’s bed. He looked his face and was still amazed who good looking the elder is. Though he was so aware that his look is no joke as well, Minho’s face is somewhat different. As he kept on looking at it, it became more and more beautiful. No beautiful is not suitable in Minho’s face. Minho’s face was handsome, gorgeous. And there is a strain of masculinity in there.

He bent closer to the other’s face when he saw a scar below his right eyes. He didn’t notice it in the past. He moved his hands to gently touch the scar when his eyes moved to his lips. He suddenly blushed when he remembered that he once -- twice, kissed those lips. He doesn’t know, but it's always in his dream and every time he remembered it, it made his heart trembled.

Continue to stare the other’s lips. “Will you wake up if I kiss you?” A crazy thought suddenly popped into his mind. “I don’t think so.”

He bent even closer to do what he was thinking but when it was only 5 cm away, the door suddenly opened.

“If your boss is already asleep, you don’t have to wake him up Taemin.” His dad said with a calm voice.

“Appa!” He unconsciously shouted out of surprised, that made Minho jumped out.

“Why? Why? What’s wrong?” Minho said with a surprise look.

“Sorry boss, I didn’t mean to wake you up. I’m just here to check on you. You know, safety reason.” It was a good thing that it was dark in the room and that made him hide his blushing face.

“You scared me Taemin.” Minho got back on the bed and covered himself with the blanket.

He knocked his head while stepping out of the room to follow his dad. “What the hell was I thinking?! Stupid! Stupid!” He said silently.

“Taemin.” The old man stopped in front of him and turned to face him.

“Appa. You got it wrong. I’m—”

His dad leaned his back on the wall and crossed his arms in his chest. “Though my mind is still closed about this bodyguard thinking, you know that I am an open minded person when it comes to love.”

“L-love? What are you talking about Appa?”

“You’re falling in love with your boss.” It was more than a statement than a question.

“Me? With Minho?” He laughed loudly but covered his mouth immediately when he realized that they were not that far from Minho’s room. “What are you talking Appa? You must be really tired. Go have some rest.” He took a step forward to pass his dad, but the old man spoke again.

“As much as I can, I will permit everything that you want to make you happy. That’s what I told to your mom. You know that no father wants their children to get hurt, that goes the same for me. As much as possible I don’t want you to get hurt. Though I’m against in your job, I still permit you to do this because it’s made you happy. But son, I’m starting to get really worried about you. About the pain that you will have to face in the future.” He held both of his shoulders and turned his body to face him. “I want you to be more careful because I don’t want you to experience those pains. Pain that can’t be compared to the pain you had when you had in the past. Pain that is more painful that the wound you’ll get from protecting Minho. And the pain that is greater than the love you have for him.” The old man patted his cheek and gave him a fatherly smile. “Take care Taemin-ah. Don’t let yourself drown with those feelings.”

He suddenly felt awkward. Though he knew that his dad loved him so much, this is the first time they had this kind of conversation. But then he just thought that maybe his dad was really worried about him. Who’s not? When your child was in danger because of protecting someone.

“Appa. Don’t worry. That’s not possible to happen. It’s impossible to happen.” He smiled faintly.

His dad nodded his head. “If you say so.” His dad gave him another pat in his cheek before he left him in the hallway.

He sighed while watching his dad’s back. “Fall in love? Love? With Minho?” He placed his hand on his chest to feel his rapid heartbeat. “Aish! Impossible! That’s impossible.” He made a heavy steps towards his room while ruffling his hair. When he got inside, he threw his body in the bed and stared into the darkness. “Am I? Did I really fall for him?”

I think I might update this story more often since I already finish one of my on-going story. 
Well, I hope I can ^_^
Guy I was so so happy that you're loving this story. And you're continuously guessing who is Minho's killer. 
I'm so thankful. REALLY THANKFUL about it. Really.
I have a little confession to make, some of you had already read my other story and maybe you already have an idea how twisted my brain was when it comes to plot twists, well, I'm thinking of doing it again.. kekekekekek...try guessing what will it be.^_^
Well!!! That's it for today's update..
Hope you guy like it that Taemin was starting to have those feeling to Minho.
See you again in the next update!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!







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Still waiting for a new chapter ●︿●
Onew-1989 #2
Chapter 17: Please update soon!
Chapter 17: I wish we could get an update T^T
Chapter 17: plz plz plz update this is one of the best fics I have ever read
plz comeback plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Chapter 17: Plz don't drop tis... D story is amazing plz update soon...
Chapter 17: please don't drop this okay?please!update soon!I love this fic!come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
Chapter 13: WHY MINHO?..............DON'T REJECT MINI!