Chapter 1

Bitter Or Sweet?

********************************************************************* HIM **********************************************************************************************


21st August 2015.

10.00 pm.


“Aaaaaaaaaaaaand cut!. Good job everyone. You worked hard”

The  entire set started to wrap up things as the last scene ended as soon as the director’s cue.

“And Junho, that was great.”

“Thank you, Director-*nim. I can’t wait to see the final production. You worked hard.”

*-nim = One of the ways to show respect to the other person in korean.


“It will be great. Especially when we have our nation’s top superstar like you joining us.”

“No, sir. You are praising me too much. Is this one of your ways to make me join your football club? Haha. Hate to break it to you but I’m busy with 2pm’s concert preparation after this. Please don’t call me again, sir. haha”

“Why you bastard!? Are you stepping on my head now? Haha. No I won’t call you no more considering that you never pick up my call anyways. Guess I have to start calling Seulong. You have his number, right? haha”

“I’d be honored to give his number to you. Haha. I’m just joking, sir. Please don’t take it to heart.”

“That’s right. You don’t mess with the big boss. Your salary is still with me. Haha. Tonight calls for a celebration. End of shooting, woo-hoo!”

“Aaaahh, too bad I have to practice afterwards. Everyone is waiting for me. Guess I’m the only one who is going to miss all the fun. Happy drinking, sir. Im jealous.”

“Really? It’s okay then. We can still go out next time. Good luck with your concert. I’ll see you at the movie screening then. And Junho, you could quit being an idol, you know. You are a great actor and you can go further.”

“Noooo. Being an idol is my life, sir. But I can always juggle my job, right?. Alright then. I’ll see you at the premier. I have to go now. Thank you, Director-nim. Goodbye.”


It’s been 3 years since I started to join the acting world. My first movie “Cold Eyes” really did me a lot of favor. Non-stop acting offer since then. Playing both leads and supporting actor were really fun. But I’m not sure why my movies are always action packed or sad movie. I think I should start considering Director Park’s offer. Romantic genre, huh?. I’m not sure how that will go. 5 years without dating. I’m rusting on my romantic side. Well, who even wants to be with someone who couldn’t give his time to his girlfriend. Heck, I don’t even have time for myself anymore. Jinyoung-*hyung said that my composition is getting better and better. He is even considering me as the producer for the new group. I think I might have to decline his offer. The rest of the members and me have already planned to leave the company to start our own. The sooner the better, I guess. We just have to get over this concert and we are done with the company. I think Jinyoung-hyung is trying his best to keep us here.


 “Im sorry, hyung. Either we leave or the marketing team change.”


I remember those words. That was our decision. I do pity Jinyoung-hyung but the past cases were just too much for us. I don’t even know what were the company thinking of. Since they don’t really care about us anymore, Taecyeon-hyung said that we just need to hold it in for awhile. Sigh. Oh I’m here already. Practice, go go go~.


*hyung = When a boy calling another boy as brother or older boy in korean.


********************************************************************* HIM ***********************************************************************************************


3.00 am.


“And that’s all. You can rest now.”

“Thanks, Namyoung-hyung”


“Hey, Junho. How was your shooting earlier?”

“Oh Minjun-hyung, you scared me. It was great. How’s your song coming out?”

“I don’t know. Im still working on it with Taec though. When is the deadline anyway?”

“Hyung, really? Next week, hyung. NEXT WEEK! Tsk tsk”


“Well you people sure don’t know how to respect other people’s private time. I NEED MY SLEEP. SO SHUSH, PEOPLE!”

“Eyh Taecyeon-ah, you already slept for the whole day. Are you arguing with your girlfriend today?”


“What’s with your high-pitched voice, hyung. We know that you are lying when you are making that voice. keke”

“I am soo going to kill you, Jang Woodong.”

“Hyung, you have a girlfriend? How could you not tell us. Who is that poor girl? keke”

“That poor girl, Nuneo-ah, is called secret.  Even if you threaten to turn my gundam into ashes, I will never tell you guys. It’s not like I don’t remember what you guys did to my last girlfriend.”

“At least you have one. Don’t you pity us, hyung? Five single men at the age of burning desires.”

“Please dont consider me and Minjun-hyung as your species, Chansung-ah.”

“Looks like the people who lives in the dorm are the only one without girlfriend. Right, Khun-hyung and Nuneo-ah? Even Wooyoung has a girlfriend. Do you take her back to your house often, Woodong-ah? kekekekkekeke”

“Ohh what are you talking about, Chansung-ah. Your mind is too dirty. And I sometimes bring her home but not often. Don’t tell anyone. Haha.”

“Wow Jang Woodong. At least you got to get laid. Try living with your family like me and Taec.”

“Minjun-ah, if you want to marry her, you have to be patient. Remember that.”

“Alright, Nichkhun-ssi. As you wish. Now let’s grab something to eat. We still have 2 weeks before the concert.”

“You guys go ahead first. I’m going to stay here with Taecyeon-hyung.”

“Okay. You need anything, Junho-ya?”

“No. I’m fine, Khun-hyung.”


Taecyeon-hyung is sleeping soundly next to me. I need to read the synopsis for Director Park’s movie offer but this giant ‘OkCat’ is really disturbing. Let see. Hmm. A love story between a guy who works at a café and a girl who works at a bakery shop. Pffft. That sounds too cliché. Movie title – “Bitter Or Sweet?”.


“Both lived their busy life by waking up as early as 5am in the morning and closes as late as 12am, everyday. The boy, Kim Daehyun, who enjoys the taste of bittersweet coffee. The girl, Lee Sora, who enjoys the sweetness aroma of breads. Their little shops are just opposite of each other but never had they ever met. Little they know that fate had brought them together through a surprising event. A lady came. She is planning on having a birthday party at a park nearby. She wanted a relaxing party. Just coffee and pastry. It is not for her though but for someone who is a Very Very Impotant Person (VVIP). The catch is that they have to work with each other. Both the barista and the baker have to find the perfect recipe that is special and will go well with each other. A recipe that has never existed anywhere as the VVIP is a big name in the food industry. If the party goes well, the lady will offer them an amount of money that is enough to expand their business. The boy has always wanted to move to a bigger place. The girl desperately needed money for her grandmother’s hospital bill. The problem is, their character doesn’t match well. Will the boy ever understand the world of pastry and will the girl ever enjoys the bittersweet of coffee? Will they feel anything for each other? How will they go through the conflicts and the unexpected tragedy? It’s not the same-old love story. It’s a story of how two people learn about innocence, love, trust and how it could affect their personality and mindset. It’s a story how love could bring such bittersweet taste between lovers.”


How cliché could this get. But Director Park told me that it’s a serious movie with a comedy approach. Well it’s supposed to be a serious movie but the scenes are funny. That’s what he said. So I guess it’s a romantic comedy then. Oh what’s this?

“Ps – There will be detailed kiss scenes and a bed scene.”


Oh. Things are getting interesting. Now we are talking. But I have never kissed anyone. I don’t even sleep with any girl. Yeah maybe a few times when I was a baby with my mother. Oh I’m screwed. I should decline this but people keep asking me when I’m ever going to have a romantic genre movie.  If I don’t do it now, I will never do it. Okay, Lee Junho. This is the time. This is a new challenge for you. This is my chance to watch hot steamy movie without being judged by anyone. I’m just going to say it’s for my homework. Hahahahaha.


“Why are you smilling by yourself, Junho-ah? Let’s continue practice.”

“Omo, you scared me. Let’s go, Namyoung-hyung.”


********************************************************************* HIM ********************************************************************************************


6th September 2015.

6.30 pm.


I’m so tired. The concert ended successfully yesterday. Next week we are going to have a party with the fans. I still remember the first after-party event we did with fans 3 years ago. It was fun even though we were having jetlag. I’m glad the fans stayed with us throughout these past years. I’m looking forward to the party. But until that day, I don’t really have anything to do. Oh, I should call up Director Park and talk about the movie.


“Hello. Good evening, Director-nim. This is Lee Junho.”

“Oh, Junho-ah. How are you? What a pleasant surprise.”

“I’m doing great, sir. How about you? I’m calling you to talk about your movie offer.”

“I’m doing fine too. Great! Am I going to hear a good news or what?”

“Haha. You sounded so excited. Before that, I have to ask you a few things.”

“Of course. What do you want to know?”

“No it’s just that I don’t really have experience on the … kiss and bed … scene, you know? So I don’t know if I could take the role or not.”

“Nah. Don’t worry. I’ll teach you everything. I’ll put you in classes. Including the coffee and cooking class. Plus I’m going to let you and the female lead to spend time to get to know each other first while eating pastry and drinking coffee. Doesn’t it sound exciting?”

“Oh okay, sir. That sounds fun. Guess I’m taking the role then. Please take care of me, sir.”

“Thank you, Junho-ah. I knew you’d be the one. I’m so happy now. The female actress have just confirmed to me earlier. This is good news. Then when are you free? We need to sit down and discuss.”

“I’m free this week. Anytime would be fine, sir.”

“Great. Then let’s meet up at that restaurant near your company that has that delicious meat. I can’t remember the name.”

“Oh Leesang Restaurant?”

“Yeah. That one. Let’s meet there this Wednesday at 2.00pm okay? I’ll inform the female lead afterwards.”

“Alright, sir. See you this Wednesday. Goodbye.”

“Alrighty, then. Goodbye.”


================================================ HER =====================================================


6th September 2015



“♫ A message came, My Lady ~ ♫”

“Soeun-ah. This is Director Park. The male lead just confirmed to take the role. Are you free this Wednesday? Let’s meet up at 2.00pm at Leesang Restaurant, Gangnam. I need to meet up with you guys and discuss about the movie, okay? ♥♥♥”

“Sure. I’m free. Let’s meet up then ^^”


Ah, the Director is so cute. He even sent me heart. Triple hearts, that is. I wonder who the male lead is. Is he handsome? Can we match well? I hope we can. Oh, I forgot. I’m having dinner with Ara and Kimbum tonight. Need to shower first.


================================================ HER =====================================================




“Soeun-ah. Right here!”

“Sorry I’m late guys.”

“It’s okay. We ate first, if you don’t mind.”

“Nah. It’s okay. So what’s up?”

“Kimbum and I were just talking about the new drama. I think Kimbum is in love with Suzy.”

“Oh. Miss A’s Suzy?”

“Shush. Don’t say her name out loud. My heart skips a beat whenever I see her. She is like the goddess of goddess.”

“Eyh. He’s love drunk. He is always like this with his drama partner. Remember last time with Eunji, Ara-ya?”

“Yeah. All the rainbows and sunshine were shining on your face at that time. I can even feel it through my plasma tv. It’s disgusting. Haha.”

“Why are you both so envious of me? What sin have I ever done to you?”

“Oh stop being dramatic, Kimbum-ah. Did you get her number yet?”

“Of course, my dear Soeun-ni. This master of coolness got it even before we shoot the drama together.”

“Well then, we pity her. What sin has she committed to be with you in this drama?”

“Her sin is being that beautiful.”

“EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Let’s move on before I puke at his face. How about you, Soeun-ah?”

“Well, remember about the movie I talked to you guys last time? I have decided take the role.”

“Wow. That’s great. Then this will be your first lead in a romantic comedy movie, right?”

“That’s right, Ara-ya. And I’m meeting the director and the male lead this Wednesday.”

“Who is the male lead? Is he handsome like me? keke”

“I don’t know yet. But I’m sure he’ll be more handsome than you, Kimbum-ah. I just had the feeling, you know? keke”

“… Hmm. Why do I have the feeling that the lead would be 2pm’s Junho.”

“On what basis are you talking about, Ara-ya?”

“I don’t know. I just heard it somewhere that the director really wanted him as the lead. Omo. I wonder what will happen between you two.”

“Yeah. You both worked together before, right? That was the only time I ever saw Soeun cooking and even make jejube drink for someone. Are you sure you don’t have feelings for him at that time, Soeun-ah?”

“You guys are talking nonsense. I’m sure it’s not him. And we were only working partners at that time. I had time to spare, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to make him the drink because he had drinking party with company the night before.”

“Ooooo. How considerate our angle Soeun-ni. I guess he did open your heart a bit. You never did any hangover drinks for me even though we are friends for a long time. I’m disappointed in you.”

“That’s because you go out party to play. He goes out to work. You see the difference? Plus we need to shoot at that day, so I don’t want him to still be sober at that time.”

“I don’t know, Soeun-ah. I smell something’s fishy.”

“That’s because my fish and chips are here, Ara-ya. Can we dig in now?”


================================================ HER =====================================================




“I’m home.”

“Oh you are here, Soeun-ah. Did you met your friends?”

“Yup. They said hi to you, *Omma.”

*Omma = Mother in korean.


“Tell them to come next time.”

“Sure will, Omma.”

“*Eonni, have you finished packing?”

*Eonni = When a girl calling another girl as sister or older girl in korean.


“Yeah. Just some left.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Next week, Omma. I’m going to miss your food after this.”

“I’m so jealous of you, Eonni. Now, you can bring guys home. keke”

“WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, *DONGSENG-AH!? Ehem..Cant you see Omma is here?!”

*Dongseng = Younger brother or younger sister in korean.


“You know I’m just joking. Oh look it’s my 2pm *Oppa on tv. Goodnight, Eonni. Im going to concentrate on the tv for now.”

“Hello we are 2pm. I'm 2pm’s Junho. In charge of everything ….”

*Oppa = When a girl calling another boy as brother or older boy in korean.


2pm. Lee Junho. Wow. It’s been ages since I saw him. Even though we contacted each other from time to time, we don’t really have time to meet up. Why is my heart beating so fast. It’s like the first time I saw him after our show ended. It’s like seeing him performing at the stage. Why am I suddenly thinking of him? This is all Ara’s fault. She should have not brought up his name. I don’t want to feel the pain again. The pain of unrequited love. Even though he never knew about it. Oh Lee Junho, please let me sleep tonight. Remembering you is least thing I wanted to do now.



********************************************************************* HIM ********************************************************************************************


9th September 2015.

1.55 pm.


“Good afternoon, sir. Sorry Im late.”

“Oh Junho-ah. No you are not late. It’s not 2.00 pm yet. Guess we are left with the female lead only then. Let order the food first.”

Why haven’t I ever thought of this? Who would be my partner for the movie? Is she beautiful? Does her personality matches well with me?

“Director-nim, can I ask you a question? Who is the lead actress?”

“Oh you will be surprised. Oh, here she comes. Soeun-ah. Right here!”

So-eun? Don’t tell me it’s …

“Junho-ah, meet your movie partner, Kim Soeun.”


================================================ HER =====================================================


9th September 2015

1.58  pm.


I can’t be late for the meeting. I can still reach on time. Ah, I’m here already but I can’t see the Director-nim.

“Soeun-ah. Right here!”

Oh the Director-nim is already here. Who is that guy in front of him? I can only see his back side. Why does it feel so familiar? Don’t tell me it’s …

“Junho-ah, meet your movie partner, Kim Soeun.”




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likatulay #1
Chapter 5: wow, my two favorite, I hope there will be an update for this story, you are good, nice story...
junsolover11 #2
Chapter 5: Please update author-nim <3
taecsica1227 #3
Chapter 4: omg totes agree with jtediana's comment :)
please update asap
hahahaha junho buying period pads is something I can never imagine ;)
jtediana #4
Chapter 4: oh gosh,i will never ever have enough of this couple! Im a big fan of both, seeing them together is really.. really great!
pls update soon. Your story seems real, wish they really get the chance to work together, i dont care a drama/a movie/a reality show... whatsoever.. just make them together! lol
anw, may i tell you something on your writing style? I think you should put more expression, or do tell us who is talking when there is conversation among peoples more than 2. And, what they're doing when talking so, not only what they feel or inner thought. Just that. Over all youre doing great. Pls update soon! ;)
kyunewjun #5
Chapter 4: I really laughed from the beginning. Aside the cast is junsso which have always been my only otp since last year, the plot is super amusing. Please update soon. Fighting author nim!
Kaistal26 #6
Chapter 4: Update soon...
Chapter 4: This is too cute and funny too! An actual romantic comedy fanfic I think keke. Love the plot and really anticipating the next chapter! anyway I hope for like, serious talking between them too ;3
Chapter 3: Aw your story is really nice! I'm very impressed! It is so realistic too. Please update soon author-nim :D
camayxxx #9
Chapter 4: wahh i love it
hottestkhuntorian93 #10
Chapter 4: I laughed by myself when i read this. great chapter author-nim :)
can't wait for your update :)