

Title : Schadenfreude
Rating : T
Genre: Character Analysis, I suppose?
Mentioned!Pairing: Lu Han x Baekhyun
Length: EXACTLY 2000 words, whoa!
Summary: Life is nothing but a circle of battles.
Note: schadenfreude (GER): enjoyment obtained from others' troubles
Warning: The first thing I wrote and is not a drabble directly on my computer instead of scribbling the draft on a notebook. In your language, unbetaed. And I was drinking beer while writing, so, yep.


“Don’t mind me,” he assures, his signature grin plastered on his face. “I was just passing by.”

Just on a side note, I haven't even re-read this one.


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Chapter 1: I like this Xiumin-centric fic and I like how you wrote him different from the usual~ ^^