My 'Chookie Puffy'...

She is my 'SWEETS'..!


JiYoon’s POV

“bye-yeom!”a chocolate puff walk away from me and waving to me.

I try to reach my hand on it but I fail,”Ah,chookie puffy..don’t go..don’t walk away from me..You know I need you,”I reach out my hand straightly to reach for the chocolate puff.I love to give the desserts some aegyo names.

“Bye-bye yeom!”the chookie puffy walk even further and further while it’s disappeared in front of me.

“ANI!!!!!!!!!!”I shouted.Suddenly a figure appear in front of me right after the chocolate puff vanish,I notice that the figure appear is the Mathematics teacher,Mr.Yoon.He taking out a book and dropped it.


“YAH!BWOYA!!!”I shout as I stand up while just awake from my sleep.So it’s a dream then.

“JEON JI YOON!!What’re you doing just now?”Mr.Yoon who just slapped the book on my table demanded.

Ah,so is not a dream that Mr.Yoon appear just now.It’s real.I fell asleep during his class and even dream about the chocolate puff.I frozen up as he stand in front of me with his fierce look,”Joesonghamida,”I bow and didn’t dare to look up at him as he is angry right now.

“You will have detention right after school for 2 hours,”he demanded as he take the book which he slapped on my table and walk away.

Argh,I got detention again.I hate it so much.I stick out my tongue to Mr.Yoon’s back as he face the back on me when he walk away.

“Yah,JiYoon-ah…what happen to you?”GaYoon who said next to me said.GaYoon is my best friend ever since we are in grade 3th.She always by my side when I need her.

“I…just have a nightmare just now,”I said as rustle my own hair.

“Nightmare?Wow,just sleep for a moment you can dream already?JiYoon you are really daebak,”GaYoon give her thumb up to me as she teased me.

“Yah,stop GaYoon,”I pouted.

We turn to our book again as Mr.Yoon don’t like us talking during his class.However,my mind just fly away as I look at the book.I keep thinking of the chocolate puff earlier.I miss it so much.I didn’t able to eat it…Argh,chookie puffy.My mouth pouted while thinking of it.

*After school*

“Yah,Jeon Ji Yoon.Dont’ forget that you have detention today.Don’t try to escaped,”Mr.Yoon warned me as I just sit on my seat and daydreaming only.

“Ne,”I nodded.Yah,what did he think I am?I just sit here quietly and didn’t pack my things at all.Yet,he thought I will escaped?What a babo teacher?I  stick out my tongue again at him as he walk out from the class. XP

KiKwang’s POV

I wonder did the girl go home already or not.I had ask SoHyun about what the girl’s class.I describe to her that the girl I knocked down with is quite chubby and cute and SoHyun quickly told me that she knows who is it.So I just go down to her class and search for her.

The class was still lights on and the fan also still on.I look around as to see if anyone there,”Johkiyo?”and I notice a girl alone in the class while stared at outside the window.

“Johkiyo?”I said again as I walked into the class.

“Ne,”the girl nodded and turn to me.

“Ah,it’s you,”so I get into the right class and meet the girl.

“Eh,KiKwang-sshi.What’re you doing here?”she ask as I walked towards her place.

“I came to give you this,”I handed the chocolate puff that I put inside a cute plastic bag to her.

“Ne?What’s it?”she take it and said.

“My apologize gift for you as what I did earlier,”I smiled.

After I handed it I just walked away,before that she whispered out,”Gomawoyeo,KiKwang-sshi,”I turned to her as she was bowing to me.

“Cheomaneyeo,and you don’t have to be formal to me.Just call me KiKwang just like every one did,”I give a smiled before I walked out from the class.

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awh..its cute. u should continue writing jiyoon and kikwang fanfics,their so cute together,lols. :DD