An End in the Beginning

An End in the Beginning (Jongkey Oneshot)

[Key's POV]

" Why do you have to go to work today? It's our anniversary, plus we just finished our lessons for today! Do you really have to go?" I asked, pouting.

" Mianhaeyo, babe. If I don't work, I'll not have enough money to survive. Your mom would despice me even more if I can't even afford an education." Jonghyun replied.

"Fine. Hurry back into my arms okay?"

"Yes babe. I'll bring you your favorite strawberry cake on my way back."


"I love you more, Key. Don't ever forget that."

With that, Jonghyun left and little did I know that that would be the last thing I'll ever hear him say.

It was our one year dating anniversary, but he had to work, leaving me all alone in our dorm room. I was comtemplating between doing homework or playing games. Jonghyun's job started at 3pm and ended at 6pm. It would take him at least half an hour to come back to our dorm. Sigh... Since Jonghyun just left, there was still 4hours left before he returned. It was barey ten minutes and I missed him like hell. Absense makes the heart grow fonder after all. I stared at the clock, wondering if I could speed up time. Being the sentimentle type, I decided to look thorugh the pictures we took of us, our love and life.

I stopped at the picture I took on his birthday. I had played a prank on him, getting my friends to tell him that I was involved in a car accident. The shock and panic in his eyes, and the tears that fell, told him how much I meant to him. Thinking back, I let the feeling of our love flow through me, and I smiled. Flipping throught the pictures, I couldn't tell how much time had gone by. Looking up at the clock, I realised that half an hour had gone, 3 and a half hours more to go.

Suddenly, a call came through my phone. The call that made me wish that I could turn back time when I was so eager to speed it up just moments ago. I was told that Jonghyun got into a car accident, that he was knocked down by a drunken driver while crossing the road. I couldn't be true, I thought to mysef. It must be a prank! Revenge for the one I pulled on him. He would burst throught the door and tell me that it was just a joke. But that did not happen. Instead, I was told that he was sent to the hosipital. I quickly went there, not willing to be risky as I knew Jonghyun would not reuse an old prank.

I waited by the emergency room. How can it be that the prank I pulled on him become reality on me? Is God playing a prank on me? The pain in my heart was unbearable, the tension in the air was too heavy. I wanted to know if he was alright. Then, a policeman came to me and told me that Jonghyun insisted on passing this to me. The policeman passed to me what Jonghyun bought for me, for our anniversary. It was a bouquet of roses, the promised strawberry cake, and a bear with a heart that said 'I Love You'. The bear was splatted with blood. His blood.

The doctor finally came out and I ran to him, demanding to know if Jonghyun was alright or not. "I'm sorry, I've tried my best. But he lost too much blood and is gone now. Sorry" Hearing that, my world came crashing on me. Guilt rushed through me. Thoughts of killing mysef invaded my mind. It felt as if my heart was torn out of me and I was left to bleed and die a slow and painful death. No. It was worse than that. Why did he have to die? Why not that drunken driver? Why did he have to go and leave me all alone. I was so cold without his warmth and comfort. The reason of my existense is gone. My Jonghyun was gone. There was like no more oxygen for me to breath, why should I live on?

He was the hope, the light that lit up my once dark and lonely sky. But now, he is gone, leaving me all alone, in the dark, in the cold. In the pain that was swallowing and burrying me alive. Why did I as him to hurry? Maybe if he had taken his time, he would not be involved in that accident. Why did he have to buy me that darn cake? He died crossing the road from the cake shop. Maybe he wouldn't die if he came straight home. But then again, he went out only to buy my the presents. Not for work.

He was my oxygen, my blood, my all. But now, he is gone forevermore. Why? He promised to protect me forever. He promised to never hurt me. He has taken my heart, my soul, my all. I'm nothing without him, his love, his presense, his touch, his all. I'm now just a lonely puppet which lost it's strings, a lifeless doll.

I would kill myself if I could to be with him. But I couldn't just leave my famiy and friends. I've promised him never to take my own life if he died and I'm not the type to ever break promises. I also couldn't just pay my parents back for bringing me up by bringing them the pain and torure that I was feeing. I couldn't just inflick my pain on others. My conscience won't let my abandon my parents and loved ones. I had to live on, I had to be strong. But now, I'll just be a puppet. A puppet that only knows work.

And so, at his funeral, I read the poem which I could totally relate to, Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden.


I would love to share with you this poem but I'm afraid of copyrights. So if you're interested, here's the link:

It's a poem written by a gay poet to his dead partner. It was also featured in the movie, 4 weddings and a funeral. I think that the poem is a really nice and sad one so you might wanna check it out. Ok. Anyway, Thanks so much for reading this lame oneshot. I'm sorry that it seems a bit repetetive... Please comment be it a good, bad or meaningless one. Thanks again from reading this. ILU!!!<3

My sequel: 2nd Chance

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Yah, Candice! You probably know how I am by now TROLOLOL. Meh Nadia here. It's nice. The way you describe Key's loneliness was nice. Minor spelling mistakes here and there but it was good overall. n___n And see, you have people who liked it.
Candysvee #3
Thanks to all my lovely readers for commenting. <br />
@NappeunYeoja I'm sorry jongyun died but it's for the story. He'll live again. Dont worry. It's gonna be kinda like 49 Days. <br />
At first when I started, the pairings weren't jongkey but I decided that they fit the story the best.
NappeunYeoja #4
OMFG<br />
<br />
Why did you kill Jjong??<br />
Wae?<br />
Waeeee??<br />
<br />
Key, T^T<br />
Dont cry<br />
*Sobs<br />
<br />
<br />
This is beautiful yet SAD!!<br />
Gaaaaah<br />
<br />
Thx for sharing :]
kewaduong #5
oh for sure that your fic will definitely in my best SHINee's fanfic list. Thank you for all the beautiful words and the gentle script. ^^
I was listening to Last Gift by SHINee while reading this, so it made me tear up a bit. T^T. <3
Candysvee #7
@HeechulBiased Thx for reading and commenting!<333
love it!
Candysvee #9
@sjshineeme thank you so much for reading and commenting. I thought no one was going to. I'll try writing my sequel maybe on Monday. Thx and ILU<333