Bath Time

Because The Box Wasn't Scary Enough

Suho sat in the bathroom for a really long time. Every 5 minutes, he would check the water in the bath tub, then take off one article of clothing, according to its tempature. Finally, when the tempature seemed just right... He puts some bubbles in the water and took off the last piece of clothing.

Suho was about to take a bath. 

He dips his body into the water an slowly relaxed and his body detensify. He lets out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes and soaked his body. 

"I am Suho, of the Water. I am pure bliss."

Out of nowhere,  Suho magically grab a bath toy. It was his favourite rubber ducky.  See this was about the time Suho liked to comtemplate to his rubber ducky about things he don't normally talk about with the EXO members. NONE OF THEM. THIS IS EXTREMELY PRIVATE.

"You mus'nt tell a soul, Or else, I'd be extremely sad, rubber ducky." He made the rubber ducky nod his head. "Ok, good." He looked around making sure, no one knows and no one is around. 

"Ok, Mr. Ducky, I finished my fanfiction today. No one knows, I actually ship some members here. Like Kai and Kyungsoo and Sehun and Luhan, and TaoMin and Krisyeol and... Isn't it a shame I'm not really paired with anybody. I think.. I'd be fine with anybody.. you know if I rolled that way. It's just, I'm tired of being forever alone, It's not really fun being the odd one out. Even Lay gets a ship. I don't. Tao gets paired with everyone. Chanyeol, suprisingly gets paired a lot of people too. It's kind of unfair if you ask me Mr. Ducky." 

"What's that you'll ship with me?"

"Rubber ducky and Suho. Wonder what kind of cute names we can come up with. Ruho, y... Yea, that's kind of.. that's really bad. Maybe next time Rubber ducky. I just want to be the father of all Ships like JohnLock. Everyone knows that's the best pairing since they started the show in BBC. Oh Forever Alone."

"You don't ever have to be alone Suhoo!" Out of no where, Chanyeol popped up in the bath tub. He was wearing full clothing, Suho looked around. Where the hell did he come from? Should that ever be a question? Chanyeol was one of the most randomest people he ever met. It wasn't odd that Chanyeol popped out of no where saying something random. 

"Oh, Hey Chanyeol."

"Hi, Suho." 

"No hanging out with Baekhyun or Kris, or D.O or-"

"Baekhyun kicked me out the room because he didn't want to see me for an hour. Kris is in China, D.O is with Kai learning new dance moves and well, I heard you were taking a shower so I wanted to play with you." 

"Did you here anything I said before." 

"Honestly, I don't see myself with anybody but Baekhyun. I see you with Lay however,"

"Oh, ew Chanyeol." 

"You asked!"

"No, I asked whether you heard anything I said." 

"Oh, Tomato, Tomato." (Toe-may-toe, Toe-mah-toe)

"You aren't seriously thinking of taking a shower with me are you?"

"No. Do I look like Tao? " And then Chanyeol sunk down to the bottom of the tub, and disappeared. 

That Chanyeol is something else. And he makes a valid point. He's not Tao, but he's childish and cute all the same, what's up with all the wrappers being cute and childish.. I mean Minho, Ravi, Tao, Chanyeol, Zico, Top, Amber..."


"TAO!" A wild Tao appears. Tao runs into the arms of Suho and splashed into the water. 

"What's wrong my sweetie?"

"Suho umma, Chen is teasing me. "

"What he say?" 

"I'm a manwhore." 

"Aww, baby you are not a , if anyone's a its Luhan." 

"Aww mommy, you're soo sweet." 

"I love you too Tao." And they took a shower together. The end~

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Chapter 3: Lol poor lay xD