Rainy Nights

Rainy Nights

Taemin walks into the living room with a giant bowl of popcorn in one hand and a bag of marshmallows in the other. He’s got bottles of soda under his arms and a bag of cheese puffs crammed under his chin as well.

“Pick something yet?” he asks as he tries to figure out what to set down first so it doesn’t all fall to the floor at once.

“I’ve got it narrowed down to two. It’s between Titanic and Romeo and Juliet. I’m in a DiCaprio mood toni- Jesus Taemin is that enough junk food?” Key says when he turns around. Taemin has decided for some reason that the cheese puffs were the safest bet for not dropping anything and is bent over the table in such a way as to carefully drop them onto it. Kibum giggles to himself as he watches the younger struggle for a bit before moving to help him.

“I just wanted to cover all the bases.” Taemin says once his arms are free. “Let’s watch Titanic. I haven’t seen that in a while, and we watched Romeo and Juliet a few weeks ago.”

“I was hoping you’d choose that one.” Key crawls over to the DVD player and pops the disc in as Taemin settles down on the couch with the popcorn and a blanket. He hits play once it’s loaded and turns out the lights before joining Taemin under the cover.

The rain outside is loud against the glass of the window as the movie plays, and Kibum decides he doesn’t really mind it. He had been disappointed at first what with Friday being date night for the two of them. But now that he has Taemin securely snuggled under one arm and the warm fleece over him, he thinks maybe he judged the rain a bit harshly. They go out so much that he forgets sometimes how nice a night in can be.

Taemin shoves handfuls of popcorn into his mouth at regular intervals, stopping occasionally to switch it for marshmallows to balance out the salt taste in his mouth. He’s seen this movie a thousand times- they both have. He finds his attention moving from the film to more interesting things in the room, namely Kibum’s face. The dim glow of the television gives the elder’s sharp features a softness, particularly around the eyes. Taemin can’t help but become a bit mesmerized by them.

As the movie goes on Kibum notices that Taemin hasn’t moved in a while. He thinks maybe the younger has fallen asleep-normally Taemin is really fidgety-so he looks down to confirm his suspicions. Instead he finds two big black eyes looking back at him, sparkling in that way that they do when Taemin is lost in another world.

“What are you looking at?”

“You.” Taemin smiles softly at him, and Kibum finds himself smiling back.

“Well quit it. You’re creeping me out.”

Taemin shifts around under the blanket. He moves around until he’s managed to comfortably position himself over Kibum, hovering just a few inches from the elder’s face.

“What’ll happen if I don’t?” Kibum stares back up at him with hooded eyes. He shuffles his hand around until he finds the remote, stopping the movie and moving his other hand to the back of Taemin’s neck.

Kibum’s fingers curl into Taemin’s hair as he presses their lips together. Softly at first, gently, and then firmer as they find their rhythm. Kibum’s fine lips feel perfect against Taemin’s plump ones as they move together, and it’s the younger who pokes his tongue out first. He brushes it gently against the elder’s bottom lip, and is greeted a moment later by Kibum’s tongue brushing against his own.

Kibum decides as Taemin kisses him that a night in is most definitely not a bad thing. Taemin tastes like the salty-sweetness of his popcorn and marshmallows, and underneath is something else he can’t identify but that he finds utterly intoxicating.

The two of them stay like that for some time; kissing lazily in the dull light to the sound of the rainfall. Eventually they pull away from each other, breathless and with heavy eyes. Taemin considers for a moment asking Kibum to move to the bedroom. But the other simply brings Taemin’s head down to his chest and starts playing with his hair instead.

Before long all of Taemin’s will to move leaves him as he and Kibum snuggle together. He finds himself listening intently to the beat of Kibum’s heart, and he finds comfort in the way his head rises and falls with the older boy’s breathing.

The two of them fall asleep there, wrapped in the warm fleece blanket and each other’s arms, and soothed by the rainy lullaby being played against the window.

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Waaah this was sooo freaking cute o(>.<)o
And the fluff was perfect as it was, so according to me, you shouldnt change anything xD
And finally someone who agrees with me that TaeKey are BIG cuties xP
Anyways, I rly like this one-shot, it was short but the cuteness and fluffiness makes up for it, so good job ^o^