

**Hey Guys! I'm back! Since this is just a taste of my special delight requested by my mentor (in NC17 fics) sweetsmirk137, the summary, plot and all others are not yet included but I'll give you the special privelege of taking a peek on this fic of mine, and you guess what will be the plot. Kekekek Kudos everyone and have fun ^^**


Title: Standstill

Genre: Drama, Tragedy, Romance

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Kyuhyun / Sungmin

Summary: Can you fall in love and reach out to someone who's eyes were close for years.


 It was just a simple night, the nurses were all relaxed as they chat away the sleepiness of being a night shift, the summer crickets filled the surroundings as a very comfortable music.

And then the silence were broken, and the next thing everyone knew is the rush of patients, bloodied, injured, unconscious and dead.

The emergency room were immediately filled with people, relatives and victims, no one knew who’s who and no one knew  each other. By the spur of events, everyone is in state of panic.

No one can described what happen that night all they knew is that a small car with two man aboard were hit by a huge truck and the impact sent the car a few meters away from the scene exploding, claiming the life of the passengers.

The truck swerve and the cargos which is composed of logs snapped immediately and then all hell break loose. The following cars composed of 3 passenger bus and 5 private cars were hit causing them to loose break and hit the side of the tunnels after bumping to each other, claiming more lives and more injuries.

“This one’s gone too.”

The tousled brown head turned to his co-worker who is already covering another child’s body.

“No CPRs needed, dead on arrival.”

Pursing his lips at the sight of the body, still unnamed, the male nurse tied a band on the body’s foot

‘Jane Doe 7’

His eye landed on a particular young man, not older than 20 lying on one of the stretchers, bathing in his own blood, his head had an obvious injury, he’s pale and already declared dead.

The nurse furrowed his brow as he saw a small movement almost invisible if you wont assess the man thoroughly, the movement of those fingers as if reaching for something.

The body will be covered soon when realization hit the brunette.

“! That guy’s still alive!”

“Kyuhyun he’s dead.” The man covering the body said with furrowed brows but the called man pushed him aside as he take a closer look, placed his ears against the mouth, no sign of breathing, the pulse is weak but those hands.

Kyuhyun watched, waiting for another sign that this man is alive and miraculously the hand stretch ever so lightly brushing his weak finger to Kyuhyun’s hand.

The nurse immediately  lower the stretcher and straddle the body, pumping on the chest, he did a couple of CPRs before finally transferring the man from the emergency room to the operating room.

The nurse, stopped the CPR as soon as the artificial respirator was placed. His hands stained as he prepare himself for the operation.

“You’re assisting?” his coworker asked as soon as the brunette went for scrubbing and a hurried nod was the answer.

Another nurse peeked to the operating room handing the assigned circulating nurse a wallet.

“Is that the patient’s?” Kyuhyun asked wearing his scrub suit. “Yeah, finally an identification!” the one holding the wallet exclaimed.

“There’s nothing much, just a library card, man, kids these days.” The other sighed.

Kyuhyun stared at the faint beeping of the monitor , the face of the victim being cleansed for operation, the pale skin, those color-drained full lips, perfectly curved nose, and beautiful close eyes.

 “July 13, 2007. Patient number 01377. Basic Skull fracture, multiple trauma, Patient Name…”

“Lee Sungmin.”

The circulating nurse called as the blinding yellow light of the operating room opened.


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auwchris2775 #1
Chapter 5: I read this fic before on your LJ . I read this again. Somehow i like older kyu character. It's just suit him. Love this fic author nim ^^
Chapter 5: I love this ^____^
Kyuhyun's so sweeet~~
Gonna start reading your other stories :*

I found your LJ account but it's friend-locked so i searched your name here. ^___^ Good thing i did that :D
ayawani #3
Chapter 5: Waaoooowww Chii-ssi.. :O this is a great story..sooo sweet,romantic.. if it's possible,i'll upvotes 2times for this fic..
Chapter 5: Thank you for making this! It's very touching and my heart really jumped coz of happiness. This is so sweet. Thank you <3
hanie1 #5
Chapter 5: Wow! How sweet! I love the part that he still took care of him after 6 years!
venzsuju #6
Chapter 5: ohhh 6 six years!!!! :O wow!!! XD
little-dreamer #7
Chapter 5: i love it! kyu's love for ming is too strong!
chunrren10 #8
I totally love this fic!!!hi author-ssi~ it's me karren!! Hehe:)
Chapter 5: OMG I love it <3
aleihs19 #10
Chapter 4: don't remind about the SS5 Manila, :( I was supposed to come back to Phil. before the concert and watch but I'm stuck here. T_T

BTW I love your story... some minor grammar error but I could ignore it. Man... I'm mad now like Sungmin.