Baby I'm sorry

Baby come back




"Hyung, I'm going out with Jiyong hyung."






Seunghyun regrets everything. He knew. He knew their relationship was breaking apart. And he knew it was all because of him. But he was just too stubborn to believe in it. 



"Sorry Seungri, I can't go to the movies with you tomorrow. Too busy."


"Seungri, I'm too tired. I'll listen to you tomorrow okay?"

"She''s just a friend!"


"Hey Seungri, about that dinner date we were talking about... is it okay if we move it to another night?"


"My good friend invited me to his house so I won't be coming back home tonight."



Seunghyun knew that no matter how forgiving his little panda was, there was no way Seungri was okay with all the that was going on, but he took the maknae's forgiving heart and decided to abuse it. 


He never thought that his Seungri would leave him.


Seunghyun still remembers when he made the usual phone call to Seungri.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I don't think I can go to dinner tonight. I'm too busy recording."


Seunghyun was lying. His friends invited him to go clubbing and even though Seungri made him promise he'll come home tonight, he decided to go. I mean he broke so many promises before, why not this time?

"B-but hyung. Tonight's important and-"

"Is it more important than our new album?" Seunghyun cut Seungri off before hanging up on him. 

He never knew that it would be the last phone call that he would ever make to Seungri.




When Seunghyun went home the next morning, he saw Seungri rolled up in a ball on the couch. He had definitely been crying. Seunghyun being the "loving" boyfriend he was, sat down next to Seungri and put his arms around him. 

"What happened, baby?"


No reply.


"Are you upset about what happened yesterday? I'm sorry baby I was really busy."


Still no reply.

"I'm sorry but I'm here now. I'll never do it again."


With that Seungri broke out of his arms.

"I'm sorry!? I'll never do it again!? Hyung, how many times have you said those words to me? Why are you doing this to me? Do you not even love me anymore?" Seungri screamed at Seunghyun.


Seunghyun was surprised because Seungri never got this angry before. It was always a little pout or a few tears that could easily be fixed with an apology and maybe a few kisses.

"I do love you baby, but I was busy and-" 

"Busy? You come home reeking of alcohol and you say busy? Yes, you were busy drinking! Do you even remember what yesterday was? It was our anniversary!"


At this point Seungri was bawling like Seunghyun had never seen before.

Seunghyun tried to calm Seungri down, "I-I'm so sorry! I forgot! I can totally make it up to you! We can go to breakfast together and go shopping and-"

"Just forget it."


And with that Seungri ran out of the door. Seunghyun couldn't move, too shocked at what just happened. He never heard Seungri so angry. So full of...hate. 




A few hours passed and Seunghyun thought that he'll come back. He'll come back smiling, saying that he's sorry for over reacting. Maybe he'll even bring icecream with him. 


But he never did come back.




Of course, Seunghyun would see him at the studio or dance practice. They would have photoshoots together and would even talk and joke around with each other. That's why Seunghyun kept his hopes up. He thought Seungri was only playing a game with him. He thought his panda will come back, diving into his arms saying, "I missed you, hyung."



But one day, Seungri came up to him while they were having a break from recording. He said he needed to talk to him about something. Seunghyun thought that his panda finally gave up on his little game and came back to him. 



Seunghyun wishes he was right.



"Hyung, I'm going out with Jiyong hyung."

And then he finally realized that he lost his baby forever.


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Tigerlily319 #1
Chapter 1: Short, cute and sad. Thank you for writing and sharing.
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 1: How cute ^.^
Chapter 1: Nice story! ^_^. Thanks for sharing authornim
Chapter 1: saying "YES!!!" when seungri going out with ji...cant blame gri shipper....hhohoho..*run*
missaimamie #5
Chapter 1: TOP should not have done that. (shakes head). I think you should write in Seungri's POV or another oneshot! I'm just kidding.
Chapter 1: UGLY SOBBING.

It's nice to see the good ole jerk-face of a boyfriend Big Seunghyun again, though.
Btw, I love your username. ^u^