Lotte World!

The unexpected turn of events!

 Gina managed to enjoy her time at the cafe with out being noticed also shes now friends with Kris. It's been a couple of days since their visit to the cafe and Kris has fully settled into his work as a photographer. Gina has a day off today which means so does Kyungsoo and Kris so she decided to treat them with a trip to Lotte World. Kris said that he had some friends that he wants to invite, which Gina happily accepted. Kyungsoo didn't seem to mind either so now Tao, Lay, Luhan, Chen, Xiumin, Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun are all going to Lotte World too. They decided to all meet echother outside Gina's house and then they would go to lotte world together in a party bus! Gina insisted on going in a party bus since it was her treat to them and also she wanted Kris' friends to have a good time. Kris' friends walk into the party bus which is parked in the drive through while Kris and Kyungsoo are walking up to Gina's door to greet her but before they even got close to the house the front door whizzed open.

"Hi guys, are you all set to go? And Kris, weren't you supposed to bring your friends with you?" Gina asked

"My friends are already in the party bus and yes we're ready to go. Come on let's get our party on!" Kris chirped. He then ran to the party bus and entered while singing, "The party don't start 'till I walk in!". I loud chorus of laughter was heard.

"By the way, Kris brought eight friends to tag along with us!" Kyungsoo said quietly so that the party animals couldn't hear him.

"Eight!!! Oh well, at least it'll be more of a party in there. It would've been awkward if it was just a few of us." Gina chuckled. They both walked into the party bus and greeted everyone before sitting down.It was going to be a long drive to lotto world so Gina thought that it would be nice if Kris' friends introduced themselves first, then she could at least learn their names.

"Ummm... since I haven't  met you guys before, why don't you all introduce yourselves with your name, a fact and then hobby. It will help me to understand your characteristics better. We'll start from the right side of the bus to the left."

They all agreed and the first on started to introduce himself.

"Annyeong, je ireum-eun Tao imnidi! I am known for looking like a panda since i have dark circles around my eyes and i love buying gucci clothes bags and shoes, I also love to practice my wushu skills in my free time."

"Awww, a panda! How cute! And did you know I love gucci as well, we should go shopping  together. I find it interresting how someone that's a cute panda can actually kick with his wushu skills." Gina commented.

"Yeah! I would love to go shopping with you and thanks for the compliments! Okay next person." Tao said enthusiastically.

"Annyeong Gina,je ireum-eun Lay imnida. I am known for being innocent and kind also I love dancing." Lay said sweetly.

"Oh so your good at dancing 'ey! You know I'm not a bad dancer my self. Okay next person."

"Hello,je ireum-eun LuHan imnida. I'm from Beijing and since in mandarin my name means 'deer', that's my nick name. You can call me deer if you want but I would prefer LuHan. As a hobby, I love to play football, I also like to sing and dance." said LuHan cheerfully.

"Awww, what a nice name! You seem very talented, I mean like singing, dancing and playing football what's next cooking?" Gina chuckled.

"Actually, I cook for them."Gina snapped her head around to see where the voice was coming from and she was surprised to see that it was Lay.

"REALLY! OMO HOW SWEET!" Gina said a little bit shocked.

"His cooking isn't the best but its edible right?" said Tao teasingly.

"HEY!" Lay yelled a little bit offended by the rude comment. "You should appreciate the fact that I even bother to make you guys food. If you don't like it then the next time I make something you guys can't have any."

"TAO!"they all yelled in unison.

"Sorry but I'm a little bit confused. Do you all live under one roof?"Gina asked

"Yep. We all live in one huge apartment and chip in to pay for the rent and food. We all have a room mate since the apartment has 4 rooms only apart from. It has a huge lounge and kitchen which makes up for it. It also has two en suits and one huge toilet." Luhan explained.

"WOW! That sounds fun! Okay next person."Gina said giddily.

"Annyeong,je ireum-eun Xiumin imnida! My nick name is Baozi since my face looks like steamed buns. For a hobby i like to play football as well, in fact me and LuHan play together." said Xiumin happily.

"HA HA HA! You actually do look like buns and its nice to see hat you all like to play together. Okay next person!" Gina laughed.

"Annyeong-haseyo, je ireum-eun Chanyeol imnida! I am known for being a happy virus and my hobby is rapping and beat boxing! In fact Kris used to do it with me and we used to have a lot of fun. Where have those times gone man?"Chanyeol said with a sly grin on his face.

"Down the drain! No, I'm just kidding with you. We can still do that but we'll have to do it when I'm not busy. Araso?" Kris chuckled

"Okay!" Chanyeol chirped, "Next person!" 

"Annyeong, je ireum-eun Sehun imnida. I am the makne of our group and my hobby is drinking bubble tea!" said Sehun shyly.

"Does that even count as a hobby?" Chen asked teasingly.

"It doesn't matter, I think that's really cute."Gina said, "Okay next person!"

"Annyeong, je ireum-eun Baekhyun imnida. I like to wear eye liner all the time and my hobby is singing."

"Do you all sing and dance?"Gina asked.

"I rap!"Chanyeol shouted, as if that would make a difference.

"Since this is a party bus and well, you all sing and stuff.... why don't we crank up some tunes and start partying!"Gina said with a smile.

Their faces lit up with excitement and they all nodded their heads. Then suddenly Chanyeol was shouting at the driver to put some music on. A blast of music burst through the speakers and guess what song was on.  GANGNAM STYLE!!!!

"OP-OP-OP-OP OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!" they all sang in unison. The song finished and they all hyperventilating rapidly. They still weren't at Lotto World so they decided to pick another song, one that they can sing to. Kyungsoo had a song in mind so he went up to the driver and whispered the song in his ear. They were all eager to find out, waiting for the song to blast through the speakers. Suddenly the song burst through the speakers. It had a steady beat to it and it almost sounded like a western song. They all clocked on and immediately started singing to it.


Ten songs later they arrived at the theme park. The sound of screaming could be heard above them which confused them. They all looked up and saw a huge rollercoaster towering above them. All of them were gaping at the sight with mouths slightly ajar. The looked around and just stood there next to the party bus looking lost like little children. None of them said a word until Kris spoke up.

"W-What ride shall we go on first?"

Still, everyone was quiet but Gina decided to speak up and saw a ride in the distance she pointed at it and enthusiastically chirped, "O-o-o. Let's go on that one!" She then ran towards that direction and like a body guard should, Kyungsoo ran after her. The others were a little confused from the sudden action and when their brains finally processed the information, they too ran after her. When they reached the ride, they realized that they had to sit in two's and since there were eleven of them, one of them had to stay by themselves.Gina + Kyungsoo sat together. Sehun + Luhan sat together. Chen + Xiumin sat together and Chanyeol + Baekhyun sat together which means lay was on his own but to his surprise a hot teenage chick came and sat next to him so he was fine. The ride spun in loops and endless turns. They all felt their stomachs flipping over when there was a sudden fall and they all sighed in relief after the ride finished. After they got off they all noticed the hot girl smiling and waving at Lay while disappearing off into the distance.

"So Lay......Who was that super hot chic that was just waving to you?" Chanyeol asked with a sly smurk.

"Shut up Chanyeol!" Lay shouted.

"Do you like her?" Baekhyun and Chanyeol both said in unison before making kissing noises and pouting expressions.

"You know, when the two of you are together, you really do become the most annoying retards ever." Lay said half heartedly.

"HEY! There's nothing wrong with being retarded." Chanyeol said before bursting out with laughter just like Baekhyun who was having a laughing attack beside him. Lay had enough of their immaturity and left them laughing like hyenas. They decided to go ice skating which was in the inside of the theme park. The only thing was Gina didn't know how to skate. When they got there, she decided to just tell them.

"Ummm....g-guys. I-I I don't w-want t-to skate." she said quietly.

"Why not Gina. It's going to be fun!" LuHan asked.

"I kinda-sorta like....don't know how to skate." Gina confessed.

"I can teach you then." Kris offered.

"Really?!?" Gina asked surprised.

"Yeah, I taught Tao how to skate and he is a pretty slow learner-"

"HEY!" Tao interrupted.

"-I'm sure i can teach you." Kris finished.

"I-I I don't want to be a burden and stop you from having fun." Gina said shyly.

"Nonsense, it's okay! I've been ice skating plenty of times before!" Kris said.

"Well.....Okay then, but you better not let me fall!" Gina said giving in.

"Don't worry, I won't let you." he chuckled.

They picked out their shoe size and went over to the wooded area of the ice rink. As soon as Gina stood up, she was about to fall when suddenly a pair of strong arms gripped firmly onto her waist and picked her up. She turned around and saw Kris smiling at her, still holding onto her waist. They were so close together, their bodies were pressing against each other. Kris could feel her hot breath on his lips. He was tempted to kiss her but didn't want to just incase it was too soon. "I told you I wouldn't let you fall." he said before he let go of her so she can gain her balance.

"Th-Thanks!" she said quite startled.

"It's okay, maybe you should hold my hand and then when we get inside the rink you can hold the railing."Kris suggested. Gina was lost for words. she didn't know whether holding hands with Kris is suitable for people who just became friends a few days ago, but since she didn't want to fall again, she accepted his offer. Kris gently grabbed her hand, they both felt a tingling sensation bust inside of them, it was almost as if there were sparks between them. Kyungsoo saw this and his ears turned a light shade of red and unknowingly he balled his hands into fists. His eyes twitched a bit and so did his heart. He was jealous of Kris. Kyungsoo has liked Gina for a long time now, not as friends but more than that. The only thing is, he's scared of confessing to her since she keeps having problems about love and relationships. Events such as the one that took place with Matt has been replayed in the past which only decreased Kyungsoo's confidence. He's extremely frustrated by the fact that some guy who they just met a few days ago is already her friends is now holding her hand. Kyungsoo has known Gina for eight years now and he has never held her hand before. Kyungsoo's mother used to take him ice skating all the time. He was literally a pro at it. If only he spoke out before Kris, that could've been him holding her hand right now. He put on his skates and walked into the ice rink. He pushed himself on the ice with the force of his heel and he elegantly glided along the ice.

"You like her don't you?" said a little voice.

Kungsoo didn't know whether he was just hearing things so he carried on skating before he heard the voice again but it was just a little louder.

"I know you like her. I can tell." 

Kyungsoo stopped skating abruptly and just stood there. "No I don't." he tried to defend himself.

"There's no point in denying it when it's so obvious."

Kungsoo gave up and turned around to find out who it was. It was Sehun! He was looking down at the ice before shyly looking up to find Kyungsoo staring at him.

"I'm right aren't I?" he asked with a sly smirk on his face. Kyungsoo could finally hear him now since his voice is now at normal volume. Kyungsoo sighed in defeat before replying with a firm, "Yes."

"So why don't you confess to her?"Sehun asked confused.

"Because if I do then..."he started.

"Then?....."Sehun asked.

"Then... I'll just be like Matt and all the rest of them douche bag jerks who have upset her in the past."

"I know what you mean, I read an article about the other day but I'm sure if Kris can get her to hold hands with him then you could at least confess to her."

"It's easy to say but not easy to do. We have good friendship bond between us and I'm scared that after I confess, that bond we had will be ruined."

"Well then don't confess to her, but make sure she knows your an option." Sehun said still with that same smirk on his face.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I have a perfect idea!" 



hey guizz

i was gonna write more but i wanted to update on eid as a gift even though you probably don't celebrate it................



2:42pm Sun 11th Aug




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babyjungahra #2
Chapter 6: sehun was sooo kind and with his bubble tea xDDD
siwonsmirk #3
Chapter 12: this is so sad. in one side i like this fic but in other side its cast is kris so...
siwonsmirk #4
Chapter 11: so short..... but thanks for the update!~~
siwonsmirk #5
Chapter 10: "He blocked me today
when I was going to take Gina home.
Ugh! What does he have against me?"

LOL this is very funny=))))
Enjoy this chappie! I know you've been waiting a long time for it.
Chapter 9: Yeah, its kinda fast if them to be suddenly together. Anyway, update soon!
siwonsmirk #8
Chapter 9: B- b--but i think gina and kris is just too quick to be together authornim D:
siwonsmirk #9
Chapter 8: omg i ship this couple so much. both of gina and kris are my bias!!! D:
hope kyungsu gets someone better. its sad for seeing your loved one with another person D':
Chapter 8: They kissed. Omg. I'm so happy that they kiss. Upfate soon