Spill it!

The unexpected turn of events!

HEY GUIZ!!! How was your Christmas? I'm sorry I didn't update in the hols. I had a lot of dramas to watch (heirs was friggen amazing!!!) I also did a lot of creating and made flowers out of some old Christmas cards. Hopefully you'll enjoy this chappie!



~Suho's POV~


The look on Gina's face told me that something was up. Even though we really don't talk a lot, I'm close enough for her to tell me her feelings. I sat next to her and put my hand on her knee. I tried to show her that I was there for her and make her feel comfortable with talking to me about things that might be on her mind.


"Tell me what's wrong Gina. You can trust me. I'll keep it a secret. Promise!" I say cutely. She stares at her feet and makes a cute thinking face. I wait for her to respond.


"Errr...it's just t-that...ummm." She stuttered.


"Don't be nervous!" I say trying to encourage her.


She sighed deeply and moved her body to face towards me. "Fine...You remember Kris right?"


I nod my head and motion for her to carry on. "Well...he's going to take me out...on a date....and.....Kyungsoo doesn't know that it's a date....so....he wants to come too but only as my body guard."


I blink a few times to take it all in and say, "Why don't you just tell him it's a date and it would be awkward if he tagged along?"


"Well......" She started, "The only thing is...ummm...he doesn't know we're dating and if i tell him then he'll be frustrated because I promised that after the whole Matt story, I was going to easily make friends or fall for people easily.....which I didn't do. Also, I don't want him to feel neglected since he doesn't have a girlfriend so when me and Kris are on a date, he won't have anyone to hang out with. I feel so guilty about the fact that I'm keeping a big secret from my best friend. Even after eight years of our friendship, I'm still keeping secrets from him. I'm such a terrible friend." She said with her face in her palms. I'm speechless. I really don't know what to say.


Gina carries on. "I feel bad that on our first date, Kyungsoo's coming too! I bet Kris is going to be uncomfortable with D.O around. He doesn't even know that D.O's tagging along. But that's not all... Lately D.O's been acting strange and it's worrying me. I don't know whether I'm just over thinking the idea but what if we grow more distant and he ends......... up leaving me." a tear rolled down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away like nothing was there. I can't believe she was going to keep this to herself. It doesn’t seem like she's taking it well.


"D.O will never leave you, not after you've been friends for eight years. Trust me." I say hoping that it will at least lighten her mood a little. She sniffles and brushes her hair away from her face.


"You're right! He wouldn’t leave me would he? He's been really protective lately too so I’m sure that he cares about me even more now!" She tells me with a bright smile. Jeeeeezzzz I really hope he doesn't leave her. I can’t bear to see Gina upset! It's a real heart stopper.



~~~Kyungsoo's POV~~~


I get inside the limo again and tell the driver to take me to Starbucks. Throughout the car journey I just sat there in deep thought. When I left Gina's house, she seemed upset. Maybe it was because I said that I was coming with her and Kris to the arcade tomorrow. Or was it because she asked me to stay but I said no. I wonder why she didn't tell me that she and Kris kissed. UGH Kris that jerk!!! Its soooo not fair! He just comes into her life and a week later, they're eating each other’s faces off! WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I've been her friend for eight years and I got friend zoned in less than five days! AISH!!!!


I see the coffee shop right in front. WOW! That was quick!!!! I thank the driver and enter the cafe. There's a lot of people here and the place seems realllllly busy but it was really easy to spot Sehun since he came running up to me saying, "YO! D.O HYUNG! MY MAN!!!!!" I was startled by his greeting but not so much surprised.


He dragged me to his table and sat me down in a seat.


"So what did you want to say then hyung?" he asked looking curious.


I don't know how to tell him. It would probably make him feel bad since he said that he wanted to help me. I better just rip the bandage off fast. (An old saying) I turn to him and cough to clear my voice.


"Today... when I was at the photo shoot with Gina and Kris, I saw them..." I gulp from nervousness. "...kiss."


I look at Sehun to see his reaction. His jaw dropped to the floor and he starts tearing up. I close his jaw pass him a napkin from the middle of the table. He takes the napkin and wipes his eyes.


"I’m speechless!" He says still looking shocked. He opened his arms out wide and pulls me into a hug. I was surprised by his reaction and just hugged him back.


"Tell me everything." He says over my shoulder. I say and nod even though he might not see it.



~~~ Sehun's POV~~~


I failed! I can't believe it! I know that I'm supposed to be supporting Kris and all since he's like my best friend and all... but he just doesn't realise the pain one goes through just by seeing their love/crush with another person. I am happy for him and all but I just wait that it was Kyungsoo hyung instead. I can’t believe it!!!!! Kris has only been in one relationship and she broke his heart. After her, he didn't go out with a girl at all. He was in a full broken hearted mode for like three weeks!!!! It took two months for the other boys and me to even LOOK at other boys yet he kisses Gina after a week of knowing her!?!?!?!?!? THAT'S ABSURD!!!!


Poor Kyungsoo hyung. I hope he doesn't do what I did. I can never forgive myself for what I did to her. I don't even want to think about it. I need to stop thinking about the unforgettable past and focus on Kyungsoo so he doesn't do what I did.


I let go of the hug and I see that his eyes are watery. It really isn't manly to cry in public places so I buy us both "Americano's" and take Kyungsoo outside.


"Thanks for the coffee." hyung said with a small smile.


"It's okay. It's the least I could do for you since I couldn't help you. Hey....errrm....do you want to come round to my house and we can hang out for a bit." I say hopefully. "I can give you a ride!" I say with puppy dog eyes.


"Errrrm...errrr...." He says while looking at his limo.


"Please!!!!!" I say going full aegyo on him.


"Fine!" He gives in. YES! MY AEGYO WORKED! "Just never do aegyo again. "W-what???? He didn't like my aegyo. I pout and he laughs. How can he laugh when his crush that he's been waiting eight years for, kissed another man right in front of him. He walks up to his limo and tells the driver to follow my car so he's there when he leaves my house. I wait patiently for him. BUZZZZZZ. I took out my phone to see the text message I received which so happened to be from Kris.




To: Sehun


From: Kris hyung <3


Hey! Guess what. Me and Gina kissed today!!! Tomorrow I'm taking her on a date at an arcade. It's going to be sooo fun! I can't wait!!! Oh and why are you hanging out with Kyungsoo? He's so annoying! He blocked me today when I was going to take Gina home. Ugh! What does he have against me?


Sent at: 14:27




Everything Kris. EVERYTHING!!!


I look up from my phone and see Kyungsoo walking towards me. I slide my phone back in my pocket and take out my car keys. I can't believe you Kris. Talk about a block.



A/N: Sorry for the really short and rubbish chapter. I was going to upload more but I thought that I might save it for the next chapter.


Please comment, subscribe, add me as a friend, post things on my wall or even D.M me.


Thanks for reading and I'm always there to talk to you if you’re bored. (Hahaha i hope this colour doesn't blind you!)

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babyjungahra #2
Chapter 6: sehun was sooo kind and with his bubble tea xDDD
siwonsmirk #3
Chapter 12: this is so sad. in one side i like this fic but in other side its cast is kris so...
siwonsmirk #4
Chapter 11: so short..... but thanks for the update!~~
siwonsmirk #5
Chapter 10: "He blocked me today
when I was going to take Gina home.
Ugh! What does he have against me?"

LOL this is very funny=))))
Enjoy this chappie! I know you've been waiting a long time for it.
Chapter 9: Yeah, its kinda fast if them to be suddenly together. Anyway, update soon!
siwonsmirk #8
Chapter 9: B- b--but i think gina and kris is just too quick to be together authornim D:
siwonsmirk #9
Chapter 8: omg i ship this couple so much. both of gina and kris are my bias!!! D:
hope kyungsu gets someone better. its sad for seeing your loved one with another person D':
Chapter 8: They kissed. Omg. I'm so happy that they kiss. Upfate soon