
The Way I Loved You

everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't



Bom's pov

Beautiful sunshine on Monday morning. My day could've been better than this. Not until I remember what happened in the last few days. Gosh, can i just live peacefully? I wanted to be happy! It was 8 in the morning. I had classes at 9 so i had an hour to go until my first class starts. I didn't really have anything to do in the University though, all i needed to do was these assignments which i could do at home. But i didn't have a choice. I didn't want GD to find me again, and drag me to somewhere else. And started those nonsense things which included a lot of yelling and screaming. Ish was it always this way? Should I have to yell everytime i talk to him?

I walked out of my apartment. This time, i did it a bit more carefully. I wore my scarf around my head and i also wore my sunglasses. I did all that thing this morning to avoid that one bloody person. I knew that scarf and sunglasses wouldn't help but there's nothing wrong with trying. I just didn't want to be recognized by GD. In another case, i wanted to escape him. It was kinda weird cause i guessed the one who should do this undercover stuff was him, because the fact that he's famous and always followed by paparazzi and his fans (i guess).

I walked very carefully as i reached the elevator. I pressed the down button. When the elevator has arrived i walked in. There was nobody inside. Phew! I was safe. No sign of GD so far. I finally did my exhale. It really felt good to survive. I opened my phone and checked on Dara's text messages. Yep, she was still very shock about last night. She couldn't stop asking me about how the hell did G-Dragon could be in her house and how the hell did G-Dragon know me. This conversation was over last night but she couldn't believe me when i explained to her about everything. Yeah she's definitely jealous, HA. 

I decided to reply her text later when my situation is a bit safe. Right now i still had a mission to do. I opened my twitter and my timeline was already filled with Dara's tweets about Big Bang. I was already used to it, i didn't really care. Somehow, looking at their concert pictures were also fun. I mean, if somebody asks me my favorite in Big Bang..I gotta say it's TOP. He was super hot, especially the fact that he never took off his shirt made him seemed a bit like the kind of mysterious guy. I liked it. 

I kept scrolling my timeline. Honestly, I did wish Dongwook's name would appear and tweet something about me. Like if he apologized or felt sorry about our breakup but i didn't find a thing. I typed his username on the search bar. I wanted to know if he tweeted something about me yesterday. Just then, the elevator was opened. I did see a figure of a man in front of me when i walked out but i didn't see his face. I was busy checking Dongwook's twitter. BUT, i recognized the smell of that man. His perfume, he reminded me of someone. 

I kept walking towards the entrance door as i pretended busy with my phone. I walked faster. I just hoped that guy didn't recognize me. I really hoped so. My heart was beating fast. I didn't really put my attention on the phone cause the screen already turned black. I just lowed down my head, avoiding everything in the lobby that morning. 

I finally passed the entrance door as i headed to the bus stop nearby. But then, someone's hand tapped my shoulder. No, don't say it is..

"Good morning Bom" 

That voice spoke slowly and softly. It made me feel guilty somehow. Damn, he caught me. I turned around to see his face. And yeah, i guess my mission has failed. I stared at him in a while as i faked a smile. 

"I hope you didn't forget about our conversation last night." He said.

He leaned closer to me. He put his lips close to my face. When someone experienced this, of course they would think that it led to that kind of thing. If you know what i mean. I closed my eyes. I just didn't want to know what's gonna happen next. I was just too afraid to know. 

"When i say i won't let you escape this time, i really meant it." he whispered through my ears softly. 

I opened my eyes right after. He stood back straightly in front of me with a smile on his face. 

I was a little bit disappointed though. Somehow i wanted him to stay close to me. Oh god. Suddenly, i forgot how to breathe. Nice one GD, nice one. Maybe this was one of his tricks to shut those fangirls down. Because it worked really well for me. I slowly felt like my body was about to fall down. But he grabbed my arm and dragged me before i could even move. It was just GD, think about if it was TOP who smiled at me that way. I shook my head afterwards. What did i think about? Bommie! Keep your mind straight!

He dragged me to a huge black van. He opened the door and was about to threw me inside "Y-Ya! I have classes today! You can't do this, it's the same as kidnapping!" He stopped right away. Geez what am i saying?! Kidnapping? Nice one Bom. 

"I'll make sure this kind of kidnapping will be interesting for you" 

He then pushed me a little bit inside the van. I had no choice but to get in. He sat right next to me and i could see a suitcase and a backpack on the back seat. The van was driven by a driver. Seemed to be his driver. But why did he use a van and a driver? Why didn't he drive his own car? I enjoyed being inside his expensive car though. Taking a little advantage in such an unexepected moment. 

I saw him typing something on his phone. Looked like he was sending a text message. He wore a black tshirt and a bit of accesories. So casual. Too casual for a fashion icon like him. Where are we going anyway? I looked back at the suitcase and the backpack. 

"W-Where are we going?" I asked him right away. But he didn't answer.

He kept his eyes on his phone and just type. Maybe he was busy at that time. I didn't really wanted to bother him so i looked away outside the window. I opened my phone again. The black screen turned into Dongwook's twitter account. I saw his profile picture and his header. The profile picture was still the same. It was his selca with him wearing sunglasses. But the header. 5 days ago, it was still our picture. A picture of me and him doing aegyo. But he changed it. It made me feel sad. Like, really sad. I felt like crying. But i knew if i cry, GD would probably yell at me again. So i scrolled down to his tweets. He didn't tweet since 3 days ago. I felt upset. I couldn't help anymore. My tears began to fall but i wiped it quickly before GD saw it. I put back my phone into my bag and stared outside the window again. 




What is this?





"Ya! GD!  Where are we going?!" I yelled at him immediately as i took a glance at him when i found out where we were. 

"I told you i will make this interesting" He smiled at me again as he put his phone in his pocket. "Oh, and please call me Jiyong. Okay?" Jiyong? His real name? Oh lord what's happening? 

He put on his black cap. He was getting ready as the van stopped. I was panick. Well who doesn't?! We were at the airport. Aissh! Where was he taking me?! I didn't bring any clothes! The only thing i brought was my phone, wallet, charger, makeup, notebook, brush and my perfume! I didn't even bring my passport! The door was opened. mean Jiyong was already standing outside carrying his suitcase and backpack.

"Are you coming or not?" He asked me.

I really didn't know what's happening or where was he taking me. Why did my life has to end this way oh lord! 

"Ya! Where are we going?!" I asked him before i walked out. My right feet was already stepping on the ground while my left feet was still inside the van. 

"We're going to Jeju Island" 











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Hi authornim! A new reader here ^^ i hope u wont abandon this great story and will able to update someday soon. Hwaiting <3
bommiejjang #2
Chapter 9: Omg! The story was great. Update please ^^
jessYG #3
Chapter 9: Ah !! Bom disappeared ?! I hope Jiyong will find her soon !! thanks for the update and can't wait for the next chapter !! : D
abmntrvip #4
Chapter 9: love it!!! update soon~ can't wait ><
joyskey #5
Chapter 9: thanks for updating author-nim (= but where did Bom go? Jiyong find her )=
WHERE DID BOM GO?!?! and what is this with allkpop??? update soon >.<
i voted this up, this is so adorable! i love how this story flows :) update soon!
Chapter 8: last statement >> "I couldn't help but smile"
and so do I!! kekekekeke XD
can't wait for ur next update.. ><
Chapter 8: So sweet story..
I really like it..
I don't have enough patienty to know how will jiyong do to bom tomorrow..

So, please make the chapter soon authornim.. Kekeke
Chapter 8: *.*
I think I should replace Bom there. I for sure will try all the clothes so GD can say that I'm beautiful kekekekekeke

I bet Dara will kill Bom when she knew that Bom went to Jeju with GD!! Poor Dara wkwkwkwkwkwk

Thanks for the update!! Next ... Next ...