Final day

Broadcast yourself


It's early in the morning when Junhong lets the hotel room door fall into it's lock for the last time.

The sound it makes as it clicks in has a sense of finality that he can't yet accept.

Yongguk is right there behind the door, Junhong's backpack tossed over one shoulder as he smiles at the boy.


“You sure you got everything?” he asks and Junhong nods.

Yongguk offers his hand and Junhong slips his fingers onto his soft palm, linking them with Yongguk's as they've done so many times before.

Right now, he doesn't care that they've only known each other for 5 days, he just wants to feel close to the older rapper before he needs to let go for an uncertain amount of time.


Yongguk doesn't let go of his hand as they head over to the train station, only withdraws his hand to shift the gears when necessary and Junhong feels like the elder drives relatively slow, protracting the moment and minimizing the times he has to let go of Junhong.

They don't talk at all but Junhong feels like they don't need too, the low rumble of the engine is the only sound but it's soothing in an odd kind of way.


Junhong has not quite understood yet that he won't be around in a couple of minutes because everything feels just so normal but somewhere deep inside he knows that he won't go back to the studio any time soon , he won't be able to see Yongguk or the others when he wants to, but he doesn't want to think about it.

It seems too unreal, he just feels at home too much here.


Junhong, too soon, finds himself standing on the platform surrounded by a bunch of amazing people as he's waiting for his train to arrive.

Compared to his arrival in Seoul, his departure is much more lively.

It's weird but in a great kind of way that he's not waiting for his train alone.

Everyone has gathered to bid him farewell, - only until the next time- as Himchan keeps repeating while trying to hide the tears that keep welling up in his eyes.

Daehyun looks very tired, the bags underneath his eyes have grown twice their size and by the way he leans into an equally sleep-deprived Youngjae to support himself on his legs Junhong thinks that they probably had an all-nighter after the others left the vocal couple alone last night.

It doesn't keep Daehyun from nagging at Himchan for being overly sentimental though and it draws a smile to Junhong's lips just to watch them.

He watches as Youngjae slips his hand into the pocket of Daehyun's coat and his teeth chatter as he tells the older vocalist to shut the hell up.

Yongguk chuckles and Junhong drowns in the deep, rumbling sound.

He hasn't found the guts to really look at the elder rapper since he picked him up at the hotel.

Junhong clung to his hand until the moment the others came into sight but his eyes never managed to rest on Yongguk's face for more than a second or two.

He just can't look at him and note all these tiny details that he will miss once he boards the train.


Junhong feels like only a couple of minutes have passed since they set foot on the platform but the train arrival is already announced over the speakers and Himchan is the first to throw his arms around Junhong's neck.

The dark haired boy is squeezing him so tightly that it presses the air out of Junhong's lungs, he pats Himchan on the back and promises over and over again that they will meet again.

The elder only lets go after Junhong promises to hand Himchan's phone number to Jongup and ask the boy to give him a call as well, Junhong is not sure what Jongup is going to think about that but he promises anyway and finally Himchan lets go.


Daehyun is next, giving him a quick squeeze and a brotherly pat on the back before Youngjae steps up to him and ruffles his hair with a broad grin on his face.


“These idiots will miss you,” he says, referring to all of them and Junhong chuckles.

Himchan comes clinging to his arm once more and tells him to have a safe trip and call as soon as he gets back home.

Junhong promises to do that as well, not looking at Himchan as he speaks but finally letting his eyes drift to the handsome rapper he once simply admired and so quickly grew fond of.


He feels bad for wanting to push Himchan away but time is running out and he wants to properly say good bye to Yongguk.

The train rolls in and doors open and Junhong feel how his heart sinks because this is final.

Yongguk is the one who pushes Himchan away then and wraps his arms around Junhong's form, holding him tightly against his chest and breathing in the scent of his shampoo.


“I'm glad you entered that contest,” he murmurs and Junhong inhales deeply before responding.

“I'm glad you wanted to work with me,” he says even though that's not even close to all the things he wants to thank Yongguk for.


The speakers announce that it's time for boarding and Junhong presses his palms flat against Yongguk's back, drawing him in a little closer before reluctantly letting go.

They lock eyes for a moment and Junhong blinks at the elder as he rolls his bottom lip between his teeth.


“Oh god, Bang! Just kiss him!” Himchan groans from the side and Yongguk blushes the deepest shade of red Junhong has ever spotted on the other's cheeks.

Daehyun and Youngjae simply exchange a quick glance, eyebrows knitted and shoulders shrugging but remain silent as they watch their friend ponder on his next action.


Junhong blinks at Yongguk, his cheeks feel warm as well as he shyly smiles at the elder.

“It's ok hyung,” he says even though he really wants to feel Yongguk's lips against his right now but the train is leaving in a couple of seconds and he knows he's got to hurry.

Yongguk looks at him, Junhong isn't sure what to make of his expression but the next thing he knows is the feeling of a soft palm in the back of his neck and pillow lips pressing against his own.

“Have a safe trip,” the rapper murmurs against his lips and Junhong can hear Himchan's approving hum in the background.

“Good bye,” Junhong breathes and he can taste Yongguk on his lips as he speaks.

The elder nods, smiles at him and pats his head affectionately.

“Good bye, Junhong,” he murmurs and then he steps back and Junhong grabs his backpack off the ground and waves to the remaining three friends before heading into the wagon.

He doesn't look out of the window as he takes a seat and the train starts moving.

Junhong doesn't feel like looking at Yongguk again because he might just pull the emergency break if he catches a glimpse of his full lips, dark eyes and gummy smile once more.




Junhong is on the train for a good while already when his phone chimes.

The caller ID says -Jepp Blackman- and Junhong's pulse starts to rage with excitement.

He accepts the call but doesn't even get to say anything before a voice draws through the receiver.


"I think you forgot something at the studio," Yongguk says and Junhong bites his bottom lip because the rapper's voice sounds cool and distant as he speaks.

"We need to talk about it..." the elder states in a low and serious voice and Junhong's heart beats out of his chest, a cold shiver running down his spine.

Yongguk doesn't sound happy at all and Junhong's heart sinks, his lungs deny to let air pass and he starts to believe leaving his notebooks at the studio together with Yongguk's own may has been a step to far, a certain line crossed that shouldn't be crossed at all.

"I'm sorry hyung...I..." Junhong tries to explain but doesn't get to finish his sentence because there's a little snicker that makes him halt his words.

"You can't just leave potential like that on my desk and expect me to ignore it," the elder says and Junhong can almost hear the way Yongguk's lips stretch into a smile.


A breathe Junhong wasn't aware of holding inside his lungs leaves his lips and he blinks in slight confusion, the tension in his chest slowly dissolving.

"Potential?" he asks rather quietly and Yongguk hums.

"I've read it...all of the notes you left behind. I've read them."

Junhong swallows, that would make a whole of 3 handwritten notebooks filled with Junhong's brain vomit read in merely 2 hours.

"You have?" he asks tentatively and Yongguk hums again.

"Yeah..." he says and suddenly the excitement is back crawling though Junhong's veins, he's certain his cheeks are burning as he pats the side of his backpack where he's hidden the papers he previously ripped from his notebooks.

" think it's good?" he asks quietly and Yongguk's voice if firm and definite when he answers.

"It's more than that, Junhong."

The sound of Yongguk's voice as he says it shows that he means every word.

"I want to work on them with you...make your own mix tape, not just a feature."

There's a short pause in which Junhong doesn't quite know how to respond and Yongguk fights with himself whether to voice his next words.

"And besides...I just want to see you again..."

The last sentence is spoken quietly, so quietly that Junhong barely hears it but what he does hear is Himchan's singing voice in the background -Jepp and Zelo sitting on a tree k-i-s-s-i-ouch!-.

Junhong isn't sure what caused Himchan's singing to stop but he's sure it's Yongguk's doing and he giggles a little, despite the embarrassing tint that crawls onto his cheeks.

"What do you say?" the elder asks through the phone and Junhong wonders if he still hasn't figured that his answer will always be the same.


"I'd love to."








a/n: I'm sorry folks! I know I'm leaving you with a majorly evil cliffhanger...I've had it planned this way from the start and even though I feel bad for leaving it like this I hope you just take it as an opportunity to come up with your own answers to any questions that might arise in your head now that it's over.
I do have my answers and I hope you come up with your own versions (might as well let me know about them if you feel like it) I know I left you all hanging for a long time but I still hope you enjoyed the read.


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Chapter 7: This was so bittersweet! Junhong leaving everyone, especially Yongguk. HA! Himchan weaselling Jongup's phone number out of Junhong! That was brave of Junhong! Leaving his notes for Yongguk to read. I felt that this was the perfect ending to the story. It wasn't sad because there was so much promise of more to come! Thanks for all the hard work you've put into this! I really, really, really enjoyed this!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: Wow! I've only recently come back on this site and I've realized I had all these stories I never finished commenting on! I'd forgotten how amazing your writing is and how much I enjoy it!

The beginning of this was great with the cuddling they are doing! Awww! When Yongguk puts his hand on Junhong's in the car! Himchan is just as funny as usual! And Himchan being Jongup's stalker! HAHAHHAHHAHAHA! I really like all of them being together like this! Well, almost everyone! That kiss at the end was so great! Thanks for this!
It's so cute!!! My favorite banglo! I need sequel... So pls
Yocaterpillar #4
Chapter 7: OMG SEQUEL PLEEEEASE. This is too cute <3
Chapter 7: This is seriously wonderful!! I couldn't stop smiling and squeeing the entire time I read through it. I was amused by the characters and their interactions, or frantic over the building tension between Yongguk and Junhong, or reduced to a pile of mush and butterflies. Just wonderful. Thank you.
Chapter 7: This was so amazing! I really really liked this!!
Chapter 5: I really liked this. It was so cute of Junhong to be thinking of Yongguk and how he replays memories, touches, etc in his mind. I find it really adorable that he can be so shy and blushy. Breakfast was so nice to read. I like that even if Junhong started off rough when he started to rap. It came together for him. This whole chapter just flowed beautifully together. My favorite part here has to be the ending! More kisses and I love how soft and sweet it is. The affection that Yongguk bestows on Junhong. I really like how it ends with them cuddling. <3 So awesome!
analeigh #8
Chapter 7: This is my first time reading a story for this pairing and omg I just loved this so much ;-; I wasn't expecting to feel so many different emotions as I read this (mostly i was just squealing though). And I usually don't like open endings but somehow this one fit so perfectly. This whole fic was just so lovely~
Chapter 7: Amazing. Period.