
Magically in Love
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Eunjae looked around to see where she was.

And it’s definitely not next to a huge plant in the mansion.

“Angel! Ah bwoya?!” She huffed. She was still in her home clothes, meaning to say in her PJs.

She found a huge mall near her, and she went inside. She tried to find the directory.

“Coex Mall,” she muttered to herself as she read the board.

She scratched her head. “Hmm, not that far from home then.”

Eunjae was walking around and found a nearby coffee shop. She found a table at the corner where there were tons of books.

Seriously? Another corner with books?

She sighed. “I guess I have to stay here, until Angel goes back to her… Angel self.”

She grabbed a random book on the shelf and started reading. Her stomach started to growl only after five minutes.

Eunjae pouted at her stomach. “Do I even have money?”

She dug through her pajama pockets. She found 10,000 won. She smiled to herself.

She walked to the cash register. There was a guy in front of her with black hair that was gelled up.

“That would be 5,000 won,” the cashier said.

The guy handed her his cash.

“Your name please?”

“I’m Park Chanyeol,” he grinned. The cashier wrote his name on his cup.

Eunjae’s ears perked up. “Chanyeol? I heard that name before,” she spoke her thoughts.

“Excuse me?” The guy turned around. Let me describe… W H O A cute! But his voice totally does not suit his face.

“I-uh… your name is familiar,” she spoke. She had to look up because he was pretty tall.

He grinned at her and started to say his name over and over again. “PARK CHANYEOL, CHANYEOL, CHANYEOL, CHANYEOLIE, DOES IT RING A BELL TO YOU?”

Eunjae bit her lip. She couldn’t think straight since the boy kept saying his name cutely.

“If you’re a guy who sang three little bears, then you’re probably that Chanyeol,” she stated.

Chanyeol looked at her with wide eyes. “Three Little Bears?”

Eunjae nodded. “Ah, never mind. Sorry to bother you, Chanyeol-sshi.”

He stopped her. “I feel like I know you too.”

She chuckled nervously. “No, you’re probably the wrong Chanyeol.”

She started to order her food and walked away once the cashier took her name.

He followed her. “I know for a fact, when I was a little kid I used to sing Three Little Bears a lot. And I sang to a girl I didn’t even know. She was lying on her bed, and she was crying,” he scratched her head. “And her name was Shin Eunjae.”

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Chapter 48: I take back my previous comment.. I love u now! Thank u for an amazing story ^-^
maistorysince1996 #3
Chapter 24: Oh em gee Baekyeol xDxD 'wish i could be part of your world' XDXDXDXD I CANNOT!!!
Chapter 49: I like this story likes doraemon my favouritr cartoon when i was young until now
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 51: This is such a good story, so I'm looking forward to the sequel!!!! :D
Chapter 48: Aww it was a cute story. Gave me fluffy feels ;3
Chapter 38: Xifu can mean wife too. Lol perfect for Lulu.
Chapter 28: Maaann. I knew it was going to be Chanyeol.
Chapter 11: Mr. Luhan-ssi is repetive lol. Luhan-ssi itself already means Mr. Luhan :) and I'm sure at the end he was referring to her, not the book. Onto the next chapter to find out!
xobabysky #10
Chapter 48: Your fic was cute!