Chapter 23

Break Those Walls

"Appa, I'm going to the old folks' home today." Myungsoo informed his father, deciding that it's time to put a stop to his everyday-rot-at-home days. Since the elderly enjoyed his company, he might as well spend time with them. Mr Kim never saw Myungsoo that happy or excited for a long time. His father insisted to drop him off, although it was only a ten minute walk.

Mr Kim would do anything to make up for what happened last night.

"Jaehyun ah, what happened to your shin?" Lady Kim questioned worriedly. Jaehyun smiled and reassured her, her mind floating back to when Myungsoo was tenderly treating her wound and how she kicked him in the face in return. Argh I'm so annoying, she chided herself.

A white car screeched outside the folks' home and Mr Kim got out sending her son off. Lady Kim who was always staring out of the window stared agape. Not at Myungsoo but at Mr Kim.

"Kim Moon Jung?" Her lips trembled slightly as she fixed her gaze on her husband. He didn't change after so many years, just alot older, more tired and shorter. She saw Mr Kim bade Myungsoo goodbye and drove off. Lady Kim's eyes never leaving the car until it disappeared. Her eyes shot back to Myungsoo, realizing it was Jaehyun's student who performed previously. She held her raging thoughts within her, hoping for some time alone later with Myungsoo and Jaehyun.

The elderly were on cloud nine when they saw Myungsoo. Myungsoo had a guitar strapped to his back and strummed a melodious song. The elderly clapped along as Lady Kim secretly admired him from the back, swaying to the tune she was so familiar with. Jaehyun stared at Myungsoo's eyes when he sang, it was perfectly brown and emotions could drown her anytime. She swooned at his passion and hummed to the tune.

The day went on, Myungsoo and Jaehyun had to insist that they were not an item although Myungsoo ragingly wanted to declare her as his. Tea break was over and it was time for the elderly to return back to their beds while the dining hall is being cleaned up. Lady Kim remained still gazing at the duo. Jaehyun noticed Lady Kim was still there and hurriedly rushed over to ask if anything's wrong.

"I want to talk to Myungsoo..." Lady Kim's eyes were starting to fill and Jaehyun hurriedly called Myungsoo. Myungsoo burst back to the dining hall with a mop in a hand and a rag in another. He raised a questioning brow at Jaehyun and Lady Kim motioned him to come to her.

"Myungsoo ah.... Myungie.... You have grown so much." Lady Kim trailed her fingers down his face as Jaehyun watched on confusedly. Myungsoo jumped out of shock. Only his real mother called him 'Myungie' and they sprang into a heated conversation.

"UMMA" Myungsoo pranced into Lady Kim's embrace and bawled like a kid. How long had he wished for such a moment? 12 ing years. He sobbed uncontrollably into her arms as Lady Kim sang the lullaby that she sang during bedtime for Myungsoo when he was young. She patted her back and Jaehyun rushed to offer tissue for Myungsoo. Myungsoo called his father to renounce the good news, but his reply was unexpected.

"SHUT UP MYUNGSOO SHE'S DEAD DON'T YOU SPEAK RUBBISH LIKE THAT." He bellowed into the phone. Hurt and anger was in his tone. Mr Kim remembered dealing with Myungsoo's fits when he was young. He had always claimed to see his mother when he was ten, leaving Mr Kim so frustrated and tired. Don't tell me it's going to happen again, he sighed to himself.

"Mum, I will take you home to meet him." Myungsoo calmly stated while pushing her wheelchair out of the folks' home. Jaehyun went to the reception counter to approve Lady Kim's leave and followed behind them behind. Jaehyun was heartened by the scene; she knew how badly Myungsoo missed his mother.

Lady Kim's jaws dropped when she saw Ms Park in the house.

"Who's she?" Lady Kim questioned. Ms Park was too shocked to see Lady Kim.

"Umma, she is Ms Park, Appa's new wife." Myungsoo spoke cautiously; he knew how hurt his mother would be to see his father marrying another woman. But before any insults were hurled, Mr Kim stood into the house.

"What the-" He was cut off by Lady Kim's gasp. Her husband, still as dazzling to her, despite the white tuft of hair not properly dyed black, the wrinkles that start to form. They hugged and reunited, tears streaming down. Ms Park stomped away, seething in jealousy and anger.

"I thought she was dead."

"Umma I need to send Jaehyun home." Myungsoo beamed genuinely. Lady Kim nodded and Jaehyun waved goodbye. The driver dropped them off at her house and Myungsoo could hear the faint sounds of Jaehyun's parents shouting for Jong Jae to sleep.

"Thanks." Myungsoo shyly murmured. Jaehyun looked at him puzzled.

"For your 1000 paper cranes." He finished, blushing mad. Jaehyun grinned brightly, as she expected, the 1000 paper cranes meant so much to Myungsoo. He held on faithfully to that wish. She was about to wave it off when Myungsoo's lips crashed on hers.

His thumb was gently grazing the corner of her lips as he planted his lips on hers. It was sweet and enjoyable. Jaehyun pulled behind and her face turned red. Myungsoo smirked and tucked her hair behind her ears before waving goodbye.

Wishes do come true huh.

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Chapter 42: Cute....♥️♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 36: Ohhh. Onew there...
Chapter 23: Cute kiss...:*
Chapter 17: Its not weird . Its cute gif
Chapter 16: Awww cute..:*
Chapter 12: Its painful...TT
Chapter 3: Ahhh. How can he slap him.. he is his child...
otoke2608 #8
It's good (y)
KMS_Min #9
Chapter 43: A sequel please ?!! About their married life. I want them to have a Baby :-)
Chapter 43: I read it from 6 till 9 in the morning and this story really good :)