Chapter 21

Break Those Walls

"The moment I first saw you, my head spun and time stopped

Whether it’s green light or red light, I can’t see

I don’t need anything else

My heart is just going toward you~"


Jaehyun beamed happily as she made her way home. The streets were empty and the sun was setting, spreading splendour of yellow and orange across the sky. She couldn't wait to get home and have dinner.




Jaehyun saw a black shiny car speeding towards her. 

She froze on the spot; fear took over her soul and heart raced a million times faster. Just when the car was about to hit her, it swerve sharply to the side and collided into a lamp post. Jaehyun snapped out of herself and composed herself. She rushed over to the driver. It was a mild collision but the boot of the car bent at the impact. The driver was fine.


"Sorry... Sorry I was using my phone..." He slurred and bowed repeatedly to Jaehyun. Jaehyun kept questioning his welfare but he was alright. The airbag and seat belt saved his life. They called for towing service and Jaehyun offered to ride him home with her father's car but he politely declined.


"Sorry...Sorry..." He murmured, walking 100 metres away from Jaehyun as Jaehyun watched on him worriedly.



A/n: *suspicious looking guy alert* Sorry that my descriptive writing isn't that good blah xP anyway, lyrics cr. :))) 

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Chapter 42: Cute....♥️♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 36: Ohhh. Onew there...
Chapter 23: Cute kiss...:*
Chapter 17: Its not weird . Its cute gif
Chapter 16: Awww cute..:*
Chapter 12: Its painful...TT
Chapter 3: Ahhh. How can he slap him.. he is his child...
otoke2608 #8
It's good (y)
KMS_Min #9
Chapter 43: A sequel please ?!! About their married life. I want them to have a Baby :-)
Chapter 43: I read it from 6 till 9 in the morning and this story really good :)