Don't Go (Special)

Don't Go

One week before…

            “Oppa, what is wrong with her? We were just dancing and drinking. If we are not doing that, why are we going to the club? Like a stupid person.”

            “Ya! Don’t you dare say such thing about Hae Jin. She is definitely 100% different than you,” shouts Oppa.

            “Oppa, do you not see my heart? Oppa, I like you,” I confess.

            “Okay, do you like me? Then do this for me, just leave my heart for Hae Jin. I got no time left.” He trembles. The first time he trembles. I am flustered by the view I am seeing, although it breaks my heart. I feel sympathetic for Oppa but I don’t understand what time is he talking about.

            “What do you mean no time? What time?”

            “I am having cancer operation in a week and half.”

            “What? You must be kidding me.”

            “You don’t believe me, I’ll take you to the hospital with me.”


            “Excuse me, can I have my record? My name is Byun Baek Hyun. I came to check because I just recently move houses and I haven’t packed it out.”

            “Ah, yes. Baek Hyun-ssi please wait for awhile,” the nurse says. He seems to know Oppa very well. Is it true? No, I don’t want to believe it.    

            “Here you go,” the nurse came back with a bunch of files. I look at them and they were filled with CT scan, X-rays, and all the prescription he took for four years. I see how his progress has been speeding and it is spreading all over his body. I throw the files away.

            Baek Hyun stares at me, sincerely he kneel down to me. “Please help me, be a reason for me so that I can go to the hospital without telling Hae Jin,” he begs. Tears are rolling down his face.


His first promise

            “Hae Jin-a, why are you crying again,” he asks.

            “Those middle schoolers, he is trying steal my pocket money,” she answers while crying. Her hands has been trembling hard. She keeps on biting her nails, so he gets angry at the middle schoolers and confront them without thinking.

            “Ya! Why do you make my friend cry?” he shouts. Those three big middle schoolers looks at him in disgust. “Ah, so this is what they called elementary love lines. Ya! I will be nice to you, just go!” and they spit on him. So, he tries to punch them, but as his body is too small for fighting big middle schoolers, he gets beaten up really bad which cause that little girl to cry more harder.

            The boy approach her and pats her back. He said, “Don’t cry again. If you keep on crying who will marry you. You will have big panda eyes and no prince will marry you just like you wishes.”

            She cries harder, “Aren’t you being too mean? If any prince wouldn’t want to marry me, then who will marry me?” He hit his head out of stupidity. He thinks of a way to stop her crying so he finally answers, “Araseo, araseo~ If no prince is going to marry you, I promise I will marry you...”



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Chapter 3: Yes! Happy ending C:
Chapter 1: Awww. What? Is Baekhyun going to die? :c
Seems Interesting! keep writing author-nim!! Would you mind checking out my fanfic? sorry for advertising :DD