Girls & Problem's Arrival Part 3

Scrap Teacher Special !

~Sugi sensei's PoV~


:Faculty Room:

I am doing a review on the previous grades of 3-b class. Takasu Hisakimi sensei stop in front of my desk smiling. "Why? If it's about you x rated...", before ended up my sentence he stop me by covering my mouth with his hands

"Stop..stop.. That's not it..", he whispered and like panicking. Then he fixed his eyeglasses. "It's about your new students.. The three girls.."

"What about them?"

"Etooo...", before Hisakimi sensei finishes his confused sentence..

"Hisakimi sensei!! Come here!!", Yuko sensei interrupt. He doesn't continue what he's saying and go to Yuko sensei.

Hmmm.. I mouthed. What was that?

A seconds past when I resume what I'm doing someone caught the attention of all the faculty teachers and also me.

It's Kusaka kun, his catching his breath after running.

"Oh! What are you doing? You shouldn't be running in the corridor!", Akimi sensei said carrying lots of paper.

"Sorry! Ahm Sugi sensei.."

"Whaat?!!", i shout "Momo san's trap in the girl's locker room?!"

I hurridly run with Kusaka kun at the dark corridor and found the girl's locker room indeed lock. I try to call Momo san.

"Momo san! Here's Sugi sensei!", Kusaka said at the close door.

"Momo san! Are you O.K.?", i ask while knocking on the door.

"Sugi sensei! Help me! I'm trap here at the shower room!"

"Why can't you get out?"

"There's a lot of cockroach here!!"

"Eeehh??", I said while backing of my face at the door.

Suddenly, I hear some door steps. They're coming to us. It's Takasugi, Yoshida and Irie kun. They stop in front of us and as usual  they all look serious.

"Woi!", Takasugi nod "What's happening here?", he talk so cool.

"Momo chan is inside, she's trap! And there's a lot of cockroach inside.", said Kusaka kun.

"Hey can you do something?", I ask bumping my hands to Takasugi kun's shoulder.

"Clumsy!", he said moving my hands off.


"Excuse us!", he said.

Kusaka and I move aside. The three move forward a little and Takasugi look the two beside him and look infront at the door.

"Aahh!!! Please Help me!!", Momo chan's shout.

"Takasugi kun, we need to get in..", whisper Yoshida. Takasugi just nodded.

~Thea's PoV~

As we hid and listen to the commotion. I know what to do, it's time to help Takasugi. He's scared of cockroaches. "Girls, you know what to do!", i whisper.

"Hai!!", Mina and Mai whisper.

We walk towards them, horizontally align like the three. I see Takasugi will try to push the door. "Yamete (Stop)!", I shout and see Takasugi stop in his position getting ready to push the door. We stop and see everyone staring at us like there wondering. "What are you doing.. Is it the girl's locker room, right?", I ask innocently.

"Aah, right.", Takasugi said standing and fixing up himself.

"Sumimasen (Excuse us)!", Mai chan said. They move aside and we move forward in where there place is.

I look at the he's in our right where they moved,"This is the girl's room, this is a girls job..", I look at the close door,"..Girls.", I said.

"Hai!!", Mina and Mai said then kicked the door. It opens and lots of dust fogs the entrance of the room.

~Your PoV~

As the three enters the dusty room they close the door..................


............I open the door of the shower room.

"Thea san! Momo chan's fell asleep!", gasp Mai.

"Carry her!", I hurridly told Mai. I turn to Mina.

"Here's the host! What will i do?", she said carrying the host.

I turn to Mai,"Mai chan get out yourself and Momo chan their, go to the door!", I said then hurriedly run to Mina chan and get the tip of the host, "Mina put the end of the host in the fossett then open the little windows their.", I'm referring to the little drainer that looks like a window where the water in the shower supposed to drain.

Mina chan open the little windows and open the fossett to max. I told Mina chan to help me grab the tip of the host about two inches in diameter. The current is now coming out. As the water rapidly out of the host, We turn the host left to right continuously to where those cockroaches is. They scattered, push by the water and out of the room into the drainer.

~Your PoV~

After the amazing rescue of Momo, they found out that Momo chan open an old locker to get a napkin for a serious reason. .......



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