Chapter 2

What's so wrong with being gay?

Key’s POV~

I rest slightly on that one tree, trying to remember how I grew to love Jonghyun. His always messed up hair, his angelic smile, his shy side, his scary side, his everything. It allured me. His unique scent…of that one cologne I couldn’t exactly point my finger at.

But he didn’t love me. And I now had to live with the fear that maybe my secret could be revealed.

Taemin was always there for me. I had to admit, I wasn’t always the mother in this relationship. And Onew never once left my side, other than for Minho. They were good friends after all. But Minho…he could be the devil. People thought he was one of those kind, quiet men who went with the flow. But no. That wasn’t it at all.  He was one to spread rumors and disrupt all piece whenever he wanted to. If someone went against him, or stood up to themselves, that person’s life would turn into a living hell. The Flaming Charisma was feared by all, as he was born from a prestigious family.


I ignored the cursed voice.


I felt something hard knock me over.

“WHAT?” I screamed and pushed him off of me.

He scoffed. “Geez. Someone’s on their period.”

“Hey hyung.”



Taemin’s voice. Oops…Onew fell. And then the unmistakable Kim Jonghyun.

I gave him a slight smile and turned my attention towards the school bell. Damn it. Lunch was over. I blew my bangs off my face and sighed, stretching out my arms. Taemin groaned, but obeyed my wishes, pulling me up from my sitting position. I smiled gratefully. “Thanks”

“Anytime umma, Anytime.”

I head off to class, alone, trying to avoid any contact with Jonghyun, if that was possible. But it wasn’t. He continues to follow me all the way towards class, even though he was supposed to be in a totally different building.

“Hyung. Why are you following me?” I finally ask, avoiding his curious gaze.

“I just wanted to talk you to class.”

“Oh.” I thought he was going to confess.

I was greeted by a good friend of mine.

“Hey Key!”

“Hey Ryeowook.”

We settle in our seats, waiting for the teacher to enter the room.

“Hey. Key. Don’t get mad at Minho, okay?”


“He told me your secret.”


“About you liking Jonghyun.”

I gasped. “What. The. Hell.”

“Yea. But don’t worry, okay? he told me he wouldn’t tell anybody else.”

“Mmhm. That’s exactly what I thought he’d do. But apparently I’m wrong.” I replied blankly.

He smiles sadly. “It’s okay. I think we can trust Minho with that. He wouldn’t go as low as to spill the beans, right?”

I shook my head. “He would.”

Before we further continue our conversation, Mrs. Kim stumbled in with a pile of books in hand. “Mrs. Kim, do you need help?” I ask.

She nods.

I gave her a heartwarming smile and grabbed the books from her hand, then placing it on her desk.

“Thank you Mr. Kim.”

I return to my seat.


*After Class*


I groan and stretch my arms, gathering my class items and stuffing them in my backpack. Class was a blur. I don’t think I really remembered what we learned. I exited the classroom, rushing towards my locker to put away the unnecessary load and dumping a new one into my backpack.

“Hey Kibummie~” I hear Minho coo. I ignore it and scurry towards next class. I was going to meet up with Onew.  Our whole group was there. Including Minho…and Jonghyun. I sigh and my head at the taller male. “What?”

“Let’s go to class together, man.”

“I have to meet up with Onew. I’ll see you in class.” And I leave.

I reach the tree and smile. Onew’s there, making out, (again), with yet another girl. I decide to watch it for a while. Then the bell rings again.

Onew and his girl finally take notice of me. I can see a blush creeping into their cheeks.

“Bye Kyrstal!” Onew screams and we head towards class together.

“So, Key, did you see SNSD’s new music video, Mr. Taxi?”

“I don’t watch them, Onew.” I reply. Girls’ Generation really wasn’t my thing.

He sulks. “But I love them.”

I roll my eyes and smile. “Is that all you carry in your little brain?”

He shakes his head. “I like MBLAQ!”

“Mmhm…yea sure.” I say.

We continue with our small talk, ignoring the glaring daggers being shot out from Flaming Charisma. I was just…so fed up with him. I couldn’t stand even looking at him anymore.

“Hey Key” Onew whispers as we take our seats beside each other. “Did you hear Dongwoo and SungYeol are a couple now?”


“Yeah. And guess who’s interfering?”



“That son of a .” I say. So now he’s trying to break up yet another gay couple. And they were our friends, too. How does this man live???

“Hey guys.” Jonghyun greets. But it wasn’t towards me or Onew. It was towards Donghae. I sighed. This had been going on for a while. He was becoming closer to Donghae and it felt almost as if he was…erasing my existence. I sulked in my seat.

“Onew. Get off.” I hear Minho say.

“Why?” Onew asks. “Does it really matter where we sit?”

“I can’t see the board from over there.” Minho points towards the only empty seat left.

“Neither can I.” Onew responds.

I frown. “I want Onew to sit next to me, Minho.”

“No!” he almost yells. He kicks the back of Onew’s head and pushes him off, seating himself besides me.

Onew grumbles, placing himself and his books besides Taemin.

I feel like throwing up as Minho closes in on me, his disgusting breath against my skin. “Key. Don’t you think Onew is acting a bit harsh? I mean geez. I’ve been sitting here this whole year!”

I just nod. Best not to get trouble from the devil.

“Okay class. Please open up your books to page…….”

Again, class didn’t really mean anything to me. The only thing I was paying attention to was Jonghyun as he scribbled neatly into his notebook. He never looked back at me to give me his lovely smile. He continued to giggle and talk with his new best friend, Donghae.

I grip onto my shirt roughly, though careful not to tear the thin fabric. Why does it hurt so damn much? Why can’t Jonghyun love me the way I love him? It’s already almost summer. I won’t be able to see him anymore. And we were to graduate next year. We were going to different colleges. So little time. And he wasn’t even using it on me.

The bell rang, ending the day. I packed my book bag and headed towards the gym for basketball practice. Everyone would be there. I only joined for one reason. That’s right. Because Jonghyun would be there.

I mean, why else? I hate sports, well, other than badminton.

Minho casually swung his arm around my neck. “Key. I don’t hate you, you know. Just know this little gay-“

“Biual” I cut in.

“Okay then. Your biual ‘fest’ won’t last too long. You’ve never liked a girl for anymore than a year. You’ve always gotten over it. I know you’ll get over your crush. Plus, you have to remember Jonghyun’s straight.”

I just nod and flick his arm off. “Hey Jonghyun” I say.

He doesn’t hear me and carries on his with his chit-chat with Donghae. Yes, Donghae was in the basketball team.

*After Practice*

“See you, guys.” I say and stretch my arms out to grab my water bottle. I jug it thirstily and  wipe the sweat from my glistening fore head. I grab my book bag and the bag containing my clothes, then head out.

“YAH! KIBUM!” Jonghyun screams. I look back and he hugs me. “You forgot your daily hug.” He whispers and laughs it off. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” I exclaim playfully and hide my saddened face.

He grins and skips back to where Donghae is.

I sigh and head home on my bike. “Plus, you have to remember Jonghyun’s straight!” Minho’s words echo in my head. Yes, I KNOW HE’S STRAIGHT, ALRIGHT!

People stare at me strangely.

Did I just say that out loud? I speed up on my bike, fumble with the keys in my hand, unlock the door, and jump onto my bed.

I’ve been trying so hard not to cry. Not to cry for the man I love. But it never ends. By the time my parents are home, my pillow is soaked with my tears. I rush into the bathroom and apply my make up to cover my red eyes. Turning the knob, I put on a bright smile.

“Hey mom. Hey dad.” I shout happily.

They buy it. “Hey, son.”

I just nod with as much enthusiasm as possible and make my way towards my room again, switching on the lights, and popping myself onto my desk chair.

I turn my computer on, update my Skype status, and see a chat, I click on it.


Jjong: Hi Key~

Almighty: Hey

Jjong: Is something wrong? You seem a bit down.

Almighty: Jjong, you know I love you, right?


There was a pause.


Jjong: I love you too~

Almighty: You don’t love me the way I love you Jong

Jjong: I’m sorry

Almighty: It’s okay. As long as you’re happy, I’ll be totally fine!

Jjong: JYou’r the best best friend ever.

Almighty: I know. Anyways, I gotta go. See you!


I turn my Sony laptop off and allow the hot tears to return. I was rejected…twice.

“MOM! DAD! I’M NOT HUNGRY, OKAY! I’M TIRED! I WANNA GO TO SLEEP!” I scream from my bedroom.

“Okay honey! Love you!” my mom screams back.

I wince at the words “love you”.

Jonghyun….if only you knew.


Hey guys~

Here's an update. I'm usually more of a weekly update person, but I'm going to Hawaii for a week beginning this Saturday so yea. I may update again this week but...idk.


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Maoona #1
Chapter 10: I think Minho secretly have feelings for key
OMYG! I didn't left any comment.. but this is awesome!
Sweetboy #3
Chapter 10: Update soon author-nim ^^
#4 looks like Donghae loves Enhyuk..Soo cute~~
I wish that Jonghyun will not be anymore sooooo mean with Key
I hate Minho.He destroy the couple OnTae~!!!
Update Soon~~
P.S:I love this story >////<
Don't be so sad, Kibummie~ TT~TT
Oh my oh my oh my, I love this fanfic so much girl!!!! <3
as much as I love you :3
More updates! pleasu!!
#7 time to make Jjong jealous...
this chapter kinda made no sense...
WTF Key was NOT just about to say he loved Minho >.< Damn! Why did Key have to show up. I wish they would just accept Donghae into the group so there wouldn't be a rivalry between him and Key :/
Key LOVED Minho? How come?

Jonghyun is officially dumb...